Nachhaltige Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Afrika
Nachhaltige Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Afrika
Afrikas wirtschaftliche Entwicklung steht seit Jahrzehnten im Zentrum der entwicklungspolitischen Agenda, vor Ort wie in Deutschland. Allerdings verändern sich manche weltwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen rasant. Stichworte: Digitalisierung; Klimawandel; neuer Protektionismus und Handelskriege im Norden; neue Chancen für regionale Integration in Afrika; neue Nachfragemuster globaler Mittelschichten; weltweite Verknappung fruchtbarer Böden; Verlagerung von Niedriglohnjobs aus China.
Welche Chancen ergeben sich unter diesen sich verändernden globalen Bedingungen für nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Afrika? Unter welchen politökonomischen Bedingungen können diese Chancen so genutzt werden, dass Wohlstand auf breiter Basis erhöht und soziale Kohäsion gestärkt wird? Wie unterscheiden sich diese Bedingungen von Land zu Land?
Laufende Forschungsarbeiten des German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) widmen sich spezifischen Aspekten wie Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik, Agrarinvestitionen, Lieferketten, Digitalisierung, Handelspolitik, Direktinvestitionen und Arbeitsplatzverlagerung und Finanzmarktentwicklung. In der Gesamtschau geben diese Orientierung in Bezug auf Bedingungen für einen inklusiven Strukturwandel und soziale Kohäsion in der Region.
Altenburg, Tilman
Brüntrup, Michael
Dafe, Florence
Dombrowsky, Ines
El-Haddad, Amirah
Erforth, Benedikt
Gutheil, Lena
Hackenesch, Christine
Houdret, Annabelle
Leininger, Julia
Malerba, Daniele
Mockshell, Jonathan
Never, Babette
Roll, Michael
Rukundo, Emmanuel Nshakira
Stender, Frederik
Strupat, Christoph
Open access
Policy responses to COVID-19: why social cohesion and social protection matter in Africa
Leininger, Julia / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Strupat / Daniele Malerba (2022)
Discussion Paper 20/2022
The effects of a private-sector driven smallholder support programme on productivity, market participation and food and nutrition security: evidence of a Nucleus-Outgrower Scheme from Zambia
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Raoul Herrmann / Chewe Nkonde / Mwelwa Lukonde / Michael Brüntrup (2022)
Discussion Paper 19/2022
Social cohesion and firms’ access to finance in Africa
Walle, Yabibal M. (2022)
Discussion Paper 9/2022
Mechanisms for governing the Water-Land-Food Nexus in the Lower Awash River Basin, Ethiopia: ensuring policy coherence in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy / Anita Breuer / Waltina Scheumann (2021)
Discussion Paper 26/2021
Local governments and the sustainable integration of refugees in Ethiopia
Binkert, Eva / Merlin Flaig / Lukas Frucht et al. (2021)
Discussion Paper 21/2021
Non-open access
Murky trade waters: regional tariff commitments and non-tariff measures in Africa
Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2022)
in: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, first published 12.12.2022
Megatrends and conflict dynamics in Africa: multipolarity and delegation in foreign interventions
Erforth, Benedikt / Anna Hörter / Wolfram Lacher / Lisa Tschörner (2022)
in: Megatrends Africa Working Paper 02 (December 2022)
The impact of urbanisation on political regimes in Africa: A literature review
Gutheil, Lena (2022)
in: Megatrends Africa Working Paper 03 (December 2022)
Civil society participation in urban governance in Africa: supporting CSOs’ political voice for a transformation of citizen–state relations
Gutheil, Lena (2022)
Policy Brief 2022 05, 14.07.2022S (SWP, IDOS, IfW)
How to make energy efficiency labels more effective: insights from discrete choice experiments in Ghana and the Philippines
Kuhn, Sascha / Kutzner Florian / Thøgersen John (2021)
in: Energy Research & Social Science (84), 1-15
Greening structural transformation: what role for industrial hubs?
