Climate clubs: alternative approaches in theory and practice
Think7 Event
Ort / Datum
Online, 20.06.2022
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute (DIE), Globals Solutions Initiative, Oxford University, Laval University
The objective of the webinar is to discuss the climate club idea proposed by the German government in the G7 context while also harvesting lessons learnt and collecting ideas on different possible club designs from complementary angles. What different kinds of clubs possible, and what options or combinations are desirable or feasible?
14:00 Welcome
Clara Brandi, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Sarah John, Global Solutions Initiative (GSI)
14:10 Opening comments
Maximilian Dyckerhoff, Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
14:20 Panel discussion
Carbon pricing and economy-wide clubs
Axel Michaelowa, University of Zürich
Susanne Dröge, SWP
Sectoral clubs
Lukas Hermwille, Wuppertal Institute
What role for the Global South in climate clubs?
Kasturi Das, Institute of Management Technology, India
DUAN Maosheng, Tsinghua University
Are clubs the right approach?
Jessica Green, University of Toronto
15:05 Q&A
Tom Hale, University of Oxford
15:30 Closing words
Jean-Frédéric Morin, Laval University
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Datum / Uhrzeit20.06.2022 / 14:00 - 15:30
Please register here before 19 June
Zoom Link
The Zoom link for this event can be found here