INTERFACES Colloquium Series #1: Research for the global common Good. Science as a World-making Activity

Colloquium Series

Ort / Datum
Online, 07.09.2023



On Thursday, 7 September, INTERFACES started the colloquium series on "Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research".

The inaugural presentation was given by Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Director of IDOS, Bonn, Germany. Twenty participants coming from the five projects under this funding umbrella listened to Prof. Hornidge’s presentation on “Research for the global common Good. Science as a World-making Activity”. Prof. Hornidge referred about the diversity of science systems and about the relevance of secure funding for agenda setting in science. She showed how well-funded regions dictate, wanted or unwanted, the science agenda in less-endowed regions. She also covered the need to present knowledge to stakeholders in a targeted way and how important it is to reduce the complexity of innovations by working at a local level, for example through innovation labs. A lot of her examples resonated with the experiences of the listeners which contributed to a lively debate.


- Please check out the INTERFACES Project. There you can find the links to the Colloquium Series. -


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Dr. Tina Beuchelt
Project lead Interfaces
University Bonn



Dr. Michael Brüntrup
Project lead Interfaces
Senior Researcher at IDOS

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