Global Sustainable Development Report - Science for sustainability at EU level (Brussels)
Ort / Datum
Brussels, 08.10.2019
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), in cooperation with UNDESA, the Center for Development and Environment / University of Bern, the German Environmental Agency (UBA), the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the International Science Council (ISC)
Seizing the occasion of the upcoming launch of the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 (GSDR), the event focused at the role of science as a leverage point for sustainable development in the EU and beyond.
The EU is one of the world’s largest funding bodies for science, technology and innovation. Through its framework programmes for research, science and innovation, such as the ongoing Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), almost EUR 80 billion are spent for research activities. For the following framework programme, Horizon Europe, over EUR 100 billion are foreseen. In its different work programmes, international cooperation beyond Europe is encouraged. How does research in the EU contribute to sustainability and the Agenda 2030? What is the role of international cooperation in research for sustainability? Which mode of science is conducive to sustainable development? Where do science-policy-interfaces have to be strengthened and how best is this done?
The launch of the Global Sustainable Development Report, issued by a panel of international scientists, provides an opportunity to initiate and nurture cross-division cooperation, and to thereby increase evidence-informed policy making and policy coherence towards sustainable development.
The interactive workshop aimed at
- Introducing results of the GSDR and disseminate the results among relevant stakeholders on EU level
- Identifying opportunities for science for sustainability at EU level
- Discussing the orientation of EU research policy and funding towards sustainability, including in its international context
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Datum08.10.2019 bis 09.10.2019
OrtHotel Thon
Rue de la Loi 75
Presentation Arnold
Presentation Messerli
Presentation Schade