Making climate action more transparent and ambitious: lessons learned from the NDCs

Official COP24 side event

Ort / Datum
Katowice, 04.12.2018


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Free University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM-VU), Yale University, FS-UNEP Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance 

The first round of NDCs lacked sufficient ambition and clarity to provide a pathway for reaching the Paris Agreement' long term goals. Learning from past experience, the side event presents strategies for improving countries' next NDCs based on research from several upcoming academic publications.

Presentations by:

  • Niklas Hoehne (New Climate Institute)
  • Saleem Huq (ICCCAD and IIED)
  • Angel Hsu (Yale University)
  • Pieter Pauw (FS-UNEP Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance)
  • Clara Brandi (DIE)

Arunabha Ghosh (CEEW, India) will chair the session


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Datum / Uhrzeit

04.12.2018 / 16:00 - 17:30


International Congress Centre Katowice (MCK)


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Cop 24 Side Event: Making climate action more transparent and ambitious, Katowice, 4.12.2018