Social cohesion and transitional development assistance
Virtual Seminar
Ort / Datum
Online, 22.09.2022
World Bank, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
The Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice at the World Bank and the Social Cohesion Team at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) cordially invites you to the fourth session of the Social Cohesion Online Seminar series.
Henriette Sachse (Deputy Head of Division at the Department of Transitional Development Assistance under the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZ) and Andrew Kaiser-Tedesco (GIZ) will share results from an evidence review and learning agenda setting exercise. The evidence review covered rigorous impact evaluations on social cohesion building interventions in fragile contexts. The learning agenda exercise prioritized the most pressing research questions in social cohesion programming from TDA’s perspective. The results are relevant for all peace actors in fragile contexts.
- Present and discuss results of the studies
- Identify areas of common interest and the relevance of the gaps for other organizations active in this field
- Discuss how the answers to these questions might have far-reaching implications for peace programming.
- Henriette Sachse, Deputy Head of Division, Department of Transitional Development Assistance BMZ
- Andrew Kaiser-Tedesco, Evidence Specialist in Transitional Development Assistance, GIZ
- Nikolas Myint, Global Lead, Social Cohesion & Resilience, The World Bank
- Julia Leininger, Head of Programme: Transformation of Political (Dis)-Order, German Development Institute (IDOS)
Overall, the fourth session of the seminar series aims to highlight evidence gaps that all organisations in this field encounter and discuss the implications these have. What do we know works and what activities we do are not backed by evidence of impact? What gaps should we prioritize filling? How do can effectively we arrange processes to generate evidence on the most important questions?
We also take this opportunity to point your attention to the SoCoHub as a complementary initiative to bring the people working on social cohesion in development cooperation closer together. On the SoCo Hub website you will also find information on the next events of the series.
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Datum / Uhrzeit22.09.2022 / 15:00 - 16:15

Dr. Julia Leininger
Head of Research programme “Transformation of Political (Dis-)order”