
In der Reihe Studies veröffentlicht das German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) umfangreiche wissenschaftliche Studien und praxisorientierte Gutachten zu regional- und themenspezifischen Fragestellungen mit  empirischen Bezügen sowie die Berichte der Forschungsteams des IDOS-Postgraduierten-Programms. Studies können kostenlos heruntergeladen oder zum Preis von 10,00 € beim IDOS bestellt werden. Dies gilt nur für die früheren „DIE Studies“ im Buchformat. Die neu designte Reihe „IDOS Studies“ ist eine reines Onlineformat. Bitte wenden Sie sich per E-Mail oder postalisch an unsere Publikationsstelle.



Es wurden 107 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 21 bis 30 von 107.

  1. Die Global Governance-Qualität der internationalen Aid Effectiveness Agenda: eine theoretische Analyse und Bewertung der Systemreform der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
    Die Global Governance-Qualität der internationalen Aid Effectiveness Agenda: eine theoretische Analyse und Bewertung der Systemreform der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

    Ashoff, Guido (2015)

    Die Studie untersucht die seit Jahren betriebene umfassende Systemreform der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, deren Wirksamkeit nachhaltig verbessert werden soll.

  2. Micro and small enterprise upgrading in the Philippines: the role of the entrepreneur, enterprise, networks and business environment
    Micro and small enterprise upgrading in the Philippines: the role of the entrepreneur, enterprise, networks and business environment

    Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée (2014)

    Using the Philippines as a country-case, this study explored the constraints and success factors to micro and small enterprise upgrading. Entrepreneurs were found to develop strategies based on a unique combination of success factors to allow them to overcome challenges to business growth.

  3. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Peru: a challenge to social inclusion and multi-level governance
    Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Peru: a challenge to social inclusion and multi-level governance

    Zelli, Fariborz / Daniela Erler / Sina Frank / Jonas Hein / Hannes Hotz / Anna-Maria Santa Cruz Melgarejo (2014)

    The emerging patchwork of REDD processes in Peru implies challenges to social inclusion and coordination. The study analyzes these challenges and discusses policy options, in particular the need for a clear legal and institutional framework that encompasses push and pull factors of deforestation.

  4. United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe
    United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe

    Fues, Thomas / Jiang Ye (eds.) (2014)

    The book reflects current thinking among scholars in China and Germany on the post-2015 global development agenda. The contributions from the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and the German Development Institute reflect differences, but also surprising convergence of perspectives.

  5. Providing international adaptation finance for vulnerable communities: a study on potentials and limits of social investment funds
    Providing international adaptation finance for vulnerable communities: a study on potentials and limits of social investment funds

    Horstmann, Britta / Günther Schulz-Heiss (2014)

    The provision of international climate finance for local adaptation needs is a key element and declared political goal of the United Nationals Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and national governments in addressing the adverse effects of climate change.

  6. Friends or foes? Interactions between Indonesia’s international investment agreements and national investment law
    Friends or foes? Interactions between Indonesia’s international investment agreements and national investment law

    Knörich, Jan / Axel Berger (2014)

    To avoid costly and far-reaching lawsuits brought by foreign investors host countries have to ensure conformity between international investment agreement and national investment law. This Study analyses Indonesia's experience in managing these complex interactions.

  7. The role of indicators in development cooperation: an overview study with a special focus on the use of key and standard indicators
    The role of indicators in development cooperation: an overview study with a special focus on the use of key and standard indicators

    Holzapfel, Sarah (2014)

    This study explores the role of indicators in development cooperation at three organisational levels: the agency level, the country level and the programme/project level. Best practices are identified and recommendations given on how to mitigate risks associated with the use of indicators.

  8. Forgotten or unpromising? The elusive phenomenon of under-aided countries, sectors and sub-national regions
    Forgotten or unpromising? The elusive phenomenon of under-aided countries, sectors and sub-national regions

    Pietschmann, Elena (2014)

    Inefficiencies in the allocation of aid risk seriously reducing its effectiveness. But how can under-aided countries, sectors, and sub-national regions be identified and who should be responsible for them?

  9. Achieving inclusive competitiveness in the emerging solar energy sector in Morocco
    Achieving inclusive competitiveness in the emerging solar energy sector in Morocco

    Vidican, Georgeta / Matthias Böhning / Gina Burger / Elisa de Siqueira Regueira / Sandra Müller / Susanne Wendt (2013)

    In light of the strong potential for solar energy in Morocco, this study assesses oppportunities for developing a competitive local industry in this emerging sector. A strong emphasis is placed on building business linkages to enhance technology transfer for harnessing technological capabilities.

  10. Micro, small and medium enterprise upgrading in India: learning from success cases
    Micro, small and medium enterprise upgrading in India: learning from success cases

    Reeg, Caroline (2013)