Sozialpolitik, Armut, Ungleichheit
Das Cluster „Sozialpolitik, Armut, Ungleichheit“ geht der Frage nach, wie Sozialpolitik (i) (ökologischen) Strukturwandel begleiten, (ii) Armut und Ungleichheit in ihren verschiedenen Dimensionen verringern, die (iii) Investitionsbereitschaft der Bürger*innen stärken und (iv) soziale Kohäsion und nachhaltige Gesellschaftsverträge fördern kann.
Insbesondere untersuchen wir:
- Welche sozialpolitischen Maßnahmen sind in unterschiedlichen Kontexten besonders wirksam?
- Wie kann Sozialpolitik die Resilienz gegenüber kovarianten Schocks wie Pandemien oder den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels verbessern?
- Wie kann ein kohärentes und adaptives sozialpolitisches System aussehen? Wie können verschiedene sozialpolitische Maßnahmen mit wirtschaftspolitischen Maßnahmen wie Steuerpolitik, grüner sowie digitaler Wirtschaftspolitik oder Agrarpolitik kombiniert werden? Wie können Synergien genutzt werden, um den Betroffenen Wege aus der Armut zu ebnen?
- Inwieweit sind Veränderungen bei (geschlechterspezifischer) Ungleichheit oder Armut auf sozialpolitische oder andere Maßnahmen zurückzuführen?
- Wie können mehrdimensionale Armut und Ungleichheit adäquat gemessen werden?
- Wie wirkt sich Sozialpolitik auf den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die nationalen Gesellschaftsverträge aus?
Böhl Gutierrez, Mauricio
Burchi, Francesco
Loewe, Markus
Malerba, Daniele
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu
Sowa, Alina
Stöcker, Alexander
Strupat, Christoph
von Haaren, Paula
Zintl, Tina
Understanding rapid urbanisation's influence on social cohesion: Insights from Africa
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu (2025)
in: Cities - The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning (160), article 105835
The protective role of index insurance in the experience of violent conflict: evidence from Ethiopia
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Dan Maggio / John McPeak (2025)
in: Journal of Development Economics 174, article 103445
Are cash-for-work programmes good for local economic growth? The case of donor-funded public works for refugees and nationals in Jordan
Loewe, Markus / Tina Zintl (2023)
in: Canadian Journal of Development Studies, first published 14.11.2023
Urbanisation and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of pathways and impacts
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu (2023)
in: Research in Globalization 6, article 100133
Urbanisation and social cohesion: theory and empirical evidence from Africa
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu (2023)
Discussion Paper 16/2023
Can drought insurance reduce Ethiopian pastoralists’ exposure to conflict?
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu (2023)
published on econthatmatters.com, 21.03.2023
The protective role of index insurance in the experience of violent conflict: evidence from Ethiopia
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Dan Maggio / John McPeak (2023)
in: HiCN Working Paper Series 2023 (385)
Essays on public service delivery in India
von Haaren, Paula (2022)
Heidelberg: Universität Heidelberg (Dissertation)
More than the sum of its parts: donor-sponsored cash-for-work programmes and social cohesion in Jordanian communities hosting Syrian refugees
Zintl, Tina / Markus Loewe (2022)
The European Journal of Development Research, first published 13.05.2022
Disentangling the relationship between social protection and social cohesion: introduction to the special issue
Burchi, Francesco / Markus Loewe / Daniele Malerba / Julia Leininger (2022)
in: European Journal of Development Research, first published
Subsidy reform and the transformation of social contracts: the cases of Egypt, Iran and Morocco
Vidican Auktor, Georgeta / Markus Loewe (2022)
in: Social Sciences 11 (2), article 85, 1-22
Lessons learned? Intended and unintended effects of India's second-generation maternal cash transfer scheme
von Haaren, Paula / Stefan Klonner (2021)
in: Health Economics 30 (10), 2468-2486
Global access to COVID-19 vaccines: challenges in production, affordability, distribution and utilisation
Stamm, Andreas / Christoph Strupat / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2021)
Discussion Paper 19/2021
Handbook on social protection systems
Schüring, Esther / Markus Loewe (eds.) (2021)
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
Strengthening social systems
Strupat, Christoph / Paul Marschall (2021)
in: OECD Development Co-operation Report 2020: learning from crises, building resilience, Paris: OECD Publishing, 195 - 200
The social value of health insurance: results from Ghana
Garcia-Mandico, Silvia / Arndt Reichert / Christoph Strupat (2021)
in: Journal of Public Economics 194, article 104314
Climate change
Malerba, Daniele (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 688–704
Introduction: policy coordination
Malerba, Daniele (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 223–225
Effects of social protection on health
Strupat, Christoph (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 608–620
Introduction to the handbook on social protection systems
Loewe, Markus / Esther Schüring (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1-35
Introduction: system design
Loewe, Markus (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 135–136
