
Federführend oder in Kooperation mit wichtigen Partnerorganisationen veranstalten wir jedes Jahr zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und politische Konferenzen und Workshops. Die Veranstaltungen umfassen sämtliche Themengebiete der Entwicklungspolitik. Bei den Veranstaltungen diskutieren entwicklungspolitisch Forschende mit Praktiker*innen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und suchen gemeinsam nach Problemlösungen.

Darüber hinaus referieren unsere Wissenschaftler*innen bei nationalen und internationalen Workshops und Konferenzen. Sie beteiligen sich regelmäßig an Gesprächsrunden mit Ministerien und deren Durchführungsorganisationen.

Mit der Organisation und Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen zu aktuellen Fragen der Entwicklungspolitik unterstreicht das Institut seine Kernkompetenz in der Politikberatung.

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

    Founded in 1964, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS, formerly the German Development Institute / Deutsches… Mehr lesen

    Anniversary Conference
    IDOS at 60
    Bonn, 04.07.2024

    The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was welcomed by practitioners… Mehr lesen

    International research conference
    GLOBALGOALS2024 - The Future of the SDGs
    Utrecht, The Netherlands, 29.08.2024 bis 30.08.2024

    Africa finds itself at a critical moment in its global economic engagement. The continent's abundant resources have recently attracted… Mehr lesen

    International Research Conference
    Africa in the global economy
    Bonn, 05.12.2024 bis 06.12.2024

Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2024

    CLIMA: Auction-Based Subsidies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries We are excited to extend an invitation to participate in a pivotal expert… Mehr lesen

    International Expert Discussion during UNFCCC SBs
    Innovative Climate Finance
    Bonn, 10.06.2024

    The workshop will be given by Sven Grimm, Head of Research programme: Inter- and Transnational Cooperation  and the Training Department, at… Mehr lesen

    Online Workshop
    From Research to Policy
    Online, 03.06.2024

    Global Policy Special Issue edited by Sebastian Haug, Rosemary Foot and Max-Otto Baumann Has China’s expanding engagement led to any power… Mehr lesen

    Special Issue Launch
    China at the United Nations
    Online, 28.05.2024

    vom 6. bis 9 Juni findet in den 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten die Europawahl statt. Sie ist eine wichtige Weichenstellung für die zukünftige… Mehr lesen

    Virtuelles Pressebriefing
    Europawahl 2024
    Online, 23.05.2024

    The Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe Towards Sustainable Development (PRODIGEES) project, under the aegis… Mehr lesen

    MGG/PRODIGEES Policy Labs
    Digitalisation Towards Sustainable Development
    Stellenbosch & Cape Town, South Africa, 28.04.2024 bis 03.05.2024

    We invited you to join us for an exciting, evidence-based discussion on inter-group cohesion, highlighting findings from evaluations of… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Event
    Fostering inter-group cohesion
    Online, 02.04.2024

    On the occasion of World Water Day 2024, the Bonn Water Network and its members including the United Nations Convention to Combat… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Event
    The land-water nexus
    Online, 22.03.2024

    Ob Dürren oder Hochwasser – Wasser-Extremereignisse passieren immer häufiger, im Globalen Süden aber auch hier in Europa und Deutschland. Im… Mehr lesen

    Veranstaltungsliste Weltwassertag
    Wasser für Frieden
    Bonn und Online, 19.03.2024 bis 08.04.2024

    Climate change is not just about getting the right technology. It is also about changing behavior and policies. And it is not (only) about… Mehr lesen

    3D-Digital Development Dialogue
    Good Economics for Warmer Times
    Online, 29.02.2024

    2023 has been a year of worldwide flooding disasters that, among other places, had devastating impacts in Libya, washed away entire villages… Mehr lesen

    Online debate
    The Urban Water Challenge
    Online, 24.01.2024

Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2023

    This workshop aimed to facilitate exchange among researchers on common issues related to the role of academic research in advancing the… Mehr lesen

    Evidence-based implementation of the GCR
    Maison de la Paix, Graduate Institute, Geneva & Online, 11.12.2023

