Accessible according to whom? Diverging notions of access and their consequences for ocean science

Virtual panel discussion

Ort / Datum
Online, 11.05.2022


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

"Access" does not only mean the ability to physically reach a resource. It also refers to the capacity of different stakeholders to derive benefits from it. As the international community is stepping up its efforts to increase the accessibility of ocean science, e.g. by making more data available, improving the usability of products, etc., it is important to ask which notions of accessibility these efforts reflect.

What does "accessible" ocean science mean from multiple perspectives? Which prerequisites does it entail? And which barriers exist towards reaching it?

These questions will guide a panel discussion with panelists from social and natural science, data management, international development cooperation and science communication, followed by a Q&A with the audience.

The event will take place as a Satellite Activity within the UN Ocean Decade Laboratory An Accessible Ocean.

Our panelists are

  • Anne Broocks, policy advisor at the German Agency for Development Cooperation (GIZ) and PhD Candidate at Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT)
  • Claas Faber, data manager at GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Marine Research
  • Geraldine Guillevic, head of communications at the French National Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer)
  • Dr. Leticia Cotrim da Cunha, oceanographer at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


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Datum / Uhrzeit

11.05.2022 / 14:00 - 15:30




Photo: Mirja Schoderer is a Researcher in the Research programme “Environmental Governance”

Mirja Schoderer
Researcher, Research programme “Environmental Governance
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-343


