The devolution of the land and building tax in Indonesia
von Haldenwang, Christian / Alice Elfert / Tobias Engelmann / Samuel Germain / Gregor Sahler / Amelie Stanzel FerreiraStudies (89)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
ISBN: 978-3-88985-673-9
Preis: 10 €
The study holds that initial evidence at an aggregate level points to an increase in property tax collection after decentralisation. A more detailed look at individual cases reveals, however, that local governments shy away from making full use of the powers given to them by the new decentralisation law. The study analyses the implementation of the property tax reform at the local level and derives lessons from the initial outcomes of the current process. It combines a macro-level view with in-depth case studies in seven Indonesian cities and districts. Further, it discusses options for broadening local property tax collection in the future by extending it to the plantations sector.
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