    The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which will take place from November 30 to December 12, would… Mehr lesen

    Dubai, 30.11.2023 bis 12.12.2023

    The fourth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through… Mehr lesen

    Colloquium Series
    INTERFACES Colloquium Series #4
    Online, 30.11.2023

    The workshop explored how the UN system is currently funded, what challenges UN financing faces, and what the future of UN financing could… Mehr lesen

    Expert workshop
    Funding the UN system
    Bonn, 06.11.2023 bis 07.11.2023

    The third lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through… Mehr lesen

    Colloquium Series
    INTERFACES Colloquium Series #3
    Online, 02.11.2023

    Beim diesjährigen World Health Summit in Berlin kamen 3.000 Gesundheitsexperten aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um die dringendsten globalen… Mehr lesen

    Side-event World Health Summit
    Putting Policy into Practice
    Berlin, 17.10.2023

    The second lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through… Mehr lesen

    Colloquium Series
    INTERFACES Colloquium Series #2
    Online, 05.10.2023

    On Thursday, 7 September, INTERFACES started the colloquium series on "Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving… Mehr lesen

    Colloquium Series
    INTERFACES Colloquium Series #1
    Online, 07.09.2023

    The concept of ‘global digital commons’ (UN, 2020) constitutes a key component of the emerging Global Digital Compact of the United Nations.… Mehr lesen

    T20 Summit Side Event
    Utopias of Global Cooperation
    Mysuru, India, 31.07.2023

    Das Forum für Agrarforschung in Afrika (FARA), der technische Zweig der Kommission der Afrikanischen Union für alle Fragen der… Mehr lesen

    Side Event
    INTERFACES Side Event
    Durban, Südafrika, 05.06.2023 bis 08.06.2023

    The 2nd Annual Conference on Global Climate Governance in the Face of Obstruction (31 May – 2 June 2023), organized by the Climate Social… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Panel Session
    Funding “Loss and Damage”
    Online, 31.05.2023

    This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Event
    UN Global Digital Compact
    Online, 24.05.2023

    Welcome note& introduction by the co-hosts Dr. Steffen Bauer, IDOS Mathias Boehning, WEASC   „Tour de table“ with introductions “If you… Mehr lesen

    Bonn Climate Group Meeting
    Regrouping back better
    Bonn, 17.05.2023

    This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Event
    HLAB Report and GSDR
    Online, 03.05.2023

    Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) fördert transdisziplinäre Forschung zum nachhaltigen Landmanagement, um die… Mehr lesen

    Status Seminar
    Bonn, 26.04.2023 bis 28.04.2023

    Deutschland und Europa verfolgen sehr ehrgeizige Strategien für den Einsatz von Wasserstoff zur Dekarbonisierung von Teilen ihrer… Mehr lesen

    Wasserstoff in Brasilien
    Bonn, 25.04.2023

    The concept and mainstream approaches of development cooperation have been criticised since the early beginning of their existence.… Mehr lesen

    Virtual expert discussion
    Online (Zoom), 17.04.2023

    22nd of March is World Water Day, and this year global attention to our important but yet seriously threatened water resources is higher… Mehr lesen

    UN 2023 Water Conference
    New York, 22.03.2023 bis 24.03.2023

    Von den Ressourcen der Meere, einer gesunden Meeresumwelt, einer sicheren Schifffahrt sowie gesicherten Küsten als Siedlungsraum sind… Mehr lesen

    Meere, Pole, Nord und Süd
    Bonn, 23.02.2023 bis 24.02.2023

Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2022

    The Managing Global Governance (MGG) Programme turned 15 in 2022. In the three-day online conference “Celebrating 15 years of MGG” from 23… Mehr lesen

    MGG Conference
    15 Years Managing Global Governance
    Online, 23.11.2022 bis 25.11.2022

    Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Oliver Krischer, Minister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Verkehr des Landes NRW, fand am Montag, 21. November… Mehr lesen

    50 Jahre „Limits to Growth"
    German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn, 21.11.2022

    Social cohesion (SoCo) is increasingly recognised as an important condition for the resilience of societies and the wellbeing of its… Mehr lesen

