Religion and Politics: the influence of religious actors on democratization
Religion is often believed to hinder democratization and democracy. However, little systematic research has been undertaken that examines the influence of religious authorities and organizations on the erosion of authoritarian regimes, on the success of transitions to democracy and on the stability and consolidation of democracy. This project aims at analyzing the role of religious actors in processes of democratization and democratic decline.
Julia Leininger
Mirjam Künkler, PhD, Assistant Professor, Princeton University
2010 - 2013
Religion and politics
Künkler, Mirjam / Julia Leininger (2011)
in: George Thomas Kurian (ed.),The encyclopedia of political science, Washington, D.C.: CQ Pr., 1450-1453 -
The multi-faceted role of religious actors in democratization processes: empirical evidence from five young democracies
Leininger, Julia / Mirjam Künkler (2010)
in: Democratization 16 (6), 1058-1092 -
Soziale Kohäsion
Leininger, Julia (2006)
in: Dieter Nohlen / Rainer-Olaf Schultze (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft: Bd. 2, München: C.H. Beck, 839