Sustainable Land Management - the Role of Youth in Innovation
COP16 Official Side Event
Ort / Datum
Riyadh, 09.12.2024
Michael Bruentrup and Aiveen Donnelly (IDOS), Amos Kabo-Bah (GEO LDN Flagship/University of Energy and Natural Resources), Mark Grasy (GEO LDN Secretariat/GIZ)
Agricultural land use practices largely determine the ecological status of land—both on agricultural land itself and on interlinked landscapes—which are shaped by (the absence of) innovations. A combination of low innovation adoption, stagnant agricultural productivity and an increase in land degradation are particularly accentuated in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It is widely observed that, agricultural societies are often still traditional in nature, relying on hierarchical structures. It is, however, uncontested that changes (innovations) have to occur if SSA is to achieve sustainable land management (SLM).
To ensure this, a conscious effort towards curriculum review and long-term implementation is needed for the next generation of farmers and leaders to practice land stewardship. This is central to overall economic development and critical for the support of the three Rio Conventions. Youth are increasingly more ambitious and open to innovative approaches in SLM; however, often have limited decision-making power within traditional village structures. It can be assumed that without better integrating youth into the development of innovations that support of sustainable land use, the next generation will not have the necessary options to combat land degradation.
Therefore, this jointly organized side event is to bring together youth from across our networks of civil society organizations, governmental and intergovernmental partners—such as UNCCD Land Heroes, YPARD and the GEO LDN Flagship—on how youth can be better included in agricultural innovation development and transformation in SSA which take their needs, skills, visions and ambitions into account while respecting the socio-cultural norms of African rural societies.
A postgraduate programme on SLM has been established through the GEO LDN Flagship—which is mandated by the UNCCD through the Group on Earth Observation to support the global monitoring of the SDG15.3.1.—and hosted by UENR, with the goal of supporting and transforming long-term capacity building efforts for young professionals in SLM. Complementary, a BMBF funded consortium for SLM in SSA seeks to improve livelihoods through local research. This is achieved by using theories of change, follow-the-innovation method, decision-support-systems and gender-inclusive participatory approaches. Together, we envision an interactive and participatory format to encourage free and open exchanges.
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OrtRiyadh, Saudi Arabia
IDOS at the COPS

IDOS at the Conferences of the Parties
United for the Planet
Cali, Baku, Riyadh, 21.10.2024 until 13.12.2024