Loewe, Markus (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 123–133
Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development in the Sahel: synthesis paper of case studies under the Sudano-Sahelian initiative for regional development, jobs, and food security
Mirzabaev, Alisher / Tekalign Gutu Sakketa / Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla et al. (2021)
in: ZEF Working Paper Series (204)
State fragility, social contracts and the role of social protection: perspectives from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
Loewe, Markus / Tina Zintl (2021)
in: Social Sciences 10 (12), 1-23
Do non-maternal adult female household members influence child nutrition? Empirical evidence from Ethiopia
Usman, Muhammed Abdella / Lukas Kornher / Tekalign Gutu Sakketa (2021)
in: Maternal & Child Nutrition 17 (S1), Special issue on a family systems approach to promote maternal and child nutrition, article e13123
Do non-maternal adult female household members influence child nutrition? empirical evidence from Ethiopia
Usman, M. / L. Kornher / T. G. Sakketa (2021)
in: Journal of Maternal and Child Nutrition (forthcoming)
Do social transfers benefit local economic development? The case of cash-for-work programmes in Jordan
Loewe, Markus / Tina Zintl (2021)
in: Economic Research Forum (ERF) Discussion Papers (1467)
Does food security matter to subjective well-being? Evidence from a cross-country panel
Kornher, Lukas / Tekalign Gutu Sakketa (2021)
in: Journal of International Development, first published 13.10.2021
Obesity and food away from home: what drives the socioeconomic gradient in excess body weight?
Strupat, Christoph / Gabriela Farfan / Laura Moritz / Mario Negre / Renos Vakis (2021)
in: Economics & Human Biology 43, article 101048
Social protection: a powerful tool – but not in the Middle East and North Africa
Loewe, Markus (2021)
published on www.menasp.com, 01.03.2021
Subsidy reforms in the Middle East and North Africa: strategic options and their consequences for the social contract
Vidican Auktor, Georgeta / Markus Loewe (2021)
Discussion Paper 12/2021
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
Discussion Paper 11/2021
“Building Back Better” through social protection
Alkesandrova, Mariya / Daniele Malerba / Christoph Strupat (2021)
in: Bündnis Entwicklung hilft, Bochum: Ruhr University Bochum – Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, 33-37
Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable: addressing loss and damage through social protection
Aleksandrova, Mariya / Cecilia Costella (2021)
in: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (50), 121-128
The untapped potential of global climate funds for investing in social protection
Aleksandrova, Mariya (2021)
Briefing Paper 7/2021
An individual-based index of multidimensional poverty for low- and middle-income countries
Burchi, Francesco / José Espinoza-Delgado / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2021)
in: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, first published 27.08.2021
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
Discussion Paper 11/2021
Can integrated social protection programmes affect social cohesion? Mixed-methods evidence from Malawi
Burchi, Francesco / Federico Roscioli (2021)
Discussion Paper 3/2021
Analysing the effect of climate policies on poverty through employment channels
Malerba, Daniele / Kirsten Svenja Wiebe (2021)
in: Environmental Research Letters 16(3), first published 09.03.2021
The social value of health insurance: results from Ghana
Garcia-Mandico, Silvia / Arndt Reichert / Christoph Strupat (2021)
in: Journal of Public Economics 194, Online
Strengthening social systems
Strupat, Christoph / Paul Marschall (2021)
in: OECD Development Co-operation Report 2020: learning from crises, building resilience, Paris: OECD Publishing, 195 - 200
Effects of social protection on food consumption and nutrition
Burchi, Francesco (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 596-607
Introduction: effects
Burchi, Francesco (2021)
in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (Hrsg.), Handbook on Social Protection Systems, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 559-560
Social protection and revenue collection: how they can jointly contribute to strengthening social cohesion
Burchi, Francesco / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Strupat (2020)
in: International Social Security Review 73(3), 13-32
Mixed and multi-methods to evaluate implementation processes and early effects of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Scheme in seven Indian states
De Allegri, Manuela / Swati Srivastava / Christoph Strupat et al. (2020)
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), article 7812, OnlineCommunity effects of cash-for-work programmes in Jordan: supporting social cohesion, more equitable gender roles and local economic development in contexts of flight and migration
Loewe, Markus / Tina Zintl / Jörn Fritzenkötter / Verena Gantner / Regina Kaltenbach / Lena Pohl (2020)
Studies 103 (2020)
From potentials to reality: transforming Africa's food production: investment and policy priorities for sufficient, nutritious and sustainable food supplies
Baumüller, Heike, [...], Tekalign Gutu Sakketa et al. (2020)
Bonn: Centre for Development Research
Impeded migration as adaptation: COVID-19 and its implications for translocal strategies of environmental risk management
