Preparing the international development job market for the future – integrating perspectives and knowledge from recent graduates, training institutions and employers


Ort / Datum
Bonn, 24.03.2025



The international development labour market, including in Germany, is undergoing significant changes, especially at the entry level. The sector is facing significant pressure, both financially and due to the current political and public discourse. Moreover, the current international system is marked by global power shifts and systemic competition. Recent graduates are driven by different motivations than previous generations, including but not limited to concerns about work-life balance and decolonial perspectives. In addition, evolving technologies and development policies may require new skills from graduates, challenging educational institutions that offer traditional development programmes. As a result, training programmes may need to rethink how their curricula respond to a changing international system and the need for global transformation to sustainability, emphasising practical skills alongside academic rigour – while also taking into account changing expectations and space for critical discussion among students. In order to bring together the different trends, expectations and needs of all stakeholders, it is necessary to initiate discussions on the following issues: 

  • What motivates young professionals to (not) pursue a career in international development? What do they expect from their employer and their study programme? 
  • What are trends across study programmes? How have students’ expectations changed over time and how have institutions responded? What new skills and competences should be considered in the light of changes in the profession? 
  • What are the trends in the professional field, especially with regard to entry positions and young candidates? How have organisations already responded to these trends? How can organisations (and traditional jobs) become more attractive to young graduates? 

The strategic meeting, co-organised by EADI, SLE, and IDOS will bring together recent graduates, representatives of training institutions and development organisations. The workshop will include short insights from experts and engaging activities to stimulate dialogue and explore innovative solutions to address the above challenges in the development sector.


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Datum / Uhrzeit

24.03.2025 / 10:00 - 16:00


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Tulpenfeld 6
D-53113 Bonn


-- This event is by invitation only --


Photo: Dr. Simone Christ ist Sozialanthropologin und Leitung des Postgraduierten-Programms

Dr. Simone Christ
Head of the Postgraduate Programme for Sustainability Cooperation (PGP)


Phone +49 (0)228 94927-269
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130