Mobilising domestic revenue in developing countries
This project aimed at giving new insights into the issue of taxation and development. The research team focused on four different perspectives in the field of tax structure of developing countries: The interaction between different elite fractions, the impact of regime on tax ratio, the influence of regional patterns on taxation and the effectiveness of semi-autonomous revenue agencies (SARAs).
Christian von Haldenwang
Armin von Schiller
The DIE-research project “