

Federführend oder in Kooperation mit wichtigen Partnerorganisationen veranstalten wir jedes Jahr zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und politische Konferenzen und Workshops. Die Veranstaltungen umfassen sämtliche Themengebiete der Entwicklungspolitik. Bei den Veranstaltungen diskutieren entwicklungspolitisch Forschende mit Praktiker*innen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und suchen gemeinsam nach Problemlösungen.

Darüber hinaus referieren unsere Wissenschaftler*innen bei nationalen und internationalen Workshops und Konferenzen. Sie beteiligen sich regelmäßig an Gesprächsrunden mit Ministerien und deren Durchführungsorganisationen.

Mit der Organisation und Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen zu aktuellen Fragen der Entwicklungspolitik unterstreicht das Institut seine Kernkompetenz in der Politikberatung.

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Research Colloquium on Triangular Cooperation
Online, 25.03.2025 bis 15.07.2025

Dreieckskooperation bringt Partner*innen aus dem Süden und dem Norden zusammen, um gemeinsam zu Entwicklungsprozessen beizutragen und… Mehr lesen

UNFSS Academic Advisory Council Meeting 2025
The Changing Landscape of Sustainability Governance. What next for VSS?
Bonn, 31.03.2025 bis 01.04.2025

The UNFSS Academic Advisory Council (AAC) annual meeting brings together an international mix of academic and policy experts from various… Mehr lesen

Workshop in honour of Tilman Altenburg
Green economic policy and development research: lessons for the future
Bonn, 09.05.2025

This workshop will mainly consist of three panels: What is good green economic policy? Our economies must become greener: decarbonised,… Mehr lesen

Development and Development Policy in the Trump Era
Bonn, 21.05.2025

Donald Trump’s return to the White House will have far-reaching implications, not only for the US but also for global cooperation,… Mehr lesen

7th IDOS International Migration and Displacement Workshop
Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
Bonn, 23.09.2025 bis 25.09.2025

In an increasingly globalized world, displacement, migration, and (im)mobility are a socio-political phenomenon that countries must respond… Mehr lesen

Industrial decarbonization and hydrogen
Potsdam, 28.10.2025 bis 29.10.2025

The industrial sector accounts for a quarter of global direct CO2 emissions. Hard-to-abate heavy industries, such as steel, chemical, cement… Mehr lesen

International Workshop
(How) does social protection promote climate change mitigation and adaptation?
Bonn, 26.11.2025 bis 28.11.2025

Social protection is crucial for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In times of rising inequalities and poverty rates,… Mehr lesen

Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2025

Preparing the international development job market for the future
Bonn, 24.03.2025

The international development labour market, including in Germany, is undergoing significant changes, especially at the entry level. The… Mehr lesen

Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers for greater gender equality
Berlin, 19.03.2025

For this synthesis conference, planned as a one-day event, we aim to offer a mix of formats that facilitate discussions on feminisms in… Mehr lesen

Virtuelle Veranstaltung
Info-Session März zur Bewerbungsphase für das 61. PGP
Online, 13.03.2025

Bis zum 31. März freuen wir uns auf Bewerbungen von Hochschulabsolvent*innen für unser 61. Postgraduierten-Programm. Du suchst eine… Mehr lesen

Online Roundtable
Trade Policy in Turbulent Times: Perspectives from the Global South
Online, 13.03.2025

In light of the recent political developments, particularly the new term of President Trump and his approach to trade policy, the German… Mehr lesen

Online discussion / Discussion en ligne
Colonial continuities in the area of social protection
Online, 12.03.2025

Online discussion in English with simultaneous translation into French / Discussion en ligne en anglais avec traduction simultanée en… Mehr lesen

Online debate
Addressing the global water crisis in a challenging political environment
Online, 10.03.2025

Too little, too much, too dirty –  water challenges in virtually all countries are increasing with climate change and due to overuse and… Mehr lesen

MGG/PRODIGEES Final Conference
Digitalisation Towards Sustainable Development
Mexico City, Mexico, 09.03.2025 bis 13.03.2025

The Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe Towards Sustainable Development (PRODIGEES) project is a research… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
Development cooperation after USAID
Online, 28.02.2025

The US Presidential executive order freezing the Official development assistance, being provided through the USAID, has not only affected a… Mehr lesen

Hybrid event
-- Cancelled -- Hopes and Fears for a New Beginning in Syria
Bonn and Online, 19.02.2025

After al-Assad’s fall on December 8, 2025, Syria emerges from a historical impasse and faces a pivotal moment in rebuilding its political… Mehr lesen

Virtuelles Pressegespräch
Welche Entwicklungspolitik braucht Deutschland?
Online, 18.02.2025