Altenburg, Tilman / Kasper Vrolijk (2020)
in: Arkebe Oqubay / Justin Yifu Lin (eds.), The Oxford handbook of industrial hubs and economic development, Oxford
Redefining the social contract in the wake of the Arab Spring: the experiences of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
El-Haddad, Amirah (2020)
in: World Development 127 (March) (online first)
Sign here, please! On developing countries’ market access conditions in regional trade agreements
Stender, Frederik (2019)
in: Review of Development Economics 23 (3), 1347-1367
More than money: does climate finance support capacity building?
Stender, Frederik / Ulf Moslener / Willem P. Pauw (2019)
in: Applied Economics Letters (forthcoming)
Regional cooperation on migration and mobility: experiences from two African regions
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
in: Andrew Geddes / Marcia Vera Espinoza / Leila Hadj Abdou / Leiza Brumat (eds.), The dynamics of regional migration governance, Cheltenham: Elgar, 109-127
Agricultural growth corridors in Sub-Saharan Africa: new hope for territorial rural development or another non-starter? The case of the Southern agricultural growth corridor of Tanzania
Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
published on Land and Poverty Conference 2019: Catalyzing Innovation, March 25-29, 2019, Washington, DC
Where tradition meets public sector innovation: a Rwandan case study for results-based approaches
Klingebiel, Stephan / Victoria Gonsior / Franziska Jakobs / Miriam Nikitka (2019)
published on Third World Quarterly 28 Mar 2019
Aid and conflict at the sub-national level: evidence from World Bank and chinese development projects in Africa
Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin H.L. Wong (2019)
published on AidData Mar 8, 2019 (Working Paper 70)
Testfall Sahelregion: EU-Außenpolitik im Spannungsfeld von Sicherheit, Entwicklung und Migration
Bergmann, Julian (2019)
in: Political Science Applied - Zeitschrift für angewandte Politikwissenschaft 9/2019, 28-30
Linking social protection schemes: the joint effects of a public works and a health insurance programme in Ethiopia
Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2019)
in: The Journal of Development Studies (Online first)
False friends? Empirical evidence on trade policy substitution in regional trade agreements
Silberberger, Magdalene / Frederik Stender (2018)
in: The World Economy 41 (8), 2175-2199
Cash transfers and food security in Sub‐Saharan Africa
Burchi, Francesco / Giorgio D'Agostino / Luca Pieroni / Margherita Scarlato (2018)
published on South African Journal of Economics 15 August 2018
Linking small-scale farmers to the durum wheat value chain in Ethiopia: assessing the effects on production and wellbeing
Biggeri, Mario / Francesco Burchi / Federico Ciani / Raoul Herrmann (2018)
in: Food Policy 79 (August), 77-91
Food value chain linkages and household food security in Tanzania
Herrmann, Raoul / Ephraim Nkonya / Anja Faße (2018)
in: Food Security 10 (4), 827-839
“On the Table or at the Table?” G20 and its Cooperation with Africa
Julia Leininger (2017)
Global Summitry, Volume 3, Issue 2, 1 December 2017
Competition between biofuel feedstock and food production: empirical evidence from sugarcane outgrower settings in Malawi
Herrmann, Raoul / Charles Jumbe / Michael Brüntrup / Evans Osabuohien (2017)
published on Biomass and Bioenergy September 2017
Large-scale agricultural investments and smallholder welfare: a comparison of wage labor and outgrower channels in Tanzania
Herrmann, Raoul (2017)
in: World Development 90 (February), 294-310
Behave and save? Behaviour, energy efficiency and performance of micro and small enterprises in Uganda
Never, Babette (2016)
in: Energy Research & Social Science 15/2016, 33-44
Tax revenue performance and vulnerability in developing countries
Morrissey, Oliver / Christian von Haldenwang / Armin von Schiller / Maksym Ivanyna / Ingo Bordon (2016)
in: The Journal of Development Studies (online first) DOI:10.1080/00220388.2016.1153071
Developing local currency bond markets for long-term development financing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Berensmann, Kathrin / Florence Dafe / Ulrich Volz (2015)
in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 31 (3-4), 350-378
Industrial Policy in Developing Countries. Failing Markets, Weak States
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2015)
Cheltenham/ Northampton: Edward Elgar
Large-scale agro-industrial investments and rural poverty: evidence from sugarcane in Malawi
Herrmann, Raoul / Ulrike Grote (2015)
in: Journal of African Economies 24 (5), 645-676
Social norms, trust and control of power theft in Uganda: does bulk metering work for MSEs?
