Asian Drivers of Global Change - Challenges for Europe


Ort / Datum
Bonn, 17.01.2008 bis 18.01.2008


DIE in Kooperation mit dem Institute of Development Studies

The workshop, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and organised jointly by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), was concentrated on one of the big issues of our time: the rise of China and India and the challenges which this presents for Europe.

DIE and IDS intended to go straight to the frontiers of knowledge and identify the questions which future policy-oriented research needs to address. They were particularly concerned with the rise of China and India as innovation powers and with their increasingly important role in finding solutions to global climate change. In both these fields, European business and policy needs to address issues of conflict/competition but also find ways of working together with China and India. And both fields are related to each other in that innovative capacity is essential for mitigating climate change. Ways forward require the ability to define the issues clearly and see them from both the Asian and European side.

Session 1: What are the main challenges for Europe arising from the rise of China and India?

This session places the rise of China and India in the broader context of radically changing power constellations and their implications for global governance. It will explore how the specific characteristics of China and India as poor but increasingly important economic and political actors creates specific challenges and opportunities for European policy.

Chair: Dirk Messner (DIE)

9:15h – 9:35h What does the rise of China and India mean for Europe?
Georg Boomgaarden (Deputy Secretary, German Foreign Office)

9:35h – 10:00h What does the entrance of China and India into the world economy mean for Europe? The key issues and framework for policy research
John Humphrey (IDS)

10:00h – 10:30h Debate 

10:30h – 11:00h Coffee break

11:00h – 11:15h A Chinese Perspective: Comments
from ZHANG Tiejun (Shanghai Institutes for International Studies) 

11:15h – 11:30h An Indian Perpective: Comments
from Christian Wagner (German Institute for International and Security Affairs) 

11:30h – 12:30h Debate

Session 2: New global players in innovation? China’s and India’s technological catch-up and the low carbon economy 

This session will explore whether and at what velocity China and India are likely to emerge as new global players in technological innovation, what this means for Europe in terms of market expansion and competition, and how the technological challenges of shifting to a low carbon economy will impact on Europe’s competitive advantages vis-à-vis China and India.

Chair: Hubert Schmitz (IDS)

14:00h – 14:15h What are the key researchable questions?
Tilman Altenburg (DIE) 

14:15h – 14:30h Prospects for catch-up in India
Rishikesha Krishnan (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore)
Supplemented by a written comment from Sunil Mani (Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum) 

14:30h – 14:45h China: from global manufacturing hub to innovation
XUE Lan (China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University) 

14:45h – 15:30h Debate

15:30h – 16:00h Coffee break

16:00h – 17:00h Roundtable: Challenges for Europe’s innovation systems and the private sector
Moderator: Tilman Altenburg (DIE)
Frieder Meyer-Krahmer (State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Research)
Jürgen Heraeus (Heraeus Holding GmbH)
Clas Neumann (SAP Bangalore)

Asian Dinner by the River Rhine

Friday 18 January

Session 3: Climate Change: China and India as contributors to problems and solutions

This session will explore the contribution of China and India to the evolution of the climate policy regime. This will be done from the perspective of global governance (e.g. China’s and India’s positions regarding the post-2012 regime) and include the linkages between global regimes and domestic policy objectives and arrangements (such as the influence of global norms on domestic policy coordination). Special attention will be paid to linkages between global regime building and innovation systems and the implications for Europe’s partnership policy with China and India.

Chair: John Humphrey (IDS)

9:15h – 9:35h What are the key researchable questions?
Imme Scholz (DIE)

9:35h – 9:55h Policy coordination for climate change in China: the role of knowledge and international norms
YU Hongyuan (Shanghai Institute for International Studies)

9:55h – 10:15h Policy responses to climate change in India
Aditi Dass (Winrock India)

10:15h – 11:00h Debate

11:00h – 11:30h Coffee break

11:30h – 11:50h The problem of allocation in Earth System Governance: the case of North-South equity in climate governance
Frank Biermann (IVM/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

11:50h – 12:10h China and India as partners of German/European climate policy
Nicole Wilke (German Ministry of the Environment)
Lynn Sheppard (European Commission)

12:10h – 13:00h Debate

13:00h – 14:00h Lunch

Session 4: What next? A new Eurasian research and policy network

How can the agenda, emerging from the previous sessions, be researched and acted upon in an effective way? This session outlines a new initiative which has four key features: a) the ability to see issues through the lens of the others; b) bringing together research and policy; c) investing in the new cadres; d) operating through a European-Indian-Chinese network. 

This proposed initiative will then be commented upon, first from perspective of a major European research foundation; second from the perspective of young cadres from Europe, China and India. 

Chair: Dirk Messner

14:00h – 14:20h New ways of connecting research and policy. Key features of a new Eurasian research and policy network
Hubert Schmitz (IDS)

14:20h – 14:30h The perspective of a European Research Foundation
Alfred Schmidt (VW Foundation)

14:30h – 15:20h Roundtable with the new cadres from India, China & Europe
Moderator: Hubert Schmitz (IDS)
Steffen Bauer (DIE),
Padmashree Gehl Sampath (UNU-MERIT and OU),
Jing Gu (IDS),
Ming Dong (Xi’an and Centrim),
Rasmus Lema (Roskilde University)

15:20h – 15:50h General debate 

15:50h – 16:00h Main messages from the workshop and next steps
Dirk Messner (DIE)


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Datum / Uhrzeit

17.01.2008 bis 18.01.2008 / 10:15


Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

Tulpenfeld 6

53113 Bonn