Stange, Gunnar / Harald Sterly / Patrick Sakdapolrak / Marion Borderon / Benjamin Schraven / Diogo Andreola Serraglio / Mariya Aleksandrova (2020)
published on Environmental Migration Portal, 22.10.2020, Online
Introducing agroecology in primary schools: an independent impact evaluation in Uruguay
Roscioli, Federico / Daniele Malerba / Francesco Burchi (2020)
in: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 28 August 2020 (online first)
Women’s political representation and educational attainments: a district-level analysis in India
Burchi, Francesco / Karan Singh (2020)
in: Journal of South Asian Development 15(1), 7-33
Mitigating poverty: the patterns of multiple carbon tax and recycling regimes for Peru
Malerba, Daniele / Anja Gaentzsch / Hauke Ward (2020)
in: Energy Policy (149), article number 111961, online first
The measurement of multidimensional poverty across countries: a proposal for selecting dimensions
Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2020)
in: Valentin Beck / Henning Hahn / Robert Lepenies (Hrsg.), Dimensions of poverty measurement, epistemic injustices, activism, Berlin: Springer, Chapter 14
Universal basic income: social transfers stabilise aggregate demand
Loewe, Markus (2020)
in: Development and Cooperation Monthly e-paper, 6 May 2020 (Online)
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis and poor people's struggle for survival: How should governments in low-income countries respon and what resources are needed?
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Lukas Kornher (2020)
in: ZEF Policy Brief (33)
Social assistance and inclusive growth
Barrientos, Armando / Daniele Malerba (2020)
in: International Social Security Review 73 (3), 33-53
Mitigating poverty: the patterns of multiple carbon tax and recycling regimes for Peru
Malerba, Daniele / Anja Gaentzsch / Hauke Ward (2020)
in: Energy Policy (149), article number 111961, online first
Women’s political representation and educational attainments: a district-level analysis in India
Burchi, Francesco / Karan Singh (2020)
in: Journal of South Asian Development 15(1), 7-33
Assessing trends in multidimensional poverty during the MDGs
Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2020)
in: Global Development Institute Working Paper Series (2020-044), Manchester: Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
The measurement of multidimensional poverty across countries: a proposal for selecting dimensions
Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2020)
in: Valentin Beck / Henning Hahn / Robert Lepenies (Hrsg.), Dimensions of poverty measurement, epistemic injustices, activism, Berlin: Springer, Chapter 14
Social protection and revenue collection: how they can jointly contribute to strengthening social cohesion
Burchi, Francesco / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Strupat (2020)
in: International Social Security Review 73(3), 13-32
Subjective returns to education: rational expectations of disadvantaged groups in India
Balasubramanian, Pooja (2020)
Wider University Working Paper 144, published August 2020
Steuer- und Sozialpolitik: ein unterschätzter Beitrag zur sozialen Kohäsion
Burchi, Francesco / Armin von Schiller / Christoph Strupat (2020)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 4/2020
Revenue collection and social policies: their underestimated contribution to social cohesion
Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat / Armin von Schiller (2020)
Briefing Paper 1/2020
Mixed and multi-methods to evaluate implementation processes and early effects of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Scheme in seven Indian states
De Allegri, Manuela / Swati Srivastava / Christoph Strupat et al.(2020)
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), article 7812, Online
Community effects of cash-for-work programmes in Jordan: supporting social cohesion, more equitable gender roles and local economic development in contexts of flight and migration
Loewe, Markus / Tina Zintl / Jörn Fritzenkötter / Verena Gantner / Regina Kaltenbach / Lena Pohl (2020)
Studies 103
Poverty alleviation and local environmental degradation: an empirical analysis in Colombia
Malerba, Daniele (2020)
in: World Development 127 (March 2020)
Subjective returns to education: rational expectations of disadvantaged groups in India
Balasubramanian, Pooja (2020)
Wider University Working Paper 144, published August 2020
Warum Soziale Sicherung in der Corona-Krise entscheidend ist
Strupat, Christoph / Daniele Malerba / Francesco Burchi (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 26.03.2020
Universal basic income: social transfers stabilise aggregate demand
Loewe, Markus (2020)
in: Development and Cooperation, 06.05.2020 (Online)
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis and poor people's struggle for survival
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu/ Lukas Kornher (2020)
ZEF Policy Brief 33
Rural shadow wages and youth agricultural labor supply in Ethiopia: evidence from farm panel data
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Nicolas Gerber (2020)
in: Polachek / Tatsiramos (eds.), Change at home, in the labor market, and on the job, Research in labor economics (Vol. 48), Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 61-105
Africa’s social capital – strong enough for coping with COVID-19?