Die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik steht angesichts wachsender globaler Unsicherheiten und zunehmender gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung… Mehr lesen

The Externalisation of Migration
Brussels, 17.02.2025

This science-policy event explored the evolving phenomenon of migration externalisation in Europe and beyond, i.e. attempts by states to… Mehr lesen

Munich Security Conference (MSC) Side Event
Securing Trade and Development
Munich, 14.02.2025

In an evolving geopolitical environment, the need for secure, resilient and sustainability-oriented trade routes has become more critical… Mehr lesen

Virtuelle Veranstaltung
Info-Session Februar zur Bewerbungsphase für das 61. PGP
Online, 06.02.2025

Bis zum 31. März freuen wir uns auf Bewerbungen von Hochschulabsolvent*innen für unser 61. Postgraduierten-Programm. Du suchst eine… Mehr lesen

Roundtable discussion
Wie sollte Entwicklungspolitik künftig gestaltet werden? Zur Notwendigkeit neuer Narrative, Strategien und Umsetzungsansätze (Teil II)
Berlin, 29.01.2025

Themen der Veranstaltung Im zweiten Teil des Roundtables vertieften wir zwei zentrale Themen: Deutsche Entwicklungspolitik im Rahmen… Mehr lesen

Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2024

COP16 Official Side Event
Sustainable Land Management - the Role of Youth in Innovation
Riyadh, 09.12.2024

Agricultural land use practices largely determine the ecological status of land—both on agricultural land itself and on interlinked… Mehr lesen

International Research Conference
Africa in the global economy
Bonn, 05.12.2024 bis 06.12.2024

Africa finds itself at a critical moment in its global economic engagement. The continent's abundant resources have recently attracted… Mehr lesen

Event Series
Science Dialogue Day
Bonn, 05.12.2024

The Science Dialogue Day aspires to strengthen networks among leadership academies in North-Rhein Westphalia. The first event in this series… Mehr lesen

Research Colloquium on Triangular Cooperation
Online, 03.12.2024

Dreieckskooperation bringt Partner*innen aus dem Süden und dem Norden zusammen, um gemeinsam zu Entwicklungsprozessen beizutragen und… Mehr lesen

Expert Exchange Meeting
Democracy Protection in the Global South(s) and North(s)
Berlin, 28.11.2024

The Protecting Democracy in times of Autocratization and Polarization project team at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability… Mehr lesen

DFG Roundtable
Risk transformation and societal resilience under extreme events
Bonn, 28.11.2024 bis 29.11.2024

The world is witnessing multiple extreme events. Understanding the complex interactions among these events is important in a multi-risk… Mehr lesen

Virtuelles Pressegespräch
Rückblick auf die Wahlen 2024 und die Auswirkungen auf die globale Ordnung
Online, 27.11.2024

Das Jahr 2024 war ein spannendes Wahljahr mit weitreichenden politischen Ergebnissen, die auch globale Auswirkungen haben werden.… Mehr lesen

Runder Tisch
Die Stimme des globalen Südens
Berlin, 26.11.2024

Die Spannungen mit dem globalen Süden haben in den letzten Jahren zugenommen. Internationale Krisen wie im Nahen Osten, ungelöste globale… Mehr lesen

International workshop
Gender-responsive social protection and employment policies
Bonn, 21.11.2024 bis 22.11.2024

Gender equality has become a key objective for international organisations and policymakers. Yet, significant evidence gaps prevail on… Mehr lesen

T20 Summit Side Event
Global cooperation on sustainable development after the 2024 election year
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13.11.2024

2024 is considered “a super-election year”. Nearly half of the world’s population is expected to cast their votes in more than 60 countries… Mehr lesen

Informal expert workshop
(Critical) Geopolitics, sustainability, and “global” spaces
Bonn, 12.11.2024

The aim of this workshop is to explore ongoing geopoliticization as a (renewed) trend shaping global development across policy fields. The… Mehr lesen

Roundtable discussion
Wie sollte Entwicklungspolitik künftig gestaltet werden?
Berlin, 11.11.2024

Programm: Begrüßung IDOS/Weltneuvermessung Session 1: Der globale Kontext und die Begründung von Entwicklungspolitik Moderation: Thomas… Mehr lesen

IDOS at the World Urban Forum
How to Make Public Transport Work
Cairo, Egypt, 08.11.2024

Urban areas are facing declining public transport ridership, exacerbating environmental pollution and social inequality. This event,… Mehr lesen

Virtuelles Pressegespräch
Prioritäten für die Steigerung der globalen Ambitionen beim Klimaschutz auf der COP29
Online, 07.11.2024

Die UN-Klimakonferenz 2024 (COP29) in Baku, Aserbaidschan, die vom 11. bis zum 22. November stattfindet, ist von entscheidender Bedeutung… Mehr lesen