Never, Babette (2015)
in: Energy Policy 82/2015, 197-206
Developing local currency bond markets for long-term development financing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Berensmann, Kathrin / Florence Dafe / Ulrich Volz (2015)
in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 31 (3-4), 350-378
Industrial Policy in Developing Countries. Failing Markets, Weak States
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2015)
Cheltenham/ Northampton: Edward Elgar
Large-scale agro-industrial investments and rural poverty: evidence from sugarcane in Malawi
Herrmann, Raoul / Ulrike Grote (2015)
in: Journal of African Economies 24 (5), 645-676
Social norms, trust and control of power theft in Uganda: does bulk metering work for MSEs?
Never, Babette (2015)
in: Energy Policy 82/2015, 197-206
Impacts of a micro-enterprise clustering programme on firm performance in Ghana
Strupat, Christoph / Jörg Peters / Maximiliane Sievert (2015)
in: European Journal of Development Research 27 (1), 99-121
Gender mainstreaming in SADC and SADC-EU trade relations
Hulse, Merran / Anna van der Vleuten (2014)
in: Anna van der Vleuten / Anouka van Eerdewijk / Conny Roggeban (eds.), Gender equality norms in regional governance: transnational dynamics in Europe, South America and Southern Africa, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 165-192
Including women’s voices? Gender mainstreaming in EU and SADC development strategies for southern Africa
Debusscher, Petra / Merran Hulse (2014)
in: Journal of Southern African Studies 40 (3), 559-573
Actorness beyond the European Union: comparing the international trade actorness of SADC and ECOWAS
Hulse, Merran (2014)
in: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (3), 547–565
Beiträge zu Stabilisierung und Entwicklung in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten
Beiträge zu Stabilisierung und Entwicklung in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten
Wertschöpfungsketten entwicklungspolitisch gestalten
Transformation CO2-intensiver Konsummuster in Ländern mittleren Einkommens (SMMICC)
Virtual Event
Filling and Operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – A Way Out
Online, 04.05.2021
Expert Workshop
Potentials and Challenges of a Future AU-EU Trade Agreement
Online, 12.05.2021
Online Roundtable
Covid-19 and its impact on the informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Online, 10.02.2021
Online Expert Roundtable
EU-AU cooperation on the Green Transition: What role for cooperation on international climate policy?
Online, 16.09.2020
Online Expert Roundtable
EU-AU cooperation on the Green Transition: What role for cooperation on energy transition?
Online, 09.09.2020
Deutsch-französischer Afrika-Dialog in Berlin
Online, 07.09.2020
Online Expert Roundtable
How the AU-EU partnership can contribute to stimulate investment in Africa
Online, 03.09.2020
Online Expert Roundtable
AU-EU cooperation on the Green Transition: What role of a European Green Deal?
Online, 02.09.2020
How can the EU contribute to making AfCFTA work?
Online, 24.06.2020
AfCFTA – how to make it a game changer?
Online, 17.06.2020
Towards a digital partnership between the EU and the AU: Entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors
Online, 11.06.2020
Towards a digital partnership between the EU and the AU: National Policy-Makers
Online, 03.06.2020
Towards a digital partnership between the EU and the AU
Online, 28.05.2020
Pension Reform in the Middle East and North Africa
Bonn, 27.08.2020
Science and sustainable development – the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) and African science-policy-interface
Victoria Falls, 24.02.2020
Africa’s employment perspectives towards 2040
Bonn, 17.02.2020 bis 18.02.2020
Conference / Stakeholder Meeting
South African Initiative on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Pretoria, 06.11.2019 bis 07.11.2019
MGG Conference
The Power of Cooperation: Shaping a Positive narrative of Global Governance in South Africa
Pretoria, 04.11.2019 bis 05.11.2019
Dialogue Forum
Sustainable Public Procurement for Strategic Policy Goals – MUPASS Dialogue Forum 2019
Bonn, 28-30.10.2019
Jan Walliser Memorial Lecture
Economic Development in Africa
Bonn, 04.06.2019
EU Democracy Support in Africa in an Era of Uncertainty
Brüssel, 30 April 2019
„Finanzialisierung“ des afrikanischen Agrarsektors: Chancen, Risiken und Leitplanken
Bonn, 18.07.2017
Drought resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Research meets Development
Bonn, 06.04.2017 bis 13.07.2017
T20 Afrika-Konferenz
Africa and the G20: Building alliances for sustainable development
Johannesburg, 01.02.2017 bis 03.02.2017
Emerging Power or Fading Star? South Africa’s Role on the African Continent and Beyond
Cape Town, 12.-14.07.2016
Rwanda – A Developmental State and Donor Darling?
