Strengthening social cohesion in fragile and conflict-affected states
Ort / Datum
Bonn, 31.05.2023
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
All around the world, increasing polarization, inequalities and autocratization, among other trends, put a strain on social cohesion. In fragile and conflict-affected states, this may contribute to or trigger an escalation of violent conflict. At the same time, strengthening social cohesion can potentially help to overcome fragility, address the root cause of violence and constitutes an important conflict prevention and peacebuilding strategy. Over the past decade, donors have increasingly financed social cohesion related projects. Yet, many questions remain regarding best strategies and approaches, the effectiveness of interventions as well as how to deal with challenges. This workshop brings together practitioners, policy makers and researchers working on peacebuilding and social cohesion in fragile and conflict-affected contexts to jointly reflect and exchange on the following questions:
- What is the value added of taking a social cohesion perspective to foster peace?
- How can international development cooperation (effectively) promote social cohesion and help overcome fragility and violence?
- What role do political institutions and autocratization trends play in these contexts?
- What challenges should be expected when taking a social cohesion approach and how can they be addressed?
To this end, the workshop will combine inputs from academics and comments by practitioners to set the stage for reflections and debate with interactive sessions and group discussions. The workshop is organized in the context of IDOS’s research project “Social cohesion in Africa", which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Introduction round
Short input on definition of social cohesion (IDOS team)
Session 1: Promoting social cohesion in different contexts Interactive session with breakout groups
• Post-conflict
• Fragile
• In-conflict
Session 2: Effectiveness of interventions to (re)build social cohesion
Virtual Keynote lecture
“Interventions for building social cohesion”
- Prof. Salma Mousa (Yale University)
Commented by
- Dr. Martin Schuldes (BMZ, Head of division peace and security, disaster risk management)
Day 2
Session 3: Democratic institutions, autocratization and social cohesion Short input
What role can local elections play for social cohesion?
- Dr. Charlotte Fiedler (IDOS)
- Dr. Karina Mross (IDOS)
Democracy, autocratization and social cohesion
- Dr. Julia Leininger (IDOS)
- Dr. Daniel Nowack (IDOS)
Session 4: Pitfalls and problems when fostering social cohesion in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
Short input: Confronting dilemmas and challenges of advancing social cohesion
- Prof. Timothy Sisk (Josef Korbel School of International Studies)
- Prof. Fletcher Cox (William Jewell College):
Session 5: Future avenues for research and policy-making
Panel & fishbowl discussion
Kick-off by:
- Dr. Julia Leininger (IDOS),
- Dr. Jannie Lilja (SIPRI),
- Prof. Timothy Sisk (Josef Korbel School of International Studies)
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Datum31.05.2023 bis 01.06.2023
-- By invitation only --

Dr. Karina Mross
Senior Researcher, Research programme Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-195

Dr. Charlotte Fiedler
Senior Researcher, Research programme Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Telefon +49 (0)228 94927-296

Policy-oriented Workshop
Strengthening social cohesion in fragile and conflict-affected states