Network Meeting
MGG Network – Brazil National Network Meeting 2024
Brasília, Brazil, 07.11.2024

With its G20 Presidency in 2024, its upcoming BRICS Presidency and the hosting of the UNFCCC COP30 in 2025, Brazil is taking the leading… Mehr lesen

Development Beyond Growth
Bonn and Online, 06.11.2024 bis 07.11.2024

What can future economic development look like beyond growth? What are best practice examples of alternative economic structures and… Mehr lesen

Roundtable Discussion
How Young People in Africa and Europe Shape Politics in a Crisis-Ridden World
Bonn, 29.10.2024

Despite the varying contexts across continents, young people share a joint concern when asked about their problems: the economic situation… Mehr lesen

Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers
Bonn, 23.10.2024

This workshop was organised as part of the research project ‚Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers‘. As a semi-public event,… Mehr lesen

Policy dialogue
Forced migration and social cohesion
Bonn and online, 23.10.2024

In this international policy dialogue event, we discussed how social cohesion plays out among displaced persons and local communities in… Mehr lesen

IDOS at the Conferences of the Parties
United for the Planet
Cali, Baku, Riyadh, 21.10.2024 bis 13.12.2024

The 2024 meetings of the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) to the three Rio Conventions - the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate… Mehr lesen

Q&A Session
Shaping Futures Academy – Q&A session for applicants
Online, 17.10.2024

If you considered applying to the Shaping Futures Academy 2025 and had questions about the programme or application process, we invited you… Mehr lesen

Online Launch
Changing state-society relations in MENA
Online, 09.10.2024

Online launch of the special issue ‘Drivers of change in social contracts in the Middle East and North Africa region’ In many countries,… Mehr lesen

Hamburg, 07.10.2024 bis 08.10.2024

Die HSC ist ein neues Konferenzformat, das die Umsetzung der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) vorantreiben… Mehr lesen

Gesundheitsökonomie, Entwicklung und Klimawandel
Bonn, 27.09.2024

Der Herbstworkshop 2024 der Arbeitsgruppe für Gesundheitsökonomie und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit stellt den thematischen Schwerpunkt… Mehr lesen

Financing international development organizations in an age of disorder
Online, 25.09.2024

The contemporary international landscape, characterized by geopolitical shifts, economic turbulence, and the intensifying impacts of climate… Mehr lesen

Online Roundtable
Channeling Special Drawing Rights through MDBs
Online, 24.09.2024

As part of the series of events connected to the OECD’s Multilateral Development Finance week, a consortium of five think tanks, IDOS… Mehr lesen

Science-Policy Interface Session
Innovating One Health Governance for Global and Local Action
8th World One Health Congress, Cape Town, 20.09.2024

The failure of cross-sectoral coordination represents the greatest risk for the sustainable implementation of the One Health approach. It is… Mehr lesen

Vor dem Zukunftsgipfel der Vereinten Nationen
Online, 20.09.2024

Am 22. und 23. September 2024 fand bei den Vereinten Nationen in New York der Zukunftsgipfel (Summit of the Future) statt. An ihn waren hohe… Mehr lesen

5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies
Bonn and Online, 16.09.2024 bis 18.09.2024

Forced migration and displacement in the context of violent conflicts and natural disasters have been on the rise for years. At the same… Mehr lesen

Workshop at Tropentag 2024
Knowledge management for sustainable agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
Vienna, 11.09.2024

Innovations are the key drivers for sustainable agriculture, land, water and biodiversity conservation, poverty alleviation and food… Mehr lesen

International research conference
GLOBALGOALS2024 - The Future of the SDGs
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 29.08.2024 bis 30.08.2024

The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was welcomed by practitioners… Mehr lesen

International workshop
Social contracts and environmental change in the Middle East and North Africa and elsewhere
Bonn, Germany, 26.08.2024 bis 28.08.2024

The workshop is meant to discuss the relations between environmental change and social contracts and their implications for future… Mehr lesen

Launch Event
Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperation weltweit
Bonn & online, 19.08.2024

Wissenschaftskooperationen zwischen Partnern aus Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen auf der einen Seite und Ländern mit hohem… Mehr lesen

Water and state governance: India, Kenya, Germany
ZEF and Online, 19.07.2024

Programme:   10:00 am Welcome and opening   10:05 - 10:45 am (20 minutes presentation, 20 minutes discussion) Adapting to water reforms: A… Mehr lesen

Round Table Discussion
Sustainability science in a Global North-South dialogue
Bonn, 18.07.2024

Sustainability science (Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) aims to provide solutions to the multiple socio-ecological crises by working beyond… Mehr lesen