Bonn, 06.-07.10.2016
Emerging Power or Fading Star? South Africa’s Role on the African Continent and Beyond
Cape Town, 12.-14.07.2016
Publikationen Open Access
Open access
Implications of COVID-19 for conflict in Africa
Fiedler, Charlotte / Karina Mross / Yonas Adaye Adeto (2021)
Briefing Paper 12/2021
E-government and democracy in Botswana: observational and experimental evidence on the effect of e-government usage on political attitudes
Bante, Jana / Felix Helmig / Lara Prasad / Lea Deborah Scheu / Jean Christoph Seipel / Helge Senkpiel / Markus Geray / Armin von Schiller / David Sebudubudu / Sebastian Ziaja (2021)
Discussion Paper 16/2021
Murky trade waters: regional tariff commitments and non-tariff measures in Africa
Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2021)
Discussion Paper 13/2021
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
Discussion Paper 11/2021
Navigating through an external agenda and internal preferences: Ghana’s national migration policy
Segadlo, Nadine (2021)
Discussion Paper 8/2021
Plädoyer für eine europäische Digitalstrategie in Afrika
Benedikt Erforth (2021)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 08.02.2021
Can integrated social protection programmes affect social cohesion? Mixed-methods evidence from Malawi
Burchi, Francesco / Federico Roscioli (2021)
Discussion Paper 3/2021
Strengthening the digital partnership between Africa and Europe
Daniels, Chux / Benedikt Erforth / Rob Floyd/ Chloe Teevan (2020)
ETTG-Paper, October 2020
Coordination beyond the state to solve complex water problems: insights from South Africa
Stuart-Hill, Sabine / Evelyn Lukat / Catherine Pringle / Claudia Pahl-Wostl (2020)
Briefing Paper 21/2020
Advancing EU-Africa cooperation in light of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi / Frederik Stender / Edward K. Brown / Philomena Apiko / Sean Woolfrey (2020)
ETTG-Paper, September 2020
Warum die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die Panafrikanische Freihandelszone in den Fokus rücken sollte
Keijzer, Niels / Clara Brandi / Axel Berger / Frederik Stender (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 07.09.2020
Information and communication technology in the lives of forcibly displaced persons in Kenya
Eppler, Mirko / Stella Gaetani / Francy Köllner / Jana Kuhnt / Charles Martin-Shields / Nyat Mebrahtu / Antonia Peters / Carlotta Preiß (2020)
Discussion Paper 15/2020
What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation
Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger / Karina Mross (2020)
Discussion Paper 14/2020
The trade effects of the Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: early empirical insights from panel data
Stender, Frederik / Axel Berger / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab (2020)
Discussion Paper 7/2020
So schafft die EU den Neustart ihrer Afrika-Beziehungen
Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Julia Leininger (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 02.03.2020
Afrikas ungenutzte Wirtschaftspotenziale
Altenburg, Tilman (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 27.01.2020
Exporting out of China or out of Africa? Automation versus relocation in the global clothing industry
Altenburg, Tilman / Xiao Chen / Wilfried Lütkenhorst / Cornelia Staritz / Lindsay Whitfield (2020)
Discussion Paper 1/2020
Le contrat social : un outil d’analyse pour les pays de la région Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord (MENA), et au-delà
Loewe, Markus / Bernhard Trautner / Tina Zintl (2020)
Briefing Paper 5/2020
From global refugee norms to local realities: implementing the global compact on refugees in Kenya
Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2019)
Briefing Paper 19/2019
Not in my backyard? Welfare gains and social challenges: the impact of refugees on the host population in Uganda
Kuhnt, Jana / Jana Lenze / Ramona Rischke (2019)
Discussion Paper 17/2019
Afrikagipfel der Bundeskanzlerin in Berlin. Warum Europa und Afrika einen Dialog über zukunftsfähige Gesellschaftsmodelle führen sollten
Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 18.11.2019
Ein Plädoyer für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Sub-Sahara Afrika
Klingebiel, Stephan (2019)
in: Henning Melber (Hrsg.), Deutschland und Afrika: Anatomie eines komplexen Verhältnisses, Frankfurt a.M.: Brandes & Apsel, 55-62
China and the World Bank: how contrasting development approaches affect the stability of African states
Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin H. L. Wong (2019)
Williamsburg, VA: Aid Data at William & Mary (AidData Working Paper 87) (Online)
Drought, migration, and conflict in sub-Saharan Africa: what are the links and policy options?
