Digital Trade, WTO Reform, and Trade and Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Expert Roundtable
Ort / Datum
Tokyo, 09.04.2019
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
In recent decades, the global economy has grown ever faster. This is mainly due to the fact that the global economy is becoming increasingly integrated. However, the global trading system that has supported this growth and the process of economic integration is showing increasing signs of stress. In the face of growing challenges, the world trading system now appears to be approaching a crossroad. This roundtable brought together representatives from G20 governments, international organizations as well as experts from the T20 Task Force on Trade, Investment and Globalization to discuss three major issues: digital trade, WTO reform, and trade and investment for sustainable and inclusive growth. This roundtable provided key inputs to the G20 Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG).
The world economy has enjoyed rapid growth as it has become more and more closely integrated. The world trading system which has supported such growth, however, is showing growing signs of stress, and the world trading system seems to be approaching a crossroads. The roundtable discussed three major topics - digital trade, WTO reform, and trade and investment for sustainable and inclusive growth – to present relevant ideas and recommendations discussed in the T20 Trade and Investment Task Force on how we should proceed with globalization, as input into the G20 process.
Opening Remarks:
- Nakajima Atsushi, Chairman, RIETI
Special Remarks:
- Matuso Takehiko, Director-General for Trade Policy, METI
Keynote Speech:
- Mari Elka Pangestu, Former Minister of Trade, Republic of Indonesia / Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia
Introductory Speech: T20 Policy Briefs
- Kimura Fukunari, Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
Session 1: Digital Trade
- Nakatomi Michitaka, Consulting Fellow, RIETI
- Kimura Fukunari, Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
- Joshua P. Meltzer, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
- Mona Farid Badran, Associate Professor, Economics Department, Cairo University
- Kimberley Botwright, Community Lead, Global Trade and Investment SI, WEF
- Edwina Stevens, Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
- Jeanette Lim, Director, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore
Coffee Break
Breakout Sessions
Session 2-1: WTO Reform
- Shiro Armstrong, Visiting Scholar, RIETI / Director, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU
- Nakagawa Junji, Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Chuogakuin University
- Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South and Non-Resident Scholar, Bruegel
- Rajat Kathuria, Director & Chief Executive, ICRIER
- John Hancock, Counsellor, Policy Development, World Trade Organization
- Carlos Gimeno Verdejo, Senior Policy Advisor, G20, G7, OECD and WTO accessions, European Commission
- Kendal Hembroff, Global Affairs, Canada
Session 2-2: Trade and Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
- Axel Berger, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
- Todo Yasuyuki, Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics Waseda University
- Julia Nielson, Deputy Director, Trade and Agriculture, OECD
- Matthew Stephenson, Policy and Community Lead, International Trade and Investment, WEF
- Inomata Satoshi, Chief Senior Reseacher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO
- Chris Barton, Director, Department of International Trade, UK
- Jose Luis Kaiser, Director General for Trade Policy and Competitiveness, Spain
- Dammu Ravi, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India
Session 3: Wrap-up Discussion
- Hattori Takashi, Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, Kyoto University
Closing Remarks
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Datum / Uhrzeit09.04.2019 / 13:00 - 17:30

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