Soziale Unternehmensverantwortung (CSR) und Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in Südafrika
The project Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Africa considered an overall perspective on the topic by focusing on the state of the art, South Africa's approach in CSR, the potential and the bottlenecks of BEE withing CSR and mulit- and bilateral development and on the contribution of the various stakeholders.
Dr. Tatjana Chahoud
Teilnehmende des 45. DIE-Ausbildungsganges:
Maren Kneller
Kristof Krahl
Jakob Rieken
Vera Riffler
Jana-Lisa Wendering
2009 - 2010
CSR in South Africa is mainly focusing on corporate social investment. More recently however, CSR in South Africa is confronted with additional demand. The new challenges are driven by external and internal factors. From the internal side there is increasing demand to link CSR with South Africa’s BEE approach, while from the external side South Africa is expected to follow more intensively international CSR standards, including the new ISO CSR standard.
The envisaged empirical study intends to focus the research on the following issues:
- Overview about the state of the art of the international CSR Agenda
- Analysis of South Africa’s CSR approach , including the BEE concept
- Identification of the potential and the bottlenecks to promote the BEE concept within the existing CSR approach
- Analysis of the contribution and interaction of the various stakeholders (government, companies, business associations, NGOs and labour organisations) to strengthen CSR/BEE in South Africa
- For the empirical research the sample of companies will have a focus on transnational enterprises, in particular German companies operating in South Africa
- Identification of multilateral and bilateral development cooperation organisation’s potential to promote CSR/BEE in South Africa
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and black economic empowerment (BEE) in South Africa: a case study of German transnational corporations
Chahoud, Tatjana / Maren Kneller / Kristof Krahl / Jakob Rieken / Vera Riffler / (2011)
Studies 58