Ekoh, Susan
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Dr. Susan S. Ekoh
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Climate adaptation
- Climate migration
- Urban sustainability
- Sustainable development
Seit 04/2022 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (bis 06/2022 Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Forschungsabteilung "Umwelt Governance" |
05/2021-03/2022 | American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP) Climate Adaptation Fellow |
08/2017-05/2021 | State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forestry (SUNY ESF) Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant |
05/2018-08/2018 | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), New York Intern, Environment Affairs |
06/2015-01/2016 | Skeo Solutions Intern Associate |
11/2011-10/2012 | Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria Junior Research Analyst |
05/2009-10/20009 | African Development Bank Environmental Project Assistant |
Referierte Publikationen
- Ekoh, Susan S. / Lemir Termon / Idowu Ajibade (2023)
Climate change and coastal megacities: adapting through mobility
in: Global Environmental Change 80, article 102666 - Ekoh, Susan S. / Lemir Teron (2023)
Vulnerable spaces, unequal responses: lessons for transformative climate resilience in Lagos
in: Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 5, article 929121 - Ekoh, Susan S. / LemirTeron / Idowu Ajibade / Silje Kristiansen (2022)
Flood risk perceptions and future migration intentions of Lagos residents
in: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 83, article 103399 - Teron, Lemir / Susan Ekoh (2018)
Energy democracy and the city: evaluating the practice and potential of municipal sustainability planning
in: Frontiers in Communication, first published 27.02.2018
Nicht-referierte Publikationen
- Ekoh, Susan S. (2024)
Exploring the influence of power on the governance of climate im/mobility in Accra and Dakar
(Discussion Paper 10/2024) - Megatrends Afrika (ed.) (2024)
Joint Futures: ideas for Germany’s Africa Policy - Ideen für die deutsche Afrikapolitik
in: Megatrends Working Paper 12 - Ekoh, Susan (2023)
Prioritizing Africa’s Needs: how to strengthen Africa-German cooperation on migration
published on megatrends-africa.de, Blog Joint Futures 30, 01.12.2023 - Ekoh, Susan S. (2023)
Climate (im)mobility in urban contexts: from recognition to action
(Policy Brief 15/2023)
- Faus Onbargi, Alexia / Aparajita Banerjee / Susan S. Ekoh (2023)
COP28 und der Weg zur „Just Transition“
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 29.11.2023
- Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
- Policy coherence at the nexus of environment, development and migration governance
- Forschungsteam Ghana: Sozialer Zusammenhalt im Kontext von umwelt- und klimabedingter Binnenvertreibung in Ghana
- ‘Contested mobility‘: Migrationspolitik in Ländern des globalen Südens zwischen lokalen Bedarfen, nationaler Interessensaushandlung und globalen Agenden
E-Mail Susan.Ekoh@idos-research.de