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu (2020)
published on Rural 21, 29.04.2020
Social protection schemes in the Middle East and North Africa: not fair, not efficient, not effective
Loewe, Markus (2019)
in: Rana Jawad / Nicola Jones / Mahmood Messkoub (eds.), Social policy in the Middle East and North Africa: the new social protection paradigm and universal coverage, Cheltenham: Elgar, 35-60
Linking social protection schemes: the joint effects of a public works and a health insurance programme in Ethiopia
Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2019)
in: The Journal of Development Studies (Online first)
Labor-intensive public works programs in sub-Saharan Africa: experiences and implications for employment policies
Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Joachim von Braun (2019)
in:ZEF Working Paper Series (180)
Principles and considerations for mainstreaming climate change risk into national social protection frameworks in developing countries
Aleksandrova, Mariya (2019)
in: Climate and Development Vol. 12(6), 511-520
Social protection as a tool to address slow onset climate events: emerging issues for research and policy
Aleksandrova, Mariya (2019)
Discussion Paper 16/2019
Social protection schemes in the Middle East and North Africa: not fair, not efficient, not effective
Loewe, Markus (2019)
in: Rana Jawad / Nicola Jones / Mahmood Messkoub (eds.), Social policy in the Middle East and North Africa: the new social protection paradigm and universal coverage, Cheltenham: Elgar, 35-60
The social value of health insurance: results from Ghana
Garcia Mandico, Silvia / Arndt Reichert / Christoph Strupat (2019)
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (9004), Online
Translating Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) interdependencies into policy advice
Breuer, Anita / Hannah Janetschek / Daniele Malerba (2019)
published on Sustainability 11 (7) 8 April 2019
Comparing global trends in multidimensional and income poverty and assessing horizontal inequalities
Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2019)
Discussion Paper 2/2019
Poverty-energy-emissions pathways: recent trends and future sustainable development goals
Malerba, Daniele (2019)
in: Energy for Sustainable Development 49 (April ), 109-124
Linking social protection schemes: the joint effects of a public works and a health insurance programme in Ethiopia
Shigute, Zemzem / Christoph Strupat / Francesco Burchi / Getnet Alemu / Arjun S. Bedi (2019)
in: The Journal of Development Studies (Online first)
Modicare kann Indiens armer Bevölkerung helfen
Strupat, Christoph (2019)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 11.03.2019
Productivist social assistance and 21st-century development models
Barrientos, Armando / Daniele Malerba (2018)
London: ESRC GPID Research Network (Working Paper 16)
Linking small-scale farmers to the durum wheat value chain in Ethiopia: assessing the effects on production and wellbeing
Biggeri, Mario / Francesco Burchi / Federico Ciani / Raoul Herrmann (2018)
in: Food Policy 79 (August), 77-91
Unbundling the impacts of economic empowerment programmes: evidence from Malawi
Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2018)
Discussion Paper 32/2018
Cash transfers and food security in Sub‐Saharan Africa
Burchi, Francesco / Giorgio D'Agostino / Luca Pieroni / Margherita Scarlato (2018)
published on South African Journal of Economics 15 August 2018
Addressing food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of cash transfers
Burchi, Francesco / Margherita Scarlato / Giorgio D'Agostino (2018)
in: Poverty & Public Policy 10 (4), 1-26
From income poverty to multidimensional poverty: an international comparison
Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2018)
Brasília: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG Working Paper 174)
Tackling income inequality: what works and why?