Adaawen, Stephen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Benjamin Schraven / Nadine Segadlo (2019)
in: Everisto Mapedza / Daniel Tsegai / Michael Bruntrup / Robert McLeman (eds.), Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research 2), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 15-32
Tax challenges of digitalization in Africa
Monkam, Nara / Gamal Ibrahim / William Davis / Christian von Haldenwang (2019)
published on T20 Japan 2019
Promoting ownership in a 'post aid‐effectiveness' world: evidence from Rwanda and Liberia
Keijzer, Niels / Stephan Klingebiel / Fabian Scholtes (2019)
in: Development Policy Review (online first)
The social value of health insurance: results from Ghana
Garcia Mandico, Silvia / Arndt Reichert / Christoph Strupat (2019)
(World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 9004)
The role of regional organizations in Africa in the governance of migration
Dick, Eva (2019)
published on Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)
Human mobility in the context of climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: trends and basic recommendations for development cooperation
Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadl (2019)
Briefing Paper 12/2019
Exporting for growth: identifying leading sectors for Egypt and Tunisia using the Product Space Methodology (Arabic version)
El-Haddad, Amirah (2019)
Discussion Paper 5/2019
South Africa’s changing role in global development structures: being in them but not always of them
Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth (2019)
Discussion Paper 4/2019
Die neue deutsche Verantwortung in der europäischen Afrikapolitik nach dem Brexit
Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2019)
Die aktuelle Kolumne, 25.02.2019
Migration: solid nations and liquid transnationalism? The EU's struggle to find a shared course on African migration 1999-2019
Schöfberger, Irene (2019)
Discussion Paper 1/2019
Towards a borderless Africa? Regional organisations and free movement of persons in West and North-East Africa
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Briefing Paper 1/2019
Unbundling the impacts of economic empowerment programmes: evidence from Malawi
Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2018)
Discussion Paper 32/2018
Exporting for growth: identifying leading sectors for Egypt and Tunisia using the Product Space Methodology
El-Haddad, Amirah (2018)
Discussion Paper 25/2018
European neighbourhood policy decision-making at critical junctures: EU institutions, the member states and neighbourhood countries
Furness, Mark (2018)
in: Tobias Schumacher / Andreas Marchetti / Thomas Demmelhuber (eds.), The Routledge handbook on the European neighbourhood policy, London: Routledge, 200-210
The Informalization of the Egyptian economy (1998-2012): a factor in growing wage inequality?
El-Haddad, Amirah / May Gadallah (2018)
Kairo: Economic Research Forum (Working Paper Series 1210)
Social protection in the MENA countries: prospects for a new social contract?
