Inputs and interventions


Ort / Datum
Bonn, 07.09.2010


Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)


A Critical Dialogue on the Role of Think Tanks in Global Governance

Four questions – four interventions:
(1) Given your think tank background: Do you see any chance to practically influence global governance processes in your daily work – and how?

Panelists respond:

  • Neuma Grobbelaar (SAIIA, South Africa)
  • Imme Scholz (Deputy Director, DIE)
  • Mariana Luz (CEBRI, Brazil)
  • Patrick Köllner (Acting Director Institute of Asian Studies at GIGA, Germany)

First intervention: Christoph Zöpel (former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs)

(2) Given your think tank expertise: How do you initiate policy-oriented strategies within your institute, in order to address politicians and political administrations?

Panelists respond: Same setting
Second intervention: Christoph Zöpel

(3) Best practices strategy: Is there a particular success story? Lessons learned chapter: Is there a memorable failure in terms of policy ? Have politicians been involved?

Panelists respond: Same setting
Third intervention: Christoph Zöpel

(4) A foresight: major restrictions on your work – most fascinating opportunities ahead, given the political environment, culture, and context you work in?

Panelists respond: Same setting
Fourth intervention: Christoph Zöpel

B Effectiveness of Policy-consulting vs. Policy-making in Global Governance

Processes – Intervention 1
MGG participants cross-question panellists
Fifth intervention: Christoph Zöpel

C Challenges for Think Tanks in diverse global Settings: A Chance 

for new and unorthodox collaborations? – Intervention 2
MGG participants cross-question panellists
Sixth intervention – and summing-up: Christoph Zöpel

Chair: Regine Mehl


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Datum / Uhrzeit

07.09.2010 / 11:00


Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Tulpenfeld 6
53113 Bonn