MGG Network Days 2019
MGG Network Meeting
Ort / Datum
Bonn, 25.11.2019
MGG Programme of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
The main purpose of the MGG Network Days 2019 was to create opportunities to jointly shape and strengthen the MGG Network and to intensify the connection and bonding across MGG alumni batches. Integrated into the MGG Academy 2019, the meeting provided the opportunity and space for current MGG Academy participants and alumni of previous years to form project groups and develop concrete initiatives or MGG activities to strengthen the MGG network to be implemented within the following year.
Beyond that, the conference served the purpose to present the results from the project groups that had formed during the MGG Network Days 2018 and who had carried out their project in 2018/2019. Previous year’s participants had come up with two projects. One group had elaborated in a participatory way the MGG Network´s Identity including questions such as what is the purpose, the vision, values and competencies of of the MGG Network? What are the leverage points of the MGG Network and what is the overall vision of the Network? A second group had worked on a toolkit to gather already existing MGG mechanisms on how to implement the SDGs in policy planning processes.
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Datum25.11.2019 bis 27.11.2019

Johanna Vogel
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-263
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130