Good Economics for Warmer Times
3D-Digital Development Dialogue
Ort / Datum
Online, 29.02.2024
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), KfW, GIGA, PEGNet, DENeB, DEval, Center for Evaluation and Development, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Research Group on Development and Economics
Climate change is not just about getting the right technology. It is also about changing behavior and policies. And it is not (only) about the end of the world: it is also about the damage it does, today, mainly to poor people around the world. In this dialogue, Professor Duflo and Minister Lawson will discuss some of what we know about the impact of climate change on poor countries, and what we know and what we do not know about changing behavior and policies. They will also discuss and put numbers on the financial responsibility of rich countries vis-à-vis the poorer part of the world and propose binding financing mechanisms to fulfill them.
The 3D Seminar
The 3D seminar is a monthly 45-minute online forum, in which one researcher and one practitioner touch upon key topics in development policy, stimulating a meaningful dialogue across the theory and practice divide.
Seminar Guidelines
All participants are muted during the presentations. In the Q&A, the moderator opens the microphone to participants that indicate to have a question via zoom’s “raise hand” button.
When you enter the Zoom room, please join with your full name and indicate your university or institution/organization afterwards.
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Datum / Uhrzeit29.02.2024 / 15:00 - 15:45
Berlin Time Zone: UTC+2

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