Cuesta, Jose / Mario Negre / Ana Revenga / Maika Schmidt (2018)
in: Journal of Income Distribution 26 (1), 1-48
Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: piecing together the poverty puzzle
Jolliffe, Dean / María Ana Lugo / Bénédicte Leroy de la Brière / Jed Friedman / Isis Gaddis / Roy Katayama / Daniel Gerszon Mahler / Mario Negre / David Newhouse / Minh Cong Nguyen / Espen Beer Prydz / Maika Schmidt / Dhiraj Sharma / Judy Yang (2018)
Washington, DC: World Bank
Introducing social protection in the Middle East and North Africa: prospects for a new social contract?
Loewe, Markus / Rana Jawad (2018)
in: International Social Security Review 71 (2), 3-18, (Special Issue)
Social insurance reforms in Egypt: needed, belated, flopped
Loewe, Markus / Lars Westemeier (2018)
in: Social Policy in the Middle East and North Africa (POMEPS Studies 31), 63-69
How to reduce poverty and address climate change? An empirical cross-country analysis and the roles of economic growth and inequality
Malerba, Daniele (2018)
Manchester: The University of Manchester (GDI Working Paper 2018-32)
The heterogeneous effects of conditional cash transfers across geographical clusters: do energy factors matter?
Malerba, Daniele (2018)
in: Global Development Institute - The University of Manchester (Global Development Institute Working Paper Series 2018-021)
Dismantling the myth of the growth-inequality trade-off
Negre, Mario / José Cuesta / Ana Revenga / Prescott J. Morley (2018)
Briefing Paper 9/2019
Crowding out of solidarity? Public health insurance versus informal transfer networks in Ghana
Strupat, Christoph / Florian Klohn (2018)
in: World Development 104 (4), 212-221
Transforming our world, achieving a sustainable development model: the 2030 Agenda and the EU
With contributions by Bissio, Roberto / Carles Casajuana / Koen De Feyter / Lelio Iapadre / Markus Loewe / Fabiana Maglio / Annalisa Prizzon / Liliana Rodrigues / Sahar T. Rad (2017)
in: Conny Reuter / Ernst Stetter (eds.), Progressive lab for sustainable development: from vision to action, Brussels: Foundation for European Progressives Studies / SOLIDAR / Group of the progressive alliance of the Socialist and Democrats in the European Parliament, 15-29
Keine Stabilität ohne soziale Sicherheit
Loewe, Markus / Christoph Strupat (2017)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 27.10.2017
Constructing well-being and poverty dimensions on political grounds
Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Eszter Kollar (2017)
published on Social Indicators Research 04 April 2017 (online first)
Social protection investments, human capital, and income growth: simulating the returns to social cash transfers in Uganda
Dietrich, Stephan / Daniele Malerba / Armando Barrientos / Franziska Gassmann / Pierre Mohnen / Nyasha Tirivayi / Susan Kavuma / Fred Matovu (2017)
Maastricht: Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU‐MERIT); (Working Paper Series 2017-029)
Rates of return to antipoverty transfers in Uganda
Dietrich, Stephan / Daniele Malerba / Armando Barrientos / Franziska Gassmann (2017)
Maastricht: Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU‐MERIT); (Working Paper Series 2017-040)
Ending Global Poverty: An Attainable Goal
Negre, Mario / Manuel de la Rocha Vázquez (2017)
Published on: International Development Blog, 16.03.2017
Efficiency and distributive justice in multidimensional poverty issues
Rippin, Nicole (2017)
in: Roger White (ed.): Measuring multidimensional poverty and deprivation: incidence and determinants in developed countries, Palgrave Macmillan, 31-68
Do targeted reproductive health services matter? The impact of a midwife program in Indonesia
Strupat, Christoph (2017)
in: Health Economics (online first) DOI: 10.1002/hec.3465
Assessing agricultural systems vulnerability to climate change to inform adaptation planning: an application in Khorezm, Uzbekistan
Aleksandrova, Mariya / Animesh K. Gain / Carlo Giupponi (2016)
in: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 21 (8), 1263–1287
Children’s multidimensional health and medium-term cognitive skills in low-and middle-income countries
Aurino, Elisabetta / Francesco Burchi (2016)
in: The European Journal of Development Research (Early online access) doi: 10.1057/ejdr.2016.7