International Workshop
Interlinking sustainability science in a Global North-South dialogue
Bonn, 15.07.2024 bis 18.07.2024

Sustainability science (Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) aims to provide solutions to the current complex socio-ecological problems by working… Mehr lesen

Anniversary Conference
IDOS at 60
Bonn, 04.07.2024

Founded in 1964, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS, formerly the German Development Institute / Deutsches… Mehr lesen

Panel Discussion
Science in support of combatting land degradation
Bonn, 18.06.2024

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the INTERFACES team at IDOS in collaboration with the… Mehr lesen

Panel Discussion
The Changing Dynamics of International Institutions in an Era of Multiple Crisis
Online, 12.06.2024

In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges, the dynamics of international institutions are undergoing profound transformation. From… Mehr lesen

International Expert Discussion during UNFCCC SBs
Innovative Climate Finance
Bonn, 10.06.2024

CLIMA: Auction-Based Subsidies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries We are excited to extend an invitation to participate in a pivotal expert… Mehr lesen

Science-Policy Dialogue
Promoting Climate Action around the World
Bonn, 07.06.2024

Science-Policy Dialogue during the 60th sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies The goal of this Science Policy Dialogue, organized by… Mehr lesen

Roundtable discussion
Climate finance to leverage social protection for climate action
Bonn, 05.06.2024

The relevance of social protection for inclusive, people-centred climate action has gained increasing attention under United Nations… Mehr lesen

Panel Discussion
Designing the new UN climate finance goal
Bonn and Online, 04.06.2024

The New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance is set to be agreed at this year’s COP29, and it could have profound… Mehr lesen

Online Workshop
From Research to Policy
Online, 03.06.2024

The workshop will be given by Sven Grimm, Head of Research programme: Inter- and Transnational Cooperation  and the Training Department, at… Mehr lesen

Workshop (by invitation only)
Legitimacy deficits and tensions and their impact on cooperation
Bodø, Norway, 29.05.2024

This workshop explored the evolution of legitimacy deficits and tensions and their impact on cooperation, using empirical examples, in… Mehr lesen

Special Issue Launch
China at the United Nations
Online, 28.05.2024

Global Policy Special Issue edited by Sebastian Haug, Rosemary Foot and Max-Otto Baumann Has China’s expanding engagement led to any power… Mehr lesen

Virtuelles Pressebriefing
Europawahl 2024
Online, 23.05.2024

vom 6. bis 9 Juni findet in den 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten die Europawahl statt. Sie ist eine wichtige Weichenstellung für die zukünftige… Mehr lesen

Abschlusspräsentationen des 59. Postgraduierten-Programms
Bonn und Online, 22.05.2024

Das Postgraduierten-Programm bereitet Master-Absolvent*innen auf eine berufliche Zukunft in der internationalen Kooperation vor. Die… Mehr lesen

Joint Workshop
Economic Research for Development & Sustainability
Bonn, 16.05.2024

Second edition of our joint workshop of IDOS’ Research Programme “Transformation of Economic and Social Systems” and the University of… Mehr lesen

Virtual Policy Event
Re-considering international health data sharing rules for a new Pandemic Treaty.
Online, 14.05.2024

During the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly on the 24th of May, WHO Member States discussed the final draft for a new international… Mehr lesen

Urban Communities in the Face of the Climate Crisis
Bonn, 14.05.2024

The world is not on track to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG 11). Every third urban… Mehr lesen

IDOS at Arctic Circle Berlin Forum
Session: Local Actors in Environmental Governance?
Berlin, 08.05.2024

Analyses of environmental governance in the Arctic often focused on state-to-state relations. The latter are currently experiencing dramatic… Mehr lesen

MGG Conference
International Capacity Development for the Civil Service - The Sustainable Digitalisation Agenda
Cape Town, South Africa, 04.05.2024 bis 09.05.2024

MGG has been engaging in public sector capacity development for the implementation of the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable… Mehr lesen

Gender and Sanitation: Why it matters for women and girls
Online, 30.04.2024

In close connection to the World Water Day on 22 March, the UN-HABITAT, Water integrity Network (WIN) and IDOS is organising as part of the… Mehr lesen

Digitalisation Towards Sustainable Development
Stellenbosch & Cape Town, South Africa, 28.04.2024 bis 03.05.2024

The Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe Towards Sustainable Development (PRODIGEES) project, under the aegis… Mehr lesen

High-level policy debate
Renewing the mission of EU development policy in times of global polycrisis
Brussels, 16.04.2024

Context and objectives This year, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) celebrated its 60th birthday and six decades… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
Fostering inter-group cohesion
Online, 02.04.2024

We invited you to join us for an exciting, evidence-based discussion on inter-group cohesion, highlighting findings from evaluations of… Mehr lesen

