Reading on Knowledge Cooperation
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Reading on Knowledge Cooperation

- Transnational science cooperation for sustainable development
Schwachula, Anna(2020)
in: Sachin Chaturvedi / Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Xiaoyun Li / André de Mello e Souza / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Dorothea Wehrmann (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of development cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 59-88, online - How can development cooperation be more sensitive to power relations?
Kornprobst, Tim / Anna Schwachula (2020)
The Current Column of 16 November 2020 - Sustainable development in science policy-making: the German Federal Ministry of Education and research's policies for international cooperation in sustainability research
Schwachula, Anna (2019)
Bielefeld: transcript Verl. - Sustainability standards and global governance: experiences of emerging economies
Negi, Archna / Jorge Antonia Pérez-Pineda, Jorge Antonia / Johannes Blankenbach (Eds.) (2020)
Singapore: Springer - 2020 as the Anno Commotio (Year of Yearning) –Academia needs to change for diversity, too!
Hernandez, Ariel (2020)
Future of Globalisation Blog - How cooperating for the 2030 Agenda can succeed
Schwachula, Anna / Johanna Vogel (2019)
The Current Column of 4 November 2019 - How to frame South-South Cooperation? Challenges of the upcoming 2nd UN Conference on South-South Cooperation
Klingebiel, Stefan / Paulo Esteves (2019)
Future of Globalisation Blog