    Social cohesion in context
    Bonn, 15.11.2022 bis 16.11.2022

    At the Conference of the Parties to the 27th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate… Mehr lesen

    UN Climate Change Conference
    Sharm El-Sheikh, 06.11.2022 bis 18.11.2022

    The workshop took place to bring together network members of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability’s (IDOS) ‘Managing… Mehr lesen

    MGG Meeting
    VSS on Crossroads
    Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies – House De Dorlodot – Ch. Deberiotstraat 34, Leuven, Belgium, 25.10.2022 bis 26.10.2022

    Earth System Governance Project ist ein seit langem bestehendes globales Forschungsbündnis, das versucht, die Forschung an der Schnittstelle… Mehr lesen

    Earth System Governance
    Toronto, 20.10.2022 bis 24.10.2022

    The world is undergoing multiple, simultaneous crises in a way we have not seen before. Crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in… Mehr lesen

    Interactive dialogue
    UN Leadership in Times of Crises
    Bonn, 11.10.2022

    The creation and development of the G20 was envisioned to address global problems more effectively and overcome blockages in global… Mehr lesen

    T20 Summit Side Event
    Utopias of Global Cooperation
    Kuta Selatan, 04.09.2022

    As the Sustainable Development Goals move steadily towards the year 2030, Indonesia has another plan in fruition: the development of the new… Mehr lesen

    MGG Conference
    Building from Scratch
    Jakarta, 02.09.2022

    While there is substantial evidence of the effect of social protection on poverty, inequality and vulnerability, limited research has… Mehr lesen

    Virtual panel discussion and publication launch
    Social protection and social cohesion
    Online, 15.06.2022

    The Think7 Summit is organised by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Global… Mehr lesen

    Think7 Summit 2022
    Berlin / Online, 23.05.2022 bis 24.05.2022

    This ‘High-Level Regional Roundtable on Investment Facilitation for Development: How Caribbean Economies Will Benefit’ is co-organised by… Mehr lesen

    High-Level Regional Roundtable
    How Caribbean Economies Will Benefit
    Online, 10.05.2022

    Seit gut 2 Jahren ringt die Weltgemeinschaft mit den Ursachen und Folgen der Covid-19-Pandemie. Die sozialen, ökonomischen und politischen… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Event
    Globale Gesundheitsvorsorge
    Online, 09.05.2022

    Discourse Studies have an important record of analysing all types of open and subtle discrimination in and through discourses. Racism in all… Mehr lesen

    Decolonising Discourse Studies
    Hybrid (Online and Augsburg University), 21.04.2022 bis 23.04.2022

    This year's theme for World Water Day is “Groundwater - making the invisible visible”. Although not directly observable with our eyes,… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Event
    Digging Deeper
    Online, 23.03.2022

    Am 17. und 18. Februar findet in Brüssel das sechste Gipfeltreffen zwischen der Europäischen Union (EU) und der Afrikanischen Union (AU)… Mehr lesen

    Virtuelles Pressebriefing
    Ergebnisse des EU-AU-Gipfels
    Online, 24.02.2022

    In our fourth virtual DGSG-DIE research-in-progress seminar on Thursday, 3 February, 16:00-17:15 CET (7:00-8:15 AM PST / 10:00-11:15AM EST),… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Workshop
    Accountability keywords
    Online, 03.02.2022

    Corruption hampers the achievement of SDG 6 for ensuring water and sanitation for all. In fact, corruption is estimated to be responsible… Mehr lesen

    Bonn Water Network Event
    Corruption in the water sector
    Online, 18.01.2022

    Expo 2020 Dubai, themed “Harnessing South-South and Triangular Cooperation: How to accelerate contributions to the Sustainable Development… Mehr lesen

    Hybrid Event, Forum
    South-South and Triangular Cooperation Forum
    Colombia pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai & Online, 18.01.2022 bis 19.01.2022

    In the third of five research-in-progress seminars co-hosted by the American Associations of Geographers’ (AAG) Development Geographies… Mehr lesen

    Virtual Workshop
    Compelled to compete
    Online, 13.01.2022