Stender, Frederik

Dr. Frederik Stender
Transformation der Wirtschafts- und Sozialsysteme
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Internationaler Handel
- Handelspolitik
- Regionale wirtschaftliche Integration
- Afrika
Aufgaben in Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Global Economic Governance, Internationale Handelspolitik (Postgraduierten-Programm)
seit 07/2019 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (bis 06/2022 Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Forschungsabteilung "Transformation der Wirtschafts- und Sozialsysteme" |
01/2019-06/2019 | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Center for Climate & Energy Finance |
04/2017-12/2018 | Deutsche Bundesbank Forschungsassistent im Forschungszentrum |
10/2013-04/2018 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum Promotion in Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Dr. rer. oec.) |
10/2013-03/2017 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Lehrstuhl für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen |
04/2010-03/2013 | Georg-August Universität Göttingen Master of Arts in International Economics |
10/2006-03/2010 | Georg-August Universität Göttingen Bachelor of Arts in Volkswirtschaftslehre |
Referierte Publikationen
- Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2024)
What role for aid for trade in (deep) PTA relations? Empirical evidence from gravity model estimations
in: International Economics 181, article 100574 - Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2023)
Murky trade waters: regional tariff commitments and non-tariff measures in Africa
in: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 32 (7), 1058-1082 - Brandi, Clara / Jean-Frédéric Morin / Stender, Frederik (2022)
Do greener trade agreements call for side-payments?
in: Journal of Environment and Development 31 (2), 111-138 - Silberberger, Magdalene / Anja Slany / Christian Soegaard / Frederik Stender (2022)
The aftermath of anti-dumping: are temporary trade barriers really temporary?
in: Open Economies Review 33 (4), 677–704 - Stender, Frederik / Axel Berger / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab (2021)
The trade effects of the economic partnership agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: Early Empirical insights from panel data
in: Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (6), 1495-1515 - Pahl, Stefan / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab / Frederik Stender (2021)
Cling together, swing together: the contagious effects of COVID‐19 on developing countries through global value chains
in: The World Economy 45 (2), 539-560 - Stender, Frederik / Ulf Moslener / Willem P. Pauw (2020)
More than money: does climate finance support capacity building?
in: Applied Economics Letters 27(15), 1247-1251 - Stender, Frederik (2019)
Sign here, please! On developing countries’ market access conditions in regional trade agreements
in: Review of Development Economics 23 (3), 1347-1367 - Silberberger, Magdalene / Frederik Stender (2018)
False friends? Empirical evidence on trade policy substitution in regional trade agreements
in: The World Economy 41 (8), 2175-2199 - Stender, Frederik (2018)
MERCOSUR in gravity: an accounting approach to analyzing its trade effects
in: International Economics and Economic Policy 15 (2), 501-522
Nicht-referierte Publikationen
- Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2024)
EU trade policy: dare for more flexibility and collaboration
in: Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (eds.), The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership, Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 14-17 - Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2023)
What role for aid for trade in (deep) PTA relations? Empirical evidence from gravity model estimations
(Discussion Paper 13/2023) - Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2021)
Murky trade waters: regional tariff commitments and non-tariff measures in Africa
(Discussion Paper 13/2021) - Pahl, Stefan / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab / Frederik Stender (2020)
Cling together, swing together: the contagious effects of COVID-19 on developing countries through global value chains
(Discussion Paper 21/2020) - Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi / Frederik Stender / Edward K. Brown / Philomena Apiko / Sean Woolfrey (2020)
Advancing EU-Africa cooperation in light of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Brussels: European Think Tank Group (September 2020) - Ndung’u, Njuguna / Axel Berger / Clara Brandi / Uri Dadush / Fatima Olanike Kareem / Olayinka Idowu Kareem / David Luke / Simon Mevel / Rim Ben Ayed Mouelhi / Abebe Shimeles / Frederik Stender / Wilson Wasike (2020)
Africa’s diversification and its trade policy transformation
T20 Saudi Arabia, Task Force (Trade, Investment, and Growth), Policy Brief - Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi / Frederik Stender (2020)
Das EU-Mercosur-Abkommen: Chancen und Risiken für eine nachhaltigere EU-Handelspolitik
Schriftliche Anhörung von Sachverständigen zum Antrag der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, Drucksache 17/7370 - Stender, Frederik / Axel Berger / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab (2020)
The trade effects of the Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: early empirical insights from panel data
(Discussion Paper 7/2020) - Stender, Frederik (2019)
Playing with fire - Brazil's dilemma in the EU-Mercosur trade agreement
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 12/2019, 40-43 - Stender, Frederik (2019)
Spiel mit dem Feuer - Brasiliens Dilemma im EU-Mercosur-Handelsabkommen
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 12/2019, 40-43
- Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2025)
Beyond payback and sweet talk: how the EU can outsmart Trump’s tariff gambit
published on, 06.03.2025 - Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2024)
Complex coherence: unpacking the EU’s trade and development policy dilemma
published on (EADI Blog), 06.11.2024 - Keijzer, Niels / Frederik Stender / Tim Vogel (2024)
Could the EU’s trade deal with Kenya strengthen the African Continental Free Trade Area?
published on, 08.02.2024 - Stender, Frederik / Tim Vogel (2023)
Aid for trade might facilitate ‘deep’ trade agreements, but it’s not that simple
published on, 15.12.2023 - Stender, Frederik (2022)
Sitting, waiting, wishing: why the EU-Mercosur agreement remains on hold
published on, 11.10.2022 - Stender, Frederik (2021)
EU-Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen mit Ostafrika: Regionale Umsetzung adé
published on, 18.08.2021 - Stender, Frederik (2021)
Bye-bye regional implementation, hello variable geometry
published on, 16.08.2021 - Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab / Frederik Stender (2021)
The jury is still out on the economic partnership agreements
published on, 16.08.2021 - Keijzer, Niels / Clara Brandi / Axel Berger / Frederik Stender (2020)
Warum die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die Panafrikanische Freihandelszone in den Fokus rücken sollte
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 07.09.2020 - Stender, Frederik (2020)
Wie ernst nimmt die EU Werte und Normen bei Handelsabkommen?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 16.03.2020 - Stender, Frederik (2019)
EU-Mercosur-Vertrag: ein hoher Preis
in: Frankfurter Rundschau 11.09.2019
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Im Fokus
The aftermath of anti-dumping: are temporary trade barriers really temporary?
Silberberger, Magdalene / Anja Slany / Christian Soegaard / Frederik Stender (2022)
in: Open Economies Review, 33 (4), 677–704
Im Fokus

The trade effects of the economic partnership agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: Early Empirical insights from panel data
Stender, Frederik / Axel Berger / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab (2021)
in: Journal of Common Market Studies, first published 17.06.2021
In den Medien
EU trade deal: Kenya opens its market to European goods
What the latest trade agreement does, first and foremost, is formally lock in Kenya's market access to the European Union, thereby "reducing uncertainty," said economist Frederik Stender, who works on trade policy and regional economic integration issues at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability.
20 June 2023
In den Medien

"Das Abkommen vergrößert die Kluft in Ostafrika"
Die EU hat einen Handelsvertrag mit Kenia geschlossen. Dem Land bringt das Vorteile, der Region aber könnte es schaden, sagt Frederik Stender vom DIE.
Welt Sichten, 08.09.2021
In den Medien

In Afrika entsteht ein riesiger Binnenmarkt
Frederik Stender vom Deutschen Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE): AfCTA verbessert in erster Instanz lediglich die handelspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen
Augsburger Allgemeine, 09.01.2021