Roll, Michael
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Michael Roll
Transformation politischer (Un-)Ordnung
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Politische Transformation und Governance
- Institutioneller Wandel und Reform des öffentlichen Sektors
- Urbane Nachhaltigkeitstransformation
- (Anti-)Korruption und Integrität
- Soziale Bewegungen und deliberative Demokratie
- Gender
- Afrika
Aufgaben in Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Lehrbeauftragter an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Politische und adaptive Ansätze der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- (Anti-)Korruption und Integrität
- Urbane Nachhaltigkeitstransformation
seit 04/2019 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (bis 06/2022 Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Forschungsabteilung "Transformation politischer (Un-)Ordnung: Institutionen, Werte und Frieden" |
11/2019 - 05/2020 | Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) Referent, Referat für Governance, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit |
11/2016 - 08/2018 | University of Wisconsin-Madison Dozent, Department für Soziologie |
06/2016 - 10/2016 | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Interim-Landesvertreter und Büroleiter, FES Nigeria |
09/2012 - 05/2016 | University of Wisconsin-Madison University Fellow und Dozent, Department für Soziologie |
seit 09/2012 | University of Wisconsin-Madison PhD Programm in Soziologie |
11/2010 - 08/2012 | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Referent, Referat Afrika, Berlin |
05/2007 - 10/2010 | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Landesvertreter und Büroleiter, FES Nigeria |
09/2005 - 04/2007 | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Projektassistent, FES Südafrika |
10/2004 - 05/2005 | Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Teilnehmer, 40. Postgraduierten-Programm |
09/2000 - 07/2004 | Universität Bielefeld Diplom, Soziologie (Schwerpunkt: Internationale Entwicklung) |
01/2000 - 11/2001 | Stellenbosch University BPhil, Society, Culture and Identity (Sozialanthropologie) |
04/1998 - 12/1999 | Philipps-Universität Marburg Vordiplom, Soziologie |
Referierte Publikationen
- Roll, Michael / Florencia Almansi / Jorgelina Hardoy / Simone Gatti / Ariadne Samios / Lucas Turmena / Mariana Campos / Gorka Zubicaray (2024)
Urban labs beyond Europe: the formation and contextualization of experimental climate governance in five Latin American cities
in: Environment and Urbanization 36 (1), 173-194 - Roll, Michael (2023)
From pockets of effectiveness to topographies of state performance?
in: Sam Hickey (ed.), Pockets of Effectiveness and the Politics of State-building and Development in Africa, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 245-260 - Roll, Michael (2014)
Comparative analysis: deciphering pockets of effectiveness
in: Michael Roll (ed.), The politics of public sector performance: pockets of effectiveness in developing countries, Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 194-241 - Roll, Michael (2014)
The state that works: a "pockets of effectiveness" perspective on Nigeria and beyond
in: Thomas Bierschenk / Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan (eds), States at work: dynamics of African bureaucracies, Leiden: Brill, 365-398 - Roll, Michael (2014)
The politics of public sector performance: pockets of effectiveness in developing countries
Abingdon, New York: Routledge - Roll, Michael (2014)
Introduction: The politics of public sector performance: pockets of effectiveness in developing countries
in: Michael Roll (ed.), The politics of public sector performance: pockets of effectiveness in developing countries, Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 1-21 - Roll, Michael (2014)
Pockets of effectiveness: review and analytical framework
in: Michael Roll (ed.), The politics of public sector performance: pockets of effectiveness in developing countries, Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 22-42 - Roll, Michael (2014)
Turning Nigeria's drug sector around: the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
in: Michael Roll (ed.), The politics of public sector performance: pockets of effectiveness in developing countries, Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 97-127 - Roll, Michael (2014)
Autonomous politicians and the local state in Sri Lanka: on the social organisation of politics and administration
in: International Quarterly for Asian Studies 35 (3-4), 263-293 - Hofmann, Katharina / Jürgen Kretz / Michael Roll / Sebastian Sperling (2007)
Chinese, African, and European perspectives on the China-Africa Summit
in: International Politics and Society 2/2007, 75-90
Nicht-referierte Publikationen
- Megatrends Afrika (ed.) (2024)
Joint Futures: ideas for Germany’s Africa Policy - Ideen für die deutsche Afrikapolitik
in: Megatrends Working Paper 12 - Guerra, Flávia / Monique Menezes / Lucas Turmena / Alejandra Ramos-Galvez / Simone Sandholz / Michael Roll / Camila Alberti / Tátila Távora (2024)
TUC Urban Lab Profile: Alliance for the Residencial Edgar Gayoso, Teresina, Brazil
TUC Profile No. 10, Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Turmena, Lucas / Flávia Guerra / Altiere Freitas / Alejandra Ramos-Galvez / Simone Sandholz / Michael Roll / Isadora Freire / Millena Oliveira (2024)
TUC Urban Lab Profile: Alliance for the Centre of Recife, Brazil
TUC Profile No. 9, Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Roll, Michael / Marisol Romero Magallán / Andrea Ramírez / Flávia Guerra / Alejandra Ramos-Galvez / Simone Sandholz / Mariana Campos-Sánchez / Gorka Zubicaray / Óscar Jair Pozos-Espinosa / Andrea Villasís-Escobedo / Ana Iris Enríquez-Alcaraz (2024)
