ETTG is presenting: An Agenda for Europe in the world
Panel event and discussion
Ort / Datum
Brussels, 31.10.2019
European Think Tanks Group (ETTG)
We were pleased to present to you the European Think Tanks Group’s ‘Agenda for Europe in the World’. The agenda outlines what we think the new EU leadership should focus on when it comes to foreign and development policy. It spells out concrete proposals for action in key areas where the EU can make a difference – ranging from peace and security to mobility and migration, climate action, energy and urbanisation, trade and development, human development, strategic partnerships, democracy support, and financing for development.
Presentation of the ETTG Agenda: Marta Foresti, Director of the Overseas Development Institute’s Human Mobility Initiative and member of ETTG
Panel debate
- Sandra Kramer, Director for EU-AU relations, West and East Africa, DG DEVCO
- Catherine Woollard, Director of the European Council On Refugees and Exiles
- Charles Goerens, Member of the European Parliament
- Marta Foresti, Director of ODI’s Human Mobility Initiative
- H.E Grum Abay, Ambassador of Ethiopia to the EU
Geert Laporte, Director, European Think Tanks Group
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Datum / Uhrzeit31.10.2019 / 11:45 - 14:00
OrtPress Club
Rue Froissart 95
1000 Brussels
If you require any other information please get in touch with the ETTG secretariat:

An Agenda for Europe in the World
Hackenesch, Christine / Leininger, Julia et. al. 2019
ETTG-Paper, 9 of september 2019