Burchi, Francesco

Dr. Francesco Burchi
Transformation der Wirtschafts- und Sozialsysteme
Projektleiter & Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Poverty measurement
- Social protection
- Inequality
- Human development
- Inclusive growth
- Food security and nutrition
- Afrika
Aufgaben in Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Poverty and Inequality
- Educational policies
- Gender and Development
seit 01/2018 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (bis 06/2022 Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Forschungsabteilung "Transformation der Wirtschafts- und Sozialsysteme" |
02/2013-12/2017 | Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter |
02/2012 - 01/2013 | Cittalia, Research Centre of the National Association of Italian Cities Applied economist |
07/2012 - 11/2012 | Roma Tre University, Department of Economics Associate researcher, National Research Project “Measuring Human Development and Capabilities in Italy” |
09/2011 - 11/2011 | Roma Tre University Teaching coordinator of the Module “Economics of Development” in the M.A. Programme “Learning to innovate to fight poverty in rural areas” in Burkina Faso |
06/2011 - 09/2011 | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bureau of Africa+ Consultant/Researcher for the 2012 African Human Development Report on “Towards a Food Secure Future” |
02/2011 - 09/2011 | Granarolo S.P.A. Consultant for the evaluation of the development project “Njombe Milk Project”, Kenya |
10/2010 - 12/2010 | Bioversity International (CGIAR) Consultant in the Diversity for Livelihoods Programme, Rome |
09/2010 - 12/2010 | John Cabot University, Faculty of Economic Affairs Adjunct Professor of Economics of Development |
10/2008 - 09/2010 | Roma Tre University, Department of Economics Post-doctoral Research Fellow |
11/2004 - 05/2008 | Roma Tre University, Department of Economics PhD in Institutions, Environment and Policies for Economic Development. Thesis title: "On the relationship among Education, Development and Food Security through the Capability Approach” |
11/2004 - 02/2005 | IFAD, Asian and Pacific Division Intern in Bhutan and Rome |
02/2004 - 01/2005 | Roma Tre University, Faculty of Economics M.A. in Human Development and Food Security |
11/1997 - 05/2003 | Sapienza University of Rome M.A. in Economics |
- Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA)
- European Association for Evolutionary Economics (EAEPE)
- European Association of Development Research and Training (EADI)
Gutachtertätigkeit für
- Expertise work for
- Economics and Human Biology
- Food Policy
- Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
- Oxford Development Studies
- European Journal of Development Research
- Journal of African Economies
- Journal of International Development
- Feminist Economics
- Social Indicators Research
- Journal of International Development
- Sanjaya Lall Prize 2014 (Best Paper Award / Oxford Development Studies)
- Patrick J. Welch Award 2016 (Best Paper Award / Forum for Social Economics)
- Associate Professor Habilitation, Italian National Scientific Habilitation (ASN 2013) for the scientific sector of: Economic Policy.
Referierte Publikationen
- Burchi, Francesco / Howard White (2024)
The measurement of poverty
in: Emil Dauncey / Vandana Desai / Robert B. Potter (eds.), The Companion to Development Studies (fourth Edition), London: Routledge - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba (2023)
Are women poorer? A cross-country analysis of gender differentials in multidimensional poverty
in: Udaya R. Wagle (ed.), Research Handbook on Poverty and Inequality, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 103-117 - Balasubramanian, Pooja / Francesco Burchi / Daniele Malerba (2023)
Does economic growth reduce multidimensional poverty? Evidence from low- and middle-income countries
in: World Development 161, article 106119 - Burchi, Francescco / Federico Roscioli (2022)
Can integrated social protection programmes affect social cohesion? Mixed-methods evidence from Malawi
in: European Journal of Development Research, 34 (3), 1240 - 1263 - Burchi, Francesco / Markus Loewe / Daniele Malerba / Julia Leininger (2022)
Disentangling the relationship between social protection and social cohesion: introduction to the special issue
in: European Journal of Development Research, 34 (3), 1195 - 1215 - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2022)
Assessing trends in multidimensional poverty during the MDGs
in: Review of Income and Wealth 68 (S2), S317-S346 - Burchi, Francesco / José Espinoza-Delgado / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2021)
An individual-based index of multidimensional poverty for low- and middle-income countries
in: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 22 (4), 682-705 - Burchi, Francesco (2021)
Effects of social protection on food consumption and nutrition
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 596-607 - Burchi, Francesco (2021)
Introduction: Effects
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 559-560 - Burchi, Francesco / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Strupat (2020)
Social protection and revenue collection: how they can jointly contribute to strengthening social cohesion
in: International Social Security Review 73(3), 13-32 - Roscioli, Federico / Daniele Malerba / Francesco Burchi (2020)
