Kaplan, Lennart
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Lennart Kaplan
Inter- und transnationale Zusammenarbeit
Assoziierter Wissenschaftler
12/2018-12/2019 | Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Forschungsprogramms "Inter- und transnationale Zusammenarbeit mit dem Globalen Süden" |
04/2018 - 09/2018 | Georg-August Universität Göttingen PhD Candidate at the Research Training Group "Globalization and Development" |
10/2014 - 03/2015 | Georg-August Universität Göttingen Studium der Politikwissenschaft |
09/2013 - 09/2014 | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands Master Studies in International Business and Economics |
10/2012 - 09/2014 | Georg-August Universität Göttingen Master Studies in International Economics |
10/2009 - 09/2012 | Georg-August Universität Göttingen Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Referierte Publikationen
- Kuhnt, Jana / Lennart Kaplan / Ana Garcia-Hernandez / Julia Leininger / Janina I. Steinert (2025)
Ethics and equity: addressing violations of the Belmont Report principles for research staff
in: World Development Perspectives 37, 100662 - Kaplan, Lennart C. / Jana Kuhnt / Katharina Richert (2023)
International or national implementers: who is better? Evidence from a framing experiment
in: Review of Development Economics 27 (4), 2538-2564 - Bangura, Ibrahim / Ananya Chakraborty / Ana Garcia-Hernandez / Lennart Kaplan / Jana Kuhnt et al. (2022)
Ethical failures in global health research: violations of Sustainable Development Goal 8, decent work for all
in: The Lancet Global Health 10 (5), e619 - Kaplan, Lennart / Jana Kuhnt / Janina I. Steinert (2020)
Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: ethical challenges faced by research staff
in: World Development 127, article 104810 - Kaplan, Lennart / James Walsh / Utz Pape (2019)
Eliciting accurate consumption responses from vulnerable populations
in: Johannes Hoogeveen / Utz Pape (eds.), Data collection in fragile states: innovations from Africa and beyond, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 193-206 - Diba, Farah / Ichsan Ichsan / Muhsin Muhsin / Marthoenis Marthoenis / Hizir Sofyan / Mohammad Andalas / Ida Monfared / Katharina Richert / Lennart Kaplan / Lisa Rogge / Siobhan Doria / Samadi Samadi / Sebastian Vollmer (2019)
Healthcare providers’ perception of the referral system in maternal care facilities in Aceh, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study
in: BMJ Open 9 (2), 1-8 - Kaplan, Lennart C. / Tristan Kohl / Inmaculada Martínez‐Zarzoso (2018)
Supply-chain trade and labor market outcomes: the case of the 2004 European Union enlargement
in: Review of International Economics 26 (2), 481-506
Nicht-referierte Publikationen
- Kaplan, Lennart (2020)
How Germany and France could play a leading role in international donor coordination
(Briefing Paper 8/2020) - Kaplan, Lennart (2020)
Optionen für eine deutsch-französische Führungsrolle in der internationalen Geberkoordinierung
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 5/2020) - Kaplan, Lennart (2020)
Systemic challenges and opportunities of Franco-German development cooperation
(Discussion Paper 10/2020) - Kuhnt, Jana / Lennart Kaplan / Janina I. Steinert (2020)
How can we make research in the “Global South” more ethical?
published on democracyinafrica.org 16.03.2020 - Kaplan, Lennart / Sascha Kuhn / Jana Kuhnt (2020)
Verhalten im Fokus: wie eine verhaltenswissenschaftliche Perspektive Politikmaßnahmen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit verbessern kann
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 3/2020) - Kaplan, Lennart / Sascha Kuhn / Jana Kuhnt (2020)
The behavioural lens: taking a behavioural vantage point to improve the success of development programmes
(Briefing Paper 2/2020) - Erforth, Benedikt / Lennart Kaplan (2019)
The future of European development finance – institutional reforms for sustainable solutions
(Briefing Paper 20/2019) - Erforth, Benedikt / Lennart Kaplan (2019)
Die Zukunft der europäischen Entwicklungsfinanzierung – institutionelle Reformen für nachhaltige Lösungen
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 14/2019) - Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin H. L. Wong (2019)
China and the World Bank: how contrasting development approaches affect the stability of African states
in: AidData Working Paper 8, Williamsburg, USA: William & Mary University - Kaplan, Lennart C. / Jana Kuhnt / Katharina Richert / Sebastian Vollmer (2019)
How to increase the uptake of development interventions? Considering the Theory of Planned Behaviour
(Discussion Paper 10/2019) - Kaplan, Lennart C. / Jana Kuhnt / Katharina Richert / Sebastian Vollmer (2019)
What explains the uptake of development interventions? Considering the theory of planned behaviour
Göttingen: Courant Research Centre"Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing and Transition Countries: Statistical Methods and Empirical Analysis", Georg-August-Univ. (Discussion Paper 261) - Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin H.L. Wong (2019)
Aid and conflict at the sub-national level: evidence from World Bank and chinese development projects in Africa
in: AidData Working Paper 70, Williamsburg, USA: William & Mary University - Gehring, Kai S. / Melvin H.L. Wong / Lennart C. Kaplan (2018)
Aid and conflict at the subnational level: evidence from World Bank and Chinese development projects in Africa
Heidelberg: Univ. of Heidelberg (AWI Discussion Paper Series 657)
- Chakraborty, Ananya / Lennart Kaplan (2020)
Die Entwicklungsforschung muss die Arbeitsbedingungen für lokale Partner verbessern
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 06.05.2020 - Kuhnt, Jana / Lennart Kaplan / Janina I. Steinert (2020)
How can we make research in the “Global South” more ethical?
published on democracyinafrica.org 16.03.2020 - Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin Wong (2019)
The new World Bank head wants some changes: that could backfire
published on www.washingtonpost.com, 25.04.2019 - Kaplan, Lennart / Benedikt Erforth (2019)
The wise Persons group’s verdict: opportunities and challenges to restructuring the European financial architecture
published on ettg.eu October 10, 2019 - Kaplan, Lennart / Niels Keijzer (2019)
Die neue deutsch-französische Allianz für den Multilateralismus
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 16.09.2019)
Im Fokus
Die neue deutsch-französische Allianz für den Multilateralismus
Kaplan, Lennart / Niels Keijzer
Die aktuelle Kolumne, 16.09.2019
In den Medien
The new World Bank head wants some changes. That could backfire.
Washington Post