Joint DIE/WTO researcher webinar on investment facilitation for development
Researcher webinar
Ort / Datum
Online, 18.10.2021
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), World Trade Organization (WTO)
The aim of the webinar is to bring together researchers who study FDI and investment facilitation as well as experts in investment facilitation from all over the world. In the webinar new databases on affiliate sales, FDI, and investment facilitation will be presented as well as new empirical work and modelling on investment facilitation.
Background: Modelling the economic effects of investment facilitation requires data on foreign direct investment (FDI) and/or on foreign affiliate sales (FATS) as well as on currently applied investment facilitation (IF) measures. Such data were only available for a small set of countries and they were typically patchy. In the past years, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) has developed the first version of an investment facilitation index (IFI) and created a database for a selection of around 80 countries. In 2020, the World Trade Organization (WTO), recognizing the critical role FDI can play in economic development and considering the research findings showing the importance of investment facilitation for FDI and affiliate sales, has supported the efforts of DIE to update the database and extend its coverage to as many WTO Members as possible. The WTO has also collected a full set of FDI and FATS data for a large set of WTO Members.
Session 1: Data: new FDI and FATS databases and new IF database
18 October, 13:30 - 15:00
- A Global Foreign Direct Investment Stocks Database, Yu Roger So (WTO)
- Foreign Affiliate Sales Dataset, Steen Wettstein (WTO)
- The updated investment facilitation index (IFI), Ali Dadkhah (Ciuriak Consulting)
Session 2: Modelling: the effects of investment facilitation
18 October, 15:15 - 16:15
- Estimating cost reductions of multinational activity of a potential Investment Facilitation Agreement, Eddy Bekkers (WTO)
- Economic Impacts of Investment Facilitation, Zoryana Olekseyuk (DIE)
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Datum / Uhrzeit18.10.2021 / 13:30 - 16:15

Quantifying Investment Facilitation at Country Level Introducing a New Index
Discussion Paper 23/2021