Trautner, Bernhard

Direkt zu:

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Trautner

Transformation politischer (Un-)Ordnung

Ehemaliger Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter



seit 11/2020Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Senior advisor, Dep’t of research & evaluation
2015-2020German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Senior Researcher, Project
‘Contributions to stabilization and development in North Africa and the Middle East’
2012-2015Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Deputy Head, Middle East Department
2014Tübingen University, Institute for Political Science
Appointment Professor (adj.)
2008-2012German Embassy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Federal Foreign Office, First Secretary for bilateral cooperation
2005-2008Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Dept. for Governance, Human Rights and Accountability
2003-2005Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Division for Regional Development Policy/Middle East
2003Bremen University
Appointment Chair for Political Science and Political Management (pro tempore)
2002-2003Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn
Senior Fellow
2001-2003Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Advisor on Dialogue with the Arab World to the German Foundation of International Development (DSE/InWent, now: GTZ), Bonn and on crisis prevention in Central Asia (appraisal missions to Afghanistan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan), Eschborn
1993-2000Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (Prof. Senghaas), Bremen University
Researcher & post-doc
1997Bremen University
PhD, thesis title: „Konstruktive Konfliktbearbeitung im Vorderen und Mittleren Orient (1945 - 1995)“
1992Heidelberg University
M.A. in Political Science, Islamic Studies and Public Law

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    In den Medien

    Ein Marshallplan für Syrien
    Bernhard Trautner, 03.02.2016