Jawad, Rana / Markus Loewe (eds.) (2018)
International Social Security Review 71 (2), Special Issue
Meeting Africa’s employment challenge in a changing world
Altenburg, Tilman / Brahima Coulibaly (2018)
Briefing Paper 18/2018
„Klimamigration“ in Subsahara-Afrika: Trends und grundlegende Empfehlungen für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadlo (2019)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 10/2019
EU engagement with Africa on migration: a change of approach required
Castillejo, Clare (2018)
Briefing Paper 9/2018
Energy security, sustainability and development in Morocco
Auktor, Georgeta (2018)
in: David Jalilvand / Kirsten Westphal (eds.), Changing dynamics of energy: political and economic challenges for the MENA region, New York: Routledge, 236-247
Pension schemes in MENA: generous—but not to the poor!
Loewe, Markus (2017)
in: Policy in Focus 14 (3), 11-14
The effectiveness of Morocco’s industrial policy in promoting a national automotive industry
Hahn, Tina / Georgeta Vidican-Auktor (2017)
Discussion Paper 27/2017
A new rural social contract for the Maghreb? The political economy of access to water, land and rural development
Houdret, Annabelle / Zakaria Kadiri / Lisa Bossenbroek (2017)
in: Middle East Law and Governance 9 (1), 20-42
Unlocking the irrigation potential in sub-Saharan Africa: are public-private partnerships the way forward?
Scheumann, Waltina / Annabelle Houdret / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Briefing Paper 7/2017
Renewable energy as a trigger for industrial development in Morocco
Vidican Auktor, Georgeta (2017)
in: Tilman Altenburg / Claudia Assmann (eds.), Green industrial policy: concept, policies, country experiences, Geneva; Bonn: UN Environment; German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 153-165
Compact with Africa: fostering private long-term investment in Africa
Kappel, Robert / Birte Pfeiffer / Helmut Reisen (2017)
Discussion Paper 13/2017
The retail revolution
Altenburg, Tilman (2017)
in: D+C: Development and Cooperation, October 2017, 38-39
Arbeitsplatzoffensive für Afrika
Altenburg, Tilman (2017)
Discussion Paper 23/2017
Economic empowerment pilot project in Malawi: qualitative survey report
Beierl, Stefan / Francesco Burchi / Christoph Strupat (2017)
Discussion Paper 15/2017
"On the table or at the table?" G20 and its cooperation with Africa
Leininger, Julia (2017)
in: Global Summitry 3 (2), 193–205
G20 and Africa - ready for a steady partnership?
Gobbelaar, Neuma / Christine Hackenesch / Adolf Kloke-Lesch / Julia Leininger / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (2017)
published on G20 Insights May 15, 2017
Cooperation between G20 and African states: delivering on African citizens’ demands
Gyimah-Boadi, Emmanuel / Michael Bratton / Julia Leininger (2017)
published on G20 Insights April 9, 2017
Die G20 und Afrika: wir brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel
Leininger, Julia / Christine Hackenesch (2017)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin
Social protection investments, human capital, and income growth: simulating the returns to social cash transfers in Uganda
Dietrich, Stephan / Daniele Malerba / Armando Barrientos / Franziska Gassmann / Pierre Mohnen / Nyasha Tirivayi / Susan Kavuma / Fred Matovu (2017)
Maastricht: Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU‐MERIT); (Working Paper Series 2017-029)
Rates of return to antipoverty transfers in Uganda
Dietrich, Stephan / Daniele Malerba / Armando Barrientos / Franziska Gassmann (2017)
Maastricht: Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU‐MERIT); (Working Paper Series 2017-040)
The joint effects of a health insurance and a public works scheme in rural Ethiopia
Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2017)
Bonn: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (IZA Discussion Paper Series 10939)
The impact of cash transfers on food security in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence, design and implementation
Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2017)
Briefing Paper 15/2016
The Marshall Plan with Africa – Looking ahead to the principles of development effectiveness
Rudolph, Alexandra / Sarah Holzapfel (2017)
The Current Column of 2 May 2017
Outcome of the first T20 conference in Africa
Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leiniger (2017)
Published on: T20blog, 13 February 2017
The G20 and Africa
Berger, Axel (2017)
Published on: T20blog, 31 January 2017
Localising sovereign debt: the rise of local currency bond markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dafe, Florence / Dennis Essers / Ulrich Volz (2017)
SOAS University of London (Department of Economics Working Paper 202)
A new climate trilateralism? Opportunities for cooperation between the EU, China and African countries on addressing climate change
Weigel, Moritz / Alexander Demissie (2017)
Discussion Paper 8/2017
The EU's response to the "refugees crisis": one year after the Valletta Summit
Castillejo, Clare (2016)
The Current Column, 14 November 2016
The European Union Trust Fund for Africa: a glimpse of the future for EU development cooperation
Castillejo, Clare (2016)
Discussion Paper 22/2016
Kooperation mit Afrika – ein strategisches Thema der Kanzlerin!
