Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers


Ort / Datum
Bonn, 23.10.2024


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

This workshop is organised as part of the research project ‚Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers‘. As a semi-public event, it brings together colleagues from the project’s partner organisations, the Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre (Ghana), the Goa Institute of Management (India) and Gender in Detail (Ukraine). The three partner organisations have conducted studies on local feminist perspectives in their respective context with different thematic foci, being gender-transformative policies, women and health, women and climate as well as feminist movements during wartimes. During the workshop, they will present their preliminary findings as well as their general work on feminist issues. Planned as roundtable discussions, other participants from the (German) development cooperation sector, including colleagues from ministries, implementing agencies as well as civil society organisation will join these discussions to elaborate questions on the relevance of local feminist perspectives and the role of feminist approaches in development cooperation.


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Datum / Uhrzeit

23.10.2024 / 15:30 - 18:00


Bonn, Germany

3:30 pm to 6 pm, followed by a reception

- By invitation only -


Financed by GIZ & IDOS, Commissioned by BMZ.