Hybrid Event
The land-water nexus
Online, 22.03.2024

On the occasion of World Water Day 2024, the Bonn Water Network and its members including the United Nations Convention to Combat… Mehr lesen

Veranstaltungsliste Weltwassertag
Wasser für Frieden
Bonn und Online, 19.03.2024 bis 08.04.2024

Ob Dürren oder Hochwasser – Wasser-Extremereignisse passieren immer häufiger, im Globalen Süden aber auch hier in Europa und Deutschland. Im… Mehr lesen

Kick-Off-Workshop #2
Lokale feministische Perspektiven für transformative Veränderungen
Online, 18.03.2024

Wie können lokale feministische Perspektiven als Hebel für transformative Veränderungen genutzt werden? Auf dieser Frage baut das Projekt… Mehr lesen

Jubiläumsveranstaltung 60 Jahre IDOS
Berlin, 14.03.2024

Wissenschaft für Entwicklung: 60 Jahre Forschung, Beratung und Ausbildung für Entwicklungspolitik und -zusammenarbeit Im März 1964 wurde das… Mehr lesen

Round table
Urban Mobility Solutions: Road Safety
Berlin / Online, 14.03.2024

In order to identify key stakeholders and topics for the Hamburg Sustainability Conference (HSC) programme, the HSC, jointly with the German… Mehr lesen

Online Panel Discussion
Development Finance in Times of Multiple Crises
Online, 13.03.2024

Die Entwicklungsfinanzierung steht in Zeiten multipler Krisen vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund müssen die… Mehr lesen

Hybrid public lecture event
How to map and measure quality of employment?
Bonn and Online, 06.03.2024

Un- and underemployment is one of the most pressing issues in low and middle income countries. At the same time, many of the available jobs… Mehr lesen

3D-Digital Development Dialogue
Good Economics for Warmer Times
Online, 29.02.2024

Climate change is not just about getting the right technology. It is also about changing behavior and policies. And it is not (only) about… Mehr lesen

Virtuelles Pressegespräch
13. Ministerkonferenz der Welthandelsorganisation 2024
Online, 28.02.2024

Auf der WTO-Ministerkonferenz in Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, die vom 26. bis 29. Februar stattfindet, müssen Entscheidungen für… Mehr lesen

Virtuelle Info-Sessions
Virtuelle Info-Sessions Postgraduierten-Programm
Online, 22.02.2024 bis 12.03.2024

Bis zum 31. März freuen wir uns auf Bewerbungen von Hochschulabsolvent*innen für unser 60. Jubiläumsprogramm. Du suchst eine spannende und… Mehr lesen

Kick-Off-Workshop #1
Lokale feministische Perspektiven als Hebel für Wandel
Online, 31.01.2024

Welchen Einfluss haben sozio-kulturelle Normen auf transformative Genderpolitik? Unterschiedliche und gemeinsame Ideen sowie Expertisen zu… Mehr lesen

Kick off workshop
Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
Berlin, 24.01.2024

In an increasingly globalized world, displacement, migration, and (im)mobility are a socio-political phenomenon that countries must respond… Mehr lesen

Online debate
The Urban Water Challenge
Online, 24.01.2024

2023 has been a year of worldwide flooding disasters that, among other places, had devastating impacts in Libya, washed away entire villages… Mehr lesen

Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2023

Linked Event
Promoting evidence-based implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees
Maison de la Paix, Graduate Institute, Geneva & Online, 12.12.2023

This linked event was part of the Global Refugee Forum session on Shifting Power and Expanding Refugee Access to Higher Education and… Mehr lesen

Evidence-based implementation of the GCR
Maison de la Paix, Graduate Institute, Geneva & Online, 11.12.2023

This workshop aimed to facilitate exchange among researchers on common issues related to the role of academic research in advancing the… Mehr lesen

Alle Hebel auf Umsetzung: Die SDGs als globaler Kompass in Krisenzeiten
Potsdam, 04.12.2023

Die Halbzeitbilanz der Agenda 2030 und der SDGs fällt besorgniserregend aus. Nur 18 Prozent der 169 Unterziele werden voraussichtlich bis… Mehr lesen

Pandemic prevention: a planetary health perspective
Berlin, 01.12.2023

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an enormous socio-economic and ecological impact. In the post-pandemic phase there is much discussion what… Mehr lesen

Dubai, 30.11.2023 bis 12.12.2023

The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which will take place from November 30 to December 12, would… Mehr lesen

Colloquium Series
INTERFACES Colloquium Series #4
Online, 30.11.2023

The fourth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through… Mehr lesen

Research Workshop
Comparing Aid Agencies’ Bureaucratic Politics and Practices
Paris, 30.11.2023