Hackenesch, Christine / Stephan Klingebiel (2016)
The Current Column, 10 October 2016
Food security in sub-Saharan Africa: a fresh look on agricultural mechanisation; how adapted financial solutions can make a difference
Ströh de Martínez, Christiane / Marietta Feddersen / Anna Speicher (2016)
Studies 91
The impact of cash transfers on food security in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence, design and implementation
Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat
Briefing Paper 15/2016
Wood energy in sub-Saharan Africa: how to make a shadow business sustainable
Hoffmann, Harry / Michael Brüntrup / Clara Dewes (2016)
Briefing Paper 14/2016
Making retail modernisation in developing countries inclusive. A development policy perspective
Altenburg, Tilman / Elmar Kulke / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa / Lisa Peterskovsky / Caroline Reeg (2016)
Discussion Paper 2/2016
Kick-starting industrial transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Altenburg, Tilman / Elvis Melia (2014)
in: José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs / Irmgard Nübler / Richard Kozul-Wright (eds), Transforming economies: making industrial policy work for growth, jobs and development, Geneva: International Labour Office, 355-378
Financing global development: The role of local currency bond markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Berensmann, Kathrin / Florence Dafe / Nannette Lindenberg / Ulrich Volz (2015)
Briefing Paper 11/2015
Das Hausrezept für eine bessere globale Ernährung?
Brüntrup, Michael / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa (2016)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 29.03.2016
Erfahrungen und Perspektiven nachhaltiger Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft in subsaharischen Ländern
Brandt, Hartmut / Michael Brüntrup (2014)
Discussion Paper 30/2014
Policies and institutions for assuring pro-poor rural development and food security through bioenergy production: case studies on bush-to-energy and Jatropha in Namibia
Brüntrup, Michael / Katharina Becker / Martina Gaebler / Herrmann Raoul / Silja Ostermann / Jan Prothmann (2016)
Studies 90
Wood energy in sub-Saharan Africa: how to make a shadow business sustainable
Hoffmann, Harry / Michael Brüntrup / Clara Dewes (2016)
(Briefing Paper 14/2016)
Economic Partnership Agreements: implications for regional governance and EU-ACP development cooperation
Hulse, Merran (2016)
Briefing Paper 12/2016
International and local benefit sharing in hydropower projects on shared rivers: the Ruzizi III and Rusumo Falls cases
Dombrowsky, Ines / Julia Bastian / Daniel Däschle / Simon Heisig / Johannes Peters / Christian Vosseler (2014)
in: Water Policy 16 (6), 1087-1103
What can be expected from international frameworks to regulate large-scale land and water acquisitions in sub-Sahara Africa?
Brüntrup, Michael / Waltina Scheumann / Axel Berger / Lidija Christmann / Clara Brandi (2014)
in: Law and Development Review 7 (2), 433-471
Ostafrikas „Highway to Oil“
Kappel, Robert / Babette Never (2015)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 26.01.2015
Not a panacea: private-sector engagement in adaptation and adaptation finance in developing countries
Pauw, Pieter (2016)
Climate Policy, 15 (5)
Sturz der Regierung in Mali
In den Medien

Mit Afrika die Krise überwinden
Christine Hackenesch über die Chancen vertiefter EU-Afrika-Beziehungen in der Corona-Krise
Frankfurter Rundschau vom 15.04.2020
Regionalseite Afrika
Im Fokus
Afrikas ungenutzte Wirtschaftspotenziale
Altenburg, Tilman (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 27.01.2020