Introducing agroecology in primary schools: an independent impact evaluation in Uruguay
in: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 45 (2), 245-278 - Burchi, Francesco / Karan Singh (2020)
Women’s political representation and educational attainments: a district-level analysis in India
in: Journal of South Asian Development 15(1), 7-33 - Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2020)
The measurement of multidimensional poverty across countries: a proposal for selecting dimensions
in: Valentin Beck / Henning Hahn / Robert Lepenies (eds.), Dimensions of poverty measurement, epistemic injustices, activism, Berlin: Springer, Chapter 14 - Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2019)
Linking social protection schemes: the joint effects of a public works and a health insurance programme in Ethiopia
in: The Journal of Development Studies 56 (2), 431-448 - Burchi, Francesco / Margherita Scarlato / Giorgio D'Agostino (2018)
Addressing food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of cash transfers
in: Poverty & Public Policy 10 (4), 1-26 - Burchi, Francesco / Giorgio D'Agostino / Luca Pieroni / Margherita Scarlato (2018)
Cash transfers and food security in Sub‐Saharan Africa
in: South African Journal of Economics Volume 86 (4), 383-400 - Biggeri, Mario / Francesco Burchi / Federico Ciani / Raoul Herrmann (2018)
Linking small-scale farmers to the durum wheat value chain in Ethiopia: assessing the effects on production and wellbeing
in: Food Policy 79 (August), 77-91 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Eszter Kollar (2017)
Constructing well-being and poverty dimensions on political grounds
published on Social Indicators Research 04 April 2017 (online first) - Burchi, Francesco / Sara Vicari (2016)
E: Empowerment
in: Andrea Bernardi / Salvatore Monni (eds.), The co-operative firm: keywords (only available online) - Aurino, Elisabetta / Francesco Burchi (2016)
Children’s multidimensional health and medium-term cognitive skills in low-and middle-income countries
in: The European Journal of Development Research (Early online access) doi: 10.1057/ejdr.2016.7 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2016)
From food availability to nutritional capabilities: advancing food security analysis
in: Food Policy 60/2016, 10-19 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2016)
Introduction to "Capability approach and multidimensional well-being in high-income countries"
in: Forum for Social Economics 45 (2-3), 111-119 - Burchi, Francesco / Chiara Gnesi (2016)
A review of the literature on well-being in Italy: a human development perspective
in: Forum for Social Economics 45 (2-3), 170-192 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2016)
Measuring human development in a high-income country: a conceptual framework for well-being indicators
in: Forum for Social Economics 45 (2-3), 120-138 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Sara Vicari
The development project as an institution for agency and capability expansion: the case of the Njombe milk project
in: European Journal of Development Research 27 (1), 19-36 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Eszter Kollar (2014)
Which dimensions should matter for capabilities?A constitutional approach
in: Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (3), 233-247 - Burchi, Francesco / Sara Vicari
To be or not to be a member of a primary co-operative in Brazil: any difference in household decision making and gender equality? (forthcoming)
in: Oxford Development Studies 42 (3), 343-364 - Burchi, Francesco / Andrea Passacantilli (2013)
Inequality in the monetary and functionings spaces: the case of Peru under the first Garcia government (1985-1990)
in: Journal of International Development 25 (3), 340–361 - Burchi, Francesco (2012)
Whose education affects a child’s nutritional status? From parents’ to household’s education
in: Demographic Research 27 (23), 681-704 - Burchi, Francesco / Sara Turchetti (2011)
Aiuto alimentare e aiuto alla sicurezza alimentare
in: Mario Biggeri / Giovanni Canitano, Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, Milano: Franco Angeli, 418-434 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Sara Turchetti (2011)
Aiuto, agricoltura e sviluppo rurale
in: Mario Biggeri / Giovanni Canitano, Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, Milano: Franco Angeli, 399-417 - Burchi, Francesco / Emile Frison / Jessica Fanzo (2011)
The role of food and nutrition system approaches in tackling hidden hunger
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8 (2), 358-373 - Burchi, Francesco (2011)
Democracy, institutions and famines in developing and emerging countries
in Canadian Journal of Development Studies 32 (1), 17-31 - Burchi, Francesco / Sara Turchetti (2010)
Evaluating the best delivery mode of food aid: some theoretical and empirical insights from Northeast Africa
in: Paul Hoebink (ed.), European Development Cooperation: in between the local and the global, Amsterdam: Univ.Pr. 145-171 - Burchi, Francesco / Sara Turchetti (2010)
L’approvvigionamento dell’aiuto alimentare: buone e cattive pratiche
in: QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria 3/2010, 81-114 - Burchi, Francesco (2010)
Child nutrition in Mozambique in 2003: the role of mother’s schooling and nutrition knowledge
in: Economics and Human Biology 8 (3), 331-345
Nicht-referierte Publikationen
- Burchi, Francesco / Tekalign Gutu Sakketa (2025)