The workshop offered the unique opportunity for a select group of scholars researching bureaucratic politics and practices of aid agencies… Mehr lesen

Online Meeting
Global Shifts in a Changing World Economy
Online, 28.11.2023

In recent years, major shifts in global markets from North to South have created a new geography of trade and consumption in the… Mehr lesen

UN-Klimakonferenz 2023: Wie weit ist die Welt bei der Eindämmung der Klimakrise gekommen?
Online, 22.11.2023

Die UN-Klimakonferenz 2023 (COP28) in Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, die vom 30. November bis zum 12. Dezember stattfindet, wird… Mehr lesen

Megatrend Lecture
The emerging global challenge of data authoritarianism
Bonn, 16.11.2023

With the rise of digital economies and digital innovations, issues surrounding data are becoming increasingly important in public debates… Mehr lesen

Promoting and Protecting Democracy in Times of De-Democratization
Bonn, 16.11.2023 bis 17.11.2023

Since the 1990s, external democracy promotion and protection has become a prominent tool of bi- and multilateral donors, as well as… Mehr lesen

Greening economies in partner countries
Bonn, 09.11.2023

Smart industrial policy anticipates the shift to a green economy; it guides and promotes the domestic economy so that it can take advantage… Mehr lesen

Social cohesion amidst the global polycrisis
Bonn, 06.11.2023 bis 08.11.2023

Soziale Kohäsion – oder auch sozialer Zusammenhalt – prägt die Resilienz einer Gesellschaft gegenüber Schocks und Krisen. Gesellschaften, in… Mehr lesen

Expert workshop
Funding the UN system
Bonn, 06.11.2023 bis 07.11.2023

The workshop explored how the UN system is currently funded, what challenges UN financing faces, and what the future of UN financing could… Mehr lesen

Colloquium Series
INTERFACES Colloquium Series #3
Online, 02.11.2023

The third lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through… Mehr lesen

Online Meeting
Shaping Futures Academy 2024 – Q&A
Online, 25.10.2023

If you are interested in applying to the Shaping Futures Academy 2024, and still had questions about the programme and the application… Mehr lesen

IDOS@ESG Conference 2023
Building Science and Societies for Sustainability Transformations
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 24.10.2023 bis 26.10.2023

Overview of all IDOS activities at the conference Semi-Plenary Session: Bridging the gap: Science-policy dialogue on water as a catalyst for… Mehr lesen

Equitable International Research Cooperation
Bonn, 23.10.2023 bis 24.10.2023

Ensuring equitable research collaboration between partners from low-, middle-, and high-income countries is emphatically affirmed by all… Mehr lesen

Side-event World Health Summit
Putting Policy into Practice
Berlin, 17.10.2023

Beim diesjährigen World Health Summit in Berlin kamen 3.000 Gesundheitsexperten aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um die dringendsten globalen… Mehr lesen

Book launch
Foreign Aid and its Unintended Consequences
Bonn, 16.10.2023

Foreign aid and international development frequently bring with it a range of unintended consequences, both negative and positive. This book… Mehr lesen

Book Launch und Roundtable
Lokal verankerte Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung
Bonn, 10.10.2023

Der Book Launch zu dem Buch “Lokal verankerte Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung zwischen Partnerschaft und Machtungleichgewicht” präsentierte eine… Mehr lesen

Launch Event
Global Tax Expenditures Transparency Index (GTETI)
Online, 09.10.2023 bis 10.10.2023

The Council on Economic Policies (CEP) and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) are launching the Global Tax… Mehr lesen

Colloquium Series
INTERFACES Colloquium Series #2
Online, 05.10.2023

The second lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through… Mehr lesen

Partnerschaftlicher Aufbau einer globalen Wasserstoffwirtschaft
Berlin, 28.09.2023

Das 2. Berliner Dialogforum, veranstaltet durch den vom BMBF geförderten Potenzialatlas HYPAT, widmete sich der Schlüsselfrage, wie ein… Mehr lesen

MGG Global Network Conference
Global Partnerships – Knowledge, Dialogue, and Action
Bonn, 25.09.2023 bis 28.09.2023

Six years after the last MGG Global Network Conference (GNC), the MGG Network gathered again to reconnect, exchange and move from knowledge… Mehr lesen

Researching sustainable land management in sub-Sahara Africa
Berlin, 20.09.2023

The workshop presented the programme "Sustainable Land Management in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)" funded by the German Federal Ministry of… Mehr lesen

Simultaneously Realising a Just Energy Transition and the Implications for Water-Energy-Food Nexus in South Africa
Online, 11.09.2023

WWF South Africa (WWF-SA), in partnership with the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), organised this workshop as… Mehr lesen

