Annual Meeting of the Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation (NONIE)
Ort / Datum
BMZ, 29.03.2010
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
The search for better evidence of results of development cooperation has driven researchers/evaluators and evaluation departments of development organizations alike to improve methodology of evaluating results of development interventions.
The three donor networks – the OECD DAC Evalnet, the Evaluation Coalition Group (ECG) of the multilateral banks and the United Nations’ Evaluation Group (UNEG) – together with partners from developing countries, represented by IOCE - have formed this network. Members are committed to sharing experiences and ideas on impact evaluation mainly through network meetings.
The conference started with a keynote speech by Prof. Scott Rozelle, Stanford University. It was organised around clustered presentations of ongoing and concluded (rigorous) impact evaluations and lessons learned on education, water, post disaster settings, food security, energy and climate change. A special focus was on governance and conflict, featured also by a panel discussion. All four networks participated, including the World Bank, GEF, UNDP, MCC, the French Development Agency, ERRA Pakistan and IRC.
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Datum / Uhrzeit29.03.2010 bis 30.03.2010 / 12:00