The impact of cash transfers on food security in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence, design and implementation
Burchi, Francesco / Christoph Strupat (2016)
Briefing Paper 15/2016
From food availability to nutritional capabilities: advancing food security analysis
Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro (2016)
in: Food Policy 60/2016, 10-19
Social protection: a key instrument for social, economic and political development
Loewe, Markus (2016)
Kiel: Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet), (Pegnet Policy Brief 7)
From protection to reduction? The impact of the public health insurance scheme on child labour in Ghana
Strupat, Christoph (2016)
Discussion Paper 16/2016
Poverty and shared prosperity 2016: taking on inequality
World Bank Group. Co-directors: José Cuesta and Mario Negre (2016)
Washington, DC: World Bank Publications
One size fits all? Die Rolle der Sozialversicherung in Entwicklungsländern
Loewe, Markus / Katja Bender / Esther Schüring (2015)
in: Laurenz Mülheims / Karin Hummel / Susanne Peters-Lange / Edwin Toepler / Iris Schuhmann (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sozialversicherungswissenschaft, Heidelberg: Springer VS, 1077-1096
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (2015)
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 15-20
Soziale Sicherung: zu wenig erforschtes Feld
Loewe, Markus (2015)
in: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (E+Z) 56 (9), 36
An appropriate approach: interview with Markus Loewe
Loewe, Markus (2015)
in: Development and Co-operation (D+C) 42 (8), 18-20
Safety nets: an underresearched topic
Loewe, Markus (2015)
in: Development and Co-operation (D+C) 42 (9), 36
Multidimensional poverty in Germany: a capability approach
Rippin, Nicole (2015)
Forum for Social Economics (Special Issue: Capability Approach and Multidimensional Well-being in High-income Countries) DOI: 10.1080/07360932.2014.995199
Rural vulnerability to environmental change in the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia and options for policy-makers: a review
Aleksandrova, Mariya / John P.A. Lamers / Christopher Martius / Bernhard Tischbein (2014)
in: Environmental Science & Policy 41 (August), 77-88
Which dimensions should matter for capabilities?A constitutional approach
Burchi, Francesco / Pasquale De Muro / Eszter Kollar (2014)
in: Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (3), 233-247
Pension schemes and pension reforms in the Middle East and North Africa
Loewe, Markus (2014)
in: Katja Hujo (ed.), Reforming pensions in developing and transition countries, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 69-101
Climate change and hazards in Central Asia: risk patterns in Khorezm region of Uzbekistan and implications for disaster risk reduction in rural areas
Aleksandrova, Mariya (2013)
Conference proceedings abstracts of the IGU 2013 Regional Conference, Hazard and Risk Session, August 4-9 2013, Kyoto, Japan
Caring for the urban middle class: the political economy of social protection in Arab countries
Loewe, Markus (2013)
in: Katja Bender / Markus Kaltenborn / Christian Pfleiderer (eds.), Social protection in developing countries: reforming systems, London: Routledge, 196-204
Social health protection in the Arab world
Loewe, Markus (2013)
in: Jenny Schreiber / Thomas Eich / Morgan Clarke (eds.), Conference proceedings of the international conference: health related issues and Islamic normativity, Halle: MENALib, 151-167
The potential of microinsurance for social protection
Loewe, Markus / Yvonne Deblon (2012)
in: Craig Churchill / Michal Matul (eds.), Protecting the poor: a microinsurance compendium Vol. II, Geneva: International Labour Office and Munich Re Foundation, 40-58
Distributional justice and efficiency: integrating inequality within and between dimensions in additive poverty indice
Rippin, Nicole (2012)
Göttingen: Univ. Göttingen (CRC-PEG Discussion Paper 128)
Jenseits von Staat und Markt: Mikroversicherungen als neues Konzept sozialer Sicherung in Entwicklungsländern
Loewe, Markus (2011)
in: Lutz Leisering (Hrsg.), Die Alten der Welt, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verl.
