Launch of T20 Germany Website and T20 Germany Blog

Launch of T20 Germany Website and T20 Germany Blog

Bonn / Kiel, 4 November 2016. The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), are delighted to inform you that the official website of the Think20 (T20) during the German G20 Presidency has been launched today at

The T20 as a politically independent network of research institutes and think tanks from the G20 countries facilitates interaction and dialogue among its members and provides research-based policy advice to the G20. It develops policy recommendations within thematic Task Forces, organizes events and dialogues with G20 policy makers, other engagement groups and the global public. As part of the German leadership of the international forum, the Federal Government has jointly entrusted the IfW and the DIE with organizing and chairing the T20 process.

As one element to this process, the new platform features upcoming events, recent publications and the joint research team constituted by colleagues from DIE and IfW.

You can also find out more about the work of the thematic Task Forces that have been set up to provide research-based policy recommendations for this year’s G20 process. The different Task Forces are: the 2030 Agenda, Climate Policy and Finance, Global Inequality and Social Cohesion, Forced Migration, Global Tax Cooperation, Toward Ending Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture, Trade and Investment, Financial Resilience, and the Digital Economy.

We would also like to welcome you to our new blog, which will focus on the T20 process, its research and our partner institutions:

The blog intends to bring an additional dimension to the way the T20 engages with members of our own research network, the broader public, and the G20 in advance of the upcoming G20 Summit in Hamburg in July 2017. In the coming months it will feature contributions by researchers and experts on the ongoing T20 policy process and the continuing work of the Task Forces. You can read the first blog contributions on the herculean tasks the G20 faces in 2016/17:

Herculean tasks for the G20 in 2017 by Dirk Messner (DIE) and Dennis Snower (IfW)

We hope you’ll enjoy these new resources and follow the work of our two institutions and the wider T20 network over the coming months.

Contact persons:
Tanja Vogel
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Head of Communications
+49 228 94 927-264

Mathias Rauck
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, IfW
+49 431 8814-411

About the T20

The Think20 (T20) has been initiated during the Mexican G20 Presidency in 2012. It serves as an “ideas bank” for the G20. For this purpose, T20 organizes the collaboration of global think tanks and high-level experts in order to provide analytical depth to ongoing G20 discussions and produce ideas to help the G20 on delivering concrete and sustainable policy measures. The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) have been entrusted by the German government to organise the T20 process during the German Presidency in 2016 and 2017. Professor Dennis Snower (President of IfW) and Professor Dirk Messner (Director of DIE) will jointly chair the T20 during this time.


Tanja Vogel
Leiterin Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Telefon +49 (0)228 94927-264

Sabrina Heuwinkel
Pressearbeit Hörfunk & TV
Telefon + 49 228 94927-150

Wendpanga Eric Segueda
Referent Pressearbeit
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