TUC Urban Lab Profile: Naucalpan, Mexico
TUC Profile No. 8, Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Ramírez, Andrea / Sabrina González Barbosa / Flávia Guerra / Alejandra Ramos-Galvez / Simone Sandholz / Michael Roll / Mariana Campos-Sánchez / Ana Iris Enríquez-Alcaraz / Andrea Villasís-Escobedo / Óscar Jair Pozos-Espinosa (2024)
TUC Urban Lab Profile: León, Mexico
TUC Profile No. 7 Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Guerra, Flávia / Julia Nesprias / Alejandra Ramos-Galvez / Lucas Turmena / Simone Sandholz / Michael Roll / Jorgelina Hardoy / Florencia Almansi / Macarena Ochagavía / Fernando Almansi (2024)
TUC Urban Lab Profile: Barrio 20, Buenos Aires, Argentina
TUC Profile No. 6, Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Turmena, Lucas / Flávia Maia / Flávia Guerra / Michael Roll (2022)
Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) City Profile: Teresina, Brazil
Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Turmena, Lucas / Aline Lusieux / Simone Sandholz / Flávia Guerra / Michael Roll (2022)
Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) City Profile: Recife, Brazil
Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Guerra, Flávia / Marisol Romero Magallán / Acoyani Adame / Gorka Zubicaray / Michael Roll / Lucas Turmena (2022)
Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) City Profile: Naucalpan, Mexico
Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Guerra, Flávia / Alex Caldera-Ortega / Daniel Tagle Zamora / Gorka Zubicaray / Acoyani Adame / Michael Roll / Lucas Turmena (2022)
Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) City Profile: León, Mexico
Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security - Guerra, Flávia / Gabriela Merlinsky / Jorgelina Hardoy / Daniel Kozak / Michael Roll / Tobías Melina / Pablo Pereira (2022)
Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) City Profile: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Roll, Michael / Christian von Haldenwang / Christina Grohmann / Maria Elisabeth Gronen / Anne Laible / Johanna Orth / Florian Wengel / Lisa Zumegen (2022)
Decarbonising cities: assessing governance approaches for transformative change
(Studies 107) - Roll, Michael (2021)
Institutional change through development assistance: the comparative advantages of political and adaptive approaches
(Discussion Paper 28/2021) - Roll, Michael (2011)
Breaking the resource curse politically: direct oil revenue distribution and taxation in the Gulf of Guinea
in: Michael Roll / Sebastian Sperling (eds.), Fuelling the world - failing the region? Oil governance and development in Africa's Gulf of Guinea, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 171-181 - Roll, Michael / Sebastian Sperling (2011)
Conclusion: solutions to the resource curse reconsidered
in: Michael Roll / Sebastian Sperling (eds.), Fuelling the world - failing the region? Oil governance and development in Africa's Gulf of Guinea, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 208-224 - Roll, Michael / Sebastian Sperling (eds.) (2011)
Fuelling the world - failing the region? Oil governance and development in Africa's Gulf of Guinea
Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Roll, Michael (2011)
Introduction: Resource governance, development and democracy in Africa's Gulf of Guinea
in: Michael Roll / Sebastian Sperling (eds.), Fuelling the world - failing the region? Oil governance and development in Africa's Gulf of Guinea, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 8-31 - Leiderer, Stefan / Benjamin Hodick / Esther Kabey / Michael Roll / Stefanie Schnitzer / Julia Ziegenbein (2007)
Public financial management for PRSP implementation in Malawi : formal and informal PFM institutions in a decentralising system
(Studies 28) - Roll, Michael (2006)
A political economy analysis for democracy promotion
Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) - Roll, Michael (2006)
A political economy analysis for development cooperation: the "drivers of change" approach
Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) - Rechmann, Werner / Michael Roll (2006)
Südafrikas ANC: Wahlsieger trotz Protesten
in: Afrika Süd: Zeitschrift zum Südlichen Arika 35 (2), 8-10
- Roll, Michael (2023)
Africa’s future will be decided in its cities
published on, Blog Joint Futures 33, 08.12.2023 - Roll, Michael (2023)
Ansätze zur Umsetzung einer Feministischen Entwicklungspolitik
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 06.03.2023) - Roll, Michael (2022)
Urbanisierung, die Klimakrise und die Rolle der G7
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 12.09.2022 - Roll, Michael / Tim Kornprobst (2021)
Wie COVID-19 die Vorteile einer Lokalisierung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit aufzeigt
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 03.05.2021 - Roll, Michael (2020)
Was wir in der Corona-Krise von und über Afrika lernen können
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 02.04.2020 - Roll, Michael (2012)
Demokratie statt Ressourcenfluch: ein neues Modell für ölreiche Entwicklungsländer
Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), (FES Perspektive) - Roll, Michael (2011)
Öl und Spiele: Libyen braucht ein Steuer- und Transfer-Modell, um eine Demokratie zu werden
in: Financial Times Deutschland 17. November 2011, 24 - Roll, Michael (2008)
"Baba Go-Slow": wachsende Ungeduld mit Nigeria's Präsident Yar'Adua
Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), (FES Perspektive)
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