Policy options for improving drought resilience and its implication for food security: the cases of Ethiopia and Kenya
Duguma, Mesay K. / Michael Brüntrup / Daniel TsegaiStudies (98)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
ISBN: 978-3-96021-056-6
Preis: 10 €
This study, jointly prepared by DIE and UNCCD, presents and critically examines the drought policies and institutional frameworks of two African countries frequently challenged by droughts - Ethiopia and Kenya. These countries are known to have embarked upon robust drought strategies during the last years, in particular since the last devastating drought of 2010/2011. Lessons learnt, the policy implementation challenges and relevant measures are discussed. The study is based on a literature review complemented by interviews with about 50 key stakeholders along with field visits in Ethiopia and Kenya in the first half of 2016. The study presents a number of recommendations on how to strengthen drought policies in these two countries which may be valuable to relevant actors in other drought-prone African countries and beyond.
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