Enhancing public works programmes: sustainable impact through participatory asset creation and digitalisation
(Policy Brief 4/2025) - Aurino, Elisabetta / Francesco Burchi / Tekalign Sakketa / Anastasia Terskaya (2024)
Do public works programs foster climate resilience? Conceptual framework and review of empirical evidence
IEB Working Paper (2014/12), Barcelona: Institut d’Economia de Barcelona/Universitat de Barcelona - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba (2024)
Gender differences in multidimensional poverty in low- and middle-income countries: An assessment based on individual poverty indices
published on ssrn.com, 10.01.2024 - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba (2023)
The gendered nature of poverty: data, evidence and policy recommendations
(Policy Brief 24/2023) - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba (2023)
Global trends in multidimensional poverty and horizontal inequalities in poverty
in: UNDESA - Expert Group Meeting on the Implementation of the third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018-2027), Draft paper (May 2023) - Burchi, Francesco / Gabriela Zapata-Román (2022)
Inequality and social cohesion in Africa: theoretical insights and an exploratory empirical investigation
(Discussion Paper 16/2022) - Balasubramanian, Pooja / Francesco Burchi / Daniele Malerba (2021)
Does economic growth reduce multidimensional poverty? Evidence from low and middle-income countries
in: Courant Discussion Papers, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (288) - Leininger, Julia / Francesco Burchi / Charlotte Fiedler / Karina Mross / Daniel Nowack / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Sommer / Christoph Strupat / Sebastian Ziaja (2021)
Social cohesion: a new definition and a proposal for its measurement in Africa
(Discussion Paper 31/2021) - Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
(Discussion Paper 11/2021) - Burchi, Francesco / Federico Roscioli (2021)
Can integrated social protection programmes affect social cohesion? Mixed-methods evidence from Malawi
(Discussion Paper 3/2021) - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2020)
Assessing trends in multidimensional poverty during the MDGs
in: Global Development Institute Working Paper Series (2020-044), Manchester: Global Development Institute, University of Manchester - Burchi, Francesco / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Strupat (2020)
Steuer- und Sozialpolitik: ein unterschätzter Beitrag zur sozialen Kohäsion
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 4/2020) - Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat / Armin von Schiller (2020)
Revenue collection and social policies: their underestimated contribution to social cohesion
(Briefing Paper 1/2020) - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2019)
Comparing global trends in multidimensional and income poverty and assessing horizontal inequalities
(Discussion Paper 2/2019) - Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2018)
Unbundling the impacts of economic empowerment programmes: evidence from Malawi
(Discussion Paper 32/2018) - Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2018)
From income poverty to multidimensional poverty: an international comparison
Brasília: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth - Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2018)
From income poverty to multidimensional poverty: an international comparison
Brasília: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG Working Paper 174) - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Eszter Kollar (2018)
How to identify national dimensions of poverty? The constitutional approach
(Briefing Paper 5/2018) - Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2017)
The joint effects of a health insurance and a public works scheme in rural Ethiopia
Bonn: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (IZA Discussion Paper Series 10939) - Beierl, Stefan / Francesco Burchi / Christoph Strupat (2017)
Economic empowerment pilot project in Malawi: qualitative survey report
(Discussion Paper 15/2017) - Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2017)
Die Wirkung von cash transfers auf die Ernährungssicherung in Subsahara-Afrika: Fakten, Gestaltung und Umsetzung
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2017) - Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2016)
The impact of cash transfers on food security in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence, design and implementation
(Briefing Paper 15/2016) - Burchi, Francesco / Margherita Scarlato / Giorgio d’Agostino (2016)
Addressing food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of cash transfers
(Discussion Paper 17/2016) - Burchi, Francesco / Sarah Holzapfel
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 21-26 - Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 33-36 - Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 37-41 - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Sara Vicari (2015)
The development project as an institution for agency and capability expansion: the case of the Njombe milk project
in: European Journal of Development Research 27 (1), 19-36 - Burchi, Francesco / Luis A. Camacho (2014)
Advancing female education by improving democratic institutions and women’s political representation
(Briefing Paper 16/2014) - Burchi, Francesco (2014)