Roundtable Discussion
Cooperation for the Sake of Cooperation?
Potsdam, 08.09.2023

The current global dynamics have significant consequences on policy-making in and beyond the Arctic. To limit the effects of the ever more… Mehr lesen

Colloquium Series
INTERFACES Colloquium Series #1
Online, 07.09.2023

On Thursday, 7 September, INTERFACES started the colloquium series on "Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving… Mehr lesen

Online Meeting
Third Virtual General Assembly Meeting (VGAM) of the African Academy Alumni Network
Online, 04.09.2023

Decent work and economic growth, SDG8, was the topic of the 3rd Virtual General Assembly Meeting (VGAM) of the African Academy Alumni… Mehr lesen

Public Talks
Canceled: Public talks on Tunisia
Bonn, 23.08.2023

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that the event on 23 August 2023 with lectures by Dina Bishara and Holger Albrecht, for which you had… Mehr lesen

Alumni Webinar
Food security in West and Central Africa
Online, 18.08.2023

The West and Central Africa regional block of the African Academy Alumni Network organized a webinar under the topic “Food security in West… Mehr lesen

T20 Summit Side Event
Utopias of Global Cooperation
Mysuru, India, 31.07.2023

The concept of ‘global digital commons’ (UN, 2020) constitutes a key component of the emerging Global Digital Compact of the United Nations.… Mehr lesen

Network Meeting
MGG Network – India National Network Meeting 2023
New Delhi, India, 28.07.2023

The MGG Network (IDOS) was thrilled to organise the MGG India National Network Meeting 2023 with participation from Indian alumni of the MGG… Mehr lesen

Politik(in)kohärenz in der deutschen Energiewende
Bonn, 19.06.2023

Hintergrund Der Schlüssel zur Erfüllung der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung und des Pariser Abkommens in Deutschland ist die… Mehr lesen

Multilateralism in Times of Polycrises
Seoul and Online, 14.06.2023

Germany's and Korea's global priorities in the field of sustainable development are converging. This convergence offers considerable… Mehr lesen

Linking Loss and Damage to Conflict Affected and Fragile Settings
Bonn, 12.06.2023

Workshop along with the 58th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC in Bonn. Climate change is a threat multiplier to sustainable… Mehr lesen

Online Meeting
Second Virtual General Assembly Meeting (VGAM) of the African Academy Alumni Network
Online, 09.06.2023

The second Virtual General Assembly Meeting (VGAM) of the African Academy Alumni Network took place on the topic of Gender Equality, SDG5.… Mehr lesen

Book launch and expert roundtable
Africa’s Right to Development in a Climate-Constrained World
Bonn, 05.06.2023

This book launch event on “Africa’s Right to Development in a Climate-Constrained World” presents a landmark publication in Palgrave… Mehr lesen

SB58 Side Event
The evolution of connections between Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda in the NDCs
Bonn, 05.06.2023

This side event explores the development of climate activities in countries’ first and updated  Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)… Mehr lesen

Side Event
Durban, Südafrika, 05.06.2023 bis 08.06.2023

Das Forum für Agrarforschung in Afrika (FARA), der technische Zweig der Kommission der Afrikanischen Union für alle Fragen der… Mehr lesen

Strengthening social cohesion in fragile and conflict-affected states
Bonn, 31.05.2023 bis 01.06.2023

All around the world, increasing polarization, inequalities and autocratization, among other trends, put a strain on social cohesion. In… Mehr lesen

Virtual Panel Session
Funding “Loss and Damage”
Online, 31.05.2023

The 2nd Annual Conference on Global Climate Governance in the Face of Obstruction (31 May – 2 June 2023), organized by the Climate Social… Mehr lesen

Contested Mobility: Between Local Needs, National Interests, and Global Trends
Bonn, Germany, 24.05.2023 bis 25.05.2023

With the Agenda 2030 and the adoption of the Global Compacts for Migration and Refugees, the international community faces the challenge of… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
UN Global Digital Compact
Online, 24.05.2023

This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

Panel discussion
Adapting Governance and Infrastructure for Water Resilience
Bonn, 23.05.2023

Climate change causes an increase in extreme weather events in many countries of the world. This has drastic impacts for instance on food… Mehr lesen

Bonn Climate Group Meeting
Regrouping back better
Bonn, 17.05.2023

Welcome note& introduction by the co-hosts Dr. Steffen Bauer, IDOS Mathias Boehning, WEASC   „Tour de table“ with introductions “If you… Mehr lesen

Panel Debate
The future of the EU as a global development actor
Berlin, 10.05.2023

Today’s polycrisis world challenges the European Union to adapt to a reshaped geopolitical order and identify the partners with which it can… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
UN – Meaningful Youth Engagement
Online, 10.05.2023

