Global cooperation on sustainable development after the 2024 election year
T20 Summit Side Event
Ort / Datum
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13.11.2024
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) & German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) / Managing Global Governance (MGG) Programme
2024 is considered “a super-election year”. Nearly half of the world’s population is expected to cast their votes in more than 60 countries around the globe, amongst them the G20 member states Indonesia, Russia, India, South Africa, Mexico, the European Union, Brazil (municipal elections) and the United States, as well as several African countries represented by the African Union (e.g. Ghana, Rwanda). The results of these elections will set the conditions for cooperation on global challenges and solutions, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the rapid advances in AI and digitalization. The Think20 (T20) Summit under the Brazilian G20 Presidency is an important occasion for the G20 and the T20 engagement group to assess the new conditions, not least in view of the emerging discourse on the development of the post-2030 Agenda framework.
Against this background, Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)/ Managing Global Governance (MGG) programme proposed a Side Event entitled “Global cooperation on sustainable development after the 2024 election year” to be held in the context of the T20 Summit 2024 in Brazil.
The event’s objectives were:
- Reflecting on results of the elections of the G20 member countries (and beyond) and their implications for global cooperation on sustainable development;
- Exchange upon related key developments in 2024, such as progressive taxation to tackle poverty, inequality, and social exclusion; the Global Digital Compact and the role of digitalisation for accelerated SDG implementation; as well as preliminary discussions on a post-2030 Agenda framework;
- Providing a platform to bring together diverse actors within the T20 community to discuss potential pathways and good practices of cooperation for sustainable development.
The side event was jointly organised by IPEA and IDOS in the framework of the PRODIGEES project of the MGG programme with financial support from the European Union, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia.
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Datum / Uhrzeit13.11.2024 / 17:00 - 18:30
OrtAvenida Presidente Vargas 730
19° Floor, Auditorium
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20071-900

Wulf Reiners
Head of Managing Global Governance (MGG) Programme
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-276