Democracy, institutions and famines in developing and emerging countries
Burchi, Francesco (2011)
in Canadian Journal of Development Studies 32 (1), 17-31
The role of food and nutrition system approaches in tackling hidden hunger
Burchi, Francesco / Emile Frison / Jessica Fanzo (2011)
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8 (2), 358-373
Soziale Sicherung in den arabischen Ländern: Determinanten, Defizite und Strategien für den informellen Sektor
Loewe, Markus (2010)
Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges. (Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik 7)
Poverty severity in a multidimensional framework: the issue of inequality between dimensions
Rippin, Nicole (2010)
Göttingen: Courant Research Centre 'Poverty, Equity and Growth' (Discussion Papers 147)
Soziale Sicherung, informeller Sektor und das Potenzial von Kleinstversicherungen
Loewe, Markus (2009)
Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges. (Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik 4)
Geschlechterungleichheit und Sozialpolitik
Beiträge zu Stabilisierung und Entwicklung in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten
Effekte der Cash-for-Work-Programme für syrische Flüchtlinge in Jordanien
Messung und Bewertung multidimensionaler Armut in der Welt
Soziale Kohäsion in Afrika
Soziale Sicherung, Ernährungssicherung und ländliche Entwicklung
Verbesserung der sozialen Sicherung in den arabischen Ländern
Wachstum, Umwelt, Ungleichheit, Governance: Umsetzung der Agenda 2030
Wirksamkeit verschiedener Systeme der sozialen Sicherung in unterschiedlichen Kontexten: Vom Einzel- zum Gesamtsystem
Wirkungsmessung der PMJAY Krankenversicherung in Indien
International Workshop
(How) does social protection promote climate change mitigation and adaptation? Empirical evidence and way forward
Bonn, 26.11.2025 bis 28.11.2025
Online discussion / Discussion en ligne
Colonial continuities in the area of social protection: Learning from the past and present
Online, 12.03.2025
International workshop
Gender-responsive social protection and employment policies in low and middle income countries
Bonn, 21.11.2024 bis 22.11.2024
Roundtable discussion
Climate finance to leverage social protection for climate action: what role for the UN climate funds?
Bonn, 05.06.2024
Public panel discussion
German Cooperation with the MENA Region in the ‚Zeitenwende‘ Era: An Opportunity for Socially Just Transition?
Berlin, 24.01.2023
Virtual panel discussion
Social Protection and Social cohesion
Online, 15.06.2022
Academic panel
From Disease to Disaster? The Social Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the MENA Region
Online, 29.11. bis 03.12.2021
Virtual panel discussion and launch
What makes a social protection system?
Online, 09.09.2021
Virtual workshop
Social Protection and Universal Health Coverage in Ethiopia: Lessons and opportunities drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic
Online, 30.04.2021
Virtual workshop
Covid-19 and its impact on the informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Online, 10.02.2021
Virtual panel discussion
The Role of Social Protection in Cushioning the Effects of Pandemics
Online, 29.01.2021
Virtual panel discussion
The Covid-19 Pandemic and International Economic Support for MENA Countries
Online, 03.12.2020
Public panel discussion and academic workshop
Social protection and social cohesion
PEGNET Annual Conference
Promoting social, economic and socio-political development through social protection
Bonn, 09.09.-10.09.2019
Academic workshop
Community effects of Cash-for-Work programmes in Jordan
Amman, 25.04.2019
Academic conference
Employment creation through industrial policy in the MENA countries
Bonn, 21.09.-22.09.2018
Im Fokus
The European Journal of Development Research, Special Issue "Social Protection and Social Cohesion"
Burchi, Francesco / Markus Loewe / Daniele Malerba / Julia Leininger (et al.)
Volume 34, Issue 3, June 2022
Im Fokus

Handbook on social protection systems
Schüring, Esther / Markus Loewe (eds.)
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
Im Fokus
The social value of health insurance: results from Ghana
Garcia-Mandico, Silvia / Arndt Reichert / Christoph Strupat (2021)
in: Journal of Public Economics 194, Online
Im Fokus
Mitigating poverty: the patterns of multiple carbon tax and recycling regimes for Peru
Malerba, Daniele / Anja Gaentzsch / Hauke Ward (2020)
in: Energy Policy (149), article number 111961, online first
Im Fokus
Social assistance and inclusive growth
Barrientos, Armando / Daniele Malerba (2020)
in: International Social Security Review 73 (3), 33-53
Im Fokus
Assessing trends in multidimensional poverty during the MDGs
Burchi, Francesco / Daniele Malerba / Claudio E. Montenegro / Nicole Rippin (2020)
in: Global Development Institute Working Paper Series (2020-044), Manchester: Global Development Institute, University of Manchester