This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
HLAB Report and GSDR
Online, 03.05.2023

This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

Virtual Seminar
Ukraine’s Reconstruction and European Integration
Online, 27.04.2023

The session will take place on April 27th at 3:00 pm (UTC+2). The two speakers are Yulia Rybak, Co-Head of German–Ukrainian Energy… Mehr lesen

Virtual Workshop
Global trends in FDI and their implications for inclusive economic development in Africa

This workshop explores how recent trends affected foreign direct investment (FDI) flows, their impact on inclusive economic development and… Mehr lesen

Status Seminar
Bonn, 26.04.2023 bis 28.04.2023

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) fördert transdisziplinäre Forschung zum nachhaltigen Landmanagement, um die… Mehr lesen

South Africa's Green Finance Taxonomy
Johannesburg and Online, 25.04.2023

This workshop will present the preliminary findings of a joint research project by IDOS, Carbon Trust, the University of Johannesburg, and… Mehr lesen

Wasserstoff in Brasilien
Bonn, 25.04.2023

Deutschland und Europa verfolgen sehr ehrgeizige Strategien für den Einsatz von Wasserstoff zur Dekarbonisierung von Teilen ihrer… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
UN – Fit for Future Generations?
Online, 19.04.2023

This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

Virtual expert discussion
Online (Zoom), 17.04.2023

The concept and mainstream approaches of development cooperation have been criticised since the early beginning of their existence.… Mehr lesen

Integrity Talk
Bringing integrity in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus
Online, 12.04.2023

Water security, energy security, food security and the health and sustainability of the planet’s ecosystems are deeply connected in the face… Mehr lesen

UN 2023 Water Conference Side Event
Turning the tide on the freshwater biodiversity crisis
New York, 22.03.2023

“To protect and restore water-related ecosystems” (SDG 6.6) is the target with the narrowest time frame of the 2030 Agenda, supposedly… Mehr lesen

UN 2023 Water Conference
New York, 22.03.2023 bis 24.03.2023

22nd of March is World Water Day, and this year global attention to our important but yet seriously threatened water resources is higher… Mehr lesen

Virtual Event
Summit of the Future and SDG Summit
Online, 15.03.2023

This September, United Nations (UN) member states will come together in New York for the SDG Summit and the Ministerial Meeting on the 2024… Mehr lesen

Virtual book launch
Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation virtual book launch
Online, 14.03.2023

On Tuesday 14 March 2023, ECDPM are hosting a virtual book launch of Africa-Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation, edited by Chux… Mehr lesen

Online Meeting
First Virtual General Assembly Meeting (VGAM) of the African Academy Alumni Network
Online, 07.03.2023

The first Virtual General Assembly Meeting (VGAM) of the African Academy Alumni Network took place under the topic "Peace, justice and… Mehr lesen

Expert Roundtable (hybrid)
Meaningful Involvement of Regional and District Governments
IDOS, Bonn & Online, 27.02.2023

In 2017, Ethiopia initiated a policy shift aimed at phasing out the purely camp-based approach to refugee response in the country. Following… Mehr lesen

Meere, Pole, Nord und Süd
Bonn, 23.02.2023 bis 24.02.2023

Von den Ressourcen der Meere, einer gesunden Meeresumwelt, einer sicheren Schifffahrt sowie gesicherten Küsten als Siedlungsraum sind… Mehr lesen

Virtual Seminar
How and Why to Involve Policy Makers More Structurally Into Impact Evaluations?
Online, 23.02.2023

In impact evaluations, the involvement of research in program implementation is crucial for the development of an adequate design and the… Mehr lesen

Virtual conference
New Sustainable Development pathways reflecting different societal perspectives
Online, 16.02.2023

Achieving the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the Agenda 2020 requires holistic Sustainable… Mehr lesen

Vor der Halbzeit von Agenda 2030 und SDGs
Bonn, 13.02.2023

Das Jahr 2023 markiert die Halbzeit bei der Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und ihrer Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs). Angesichts… Mehr lesen

Public Lecture
Violence: a critical issue for development?
Bonn, 08.02.2023

At the event of the first meeting of IDOS’ newly appointed International Scientific Advisory Board, Prof Dr Anke Hoeffler held a lecture on… Mehr lesen

Public roundtable debate
The MENA Region in the “Zeitenwende” Era: An Opportunity for Socially Just Transition?
Berlin, 24.01.2023

The event brought together political decision makers and experts from Germany and the region to debate the following questions:   How does… Mehr lesen


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Hans Singer heute: Internationale Ordnung, Lieferketten & Multilateralismus in disruptiven Zeiten
Vortrag von Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge (ab 13:15 Uhr)
Hans-Singer-Symposium, Wuppertal, 05.05.2025