Gender-responsive social protection and employment policies in low and middle income countries
Event Type
International workshop
Location / Date
Bonn, 21.11.2024
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), GIZ on behalf of BMZ
Gender equality has become a key objective for international organisations and policymakers. Yet, significant evidence gaps prevail on different policy design options critical to mitigate gender inequality in childhood and how they impact men and women later in life. There is a lack of understanding regarding the gender-specific consequences of familial and societal norms and their intergenerational transmission, and the ways in which gender-responsive policies in social protection and employment can challenge these norms in the long term. Existing studies often only superficially analyse gender differences, with many indicators still being aggregated at the household level, despite well-documented intra-household disparities, thereby obscuring important gender-specific insights.
To contribute to filling this gap, the workshop will discuss social protection and employment policies from a gender perspective. Papers presented at the workshop will focus on related several issues, for instance, social protection and employment policies’ different design and implementation features and their empirical effects of on gender (in)equality; underlying mechanisms for gender inequality like social and family norms or labour market segregation, as well as new approaches towards gender-disaggregated indicators and measurement.
For details, please refer to the call for papers.
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Event information
Date21.11.2024 until 22.11.2024
-- by invitation only --
Call for Papers

Gender-responsive social protection and employment policies in low and middle income countries
Extended Deadline: 30 June