Children’s multidimensional health and medium-run cognitive skills in low- and middle-income countries
Oxford Univ.: Young Lives (Working Paper 129) - Burchi, Francesco (2013)
Women's political role and poverty in the educational dimension: a district-level anlysis in India
(Discussion Paper 23/2013) - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Aliez Kay / Sara Vicari (2012)
Impact evaluation of the CEFA Granarolo “Africa Milk Project”
Report of the Impact Evaluation Study, Granarolo - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2012)
A human development and capability approach to food security: conceptual framework and informational basis
African Human Development Report on “Towards a Food Secure Future”, UNDP, Regional Bureau for Africa (Background Paper 2012/08) - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale Tridico (2010)
Institutions, famine and inequality
Roma Tre University (Departmental Working Paper of Economics 121)
- Burchi, Francesco / Markus Loewe (2022)
Soziale Sicherung: Ein wirksamer Schutzschild gegen globale Krisen
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 04.10.2022) - Strupat, Christoph / Daniele Malerba / Francesco Burchi (2020)
Warum Soziale Sicherung in der Corona-Krise entscheidend ist
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 26.03.2020 - Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Nicole Rippin (2019)
Multidimensional poverty trends and horizontal inequalities: new insights from the G-CSPI database
One Pager 434) - Malerba, Daniele / Francesco Burchi (2019)
Warum unser enger Blick auf Armut ihre Beseitigung behindert
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 17.10.2019) - Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2019)
What makes economic empowerment programmes successful? Experimental evidence from Malawi
Brasília: The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (One Pager 423) - Burchi, Francesco / Chiara Gnesi (2013)
A review of the literature on well-being in Italy: a human development perspective
Roma Tre University (Departmental Working Paper of Economics 175) - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2009)
Reducing children’s food insecurity through primary education for rural mothers: the case of Mozambique
FAO virtual Publication, Rome - Burchi, Francesco (2009)
On the contribution of mother’s education to children’s nutritional capabilities in Mozambique
Roma Tre University (Departmental Working Paper of Economics 101) - Burchi, Francesco (2008)
On the relationship among education, development and food security through the capability approach (PhD Thesis)
Roma Tre University, Department of Economics, Rome - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2007)
Education for rural people and food security: a cross-country analysis
FAO Research Paper, Rome - Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2007)
Education for rural people: a neglected key to food security
Roma Tre University (Departmental Working Paper of Economics 78) - Burchi, Francesco (2006)
Identifying the role of education in socio-economic development
in: Oguz Esen / Ayla Ogus Binatli , Proceedings of the IUE-SUNY Cortland Conference in Economics, SUNY and Izmir Univ. of Economics, 193-206
- Förderung der Resilienz durch Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung in Zeiten multipler Krisen
- Soziale Kohäsion in Afrika
- Messung und Bewertung multidimensionaler Armut in der Welt
- Armut, Ungleichheit und Wohlbefinden
- Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) - Wissenschaftliche Beiträge und Outreach Aktivitäten
- Soziale Sicherung, Ernährungssicherung und ländliche Entwicklung
- Ergebnisorientierte Förderung der Ernährungssicherheit im ländlichen Raum Subsahara-Afrikas durch nachhaltige Agrarintensivierung und soziale Sicherung
- Die politische Ökonomie integrativen Wachstums
E-Mail Francesco.Burchi@idos-research.de
Telefon +49 228 94927-185
Fax +49 228 94927-130
Im Fokus
Do public works programs foster climate resilience? Conceptual framework and review of empirical evidence
Aurino, Elisabetta / Francesco Burchi / Tekalign Sakketa / Anastasia Terskaya (2024)
IEB Working Paper (2014/12), Barcelona: Institut d’Economia de Barcelona/Universitat de Barcelona
Im Fokus

Does economic growth reduce multidimensional poverty? Evidence from low- and middle-income countries
Balasubramanian, Pooja / Francesco Burchi / Daniele Malerba (2022)
in: World Development 161, article 106119
Im Fokus

An individual-based index of multidimensional poverty for low- and middle-income countries
Burchi, Francesco / José Espinoza-Delgado / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2021)
in: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, first published 27.08.2021
Im Fokus

Assessing trends in multidimensional poverty during the MDGs
Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2022)
in: Review of Income and Wealth, first published 09.03.2022
Im Fokus

Disentangling the relationship between social protection and social cohesion: introduction to the special issue
Burchi, Francesco / Markus Loewe / Daniele Malerba / Julia Leininger (2022)
in: European Journal of Development Research, 34 (3), 1195 - 1215
Im Fokus
Linking social protection schemes: the joint effects of a public works and a health insurance programme in Ethiopia
Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2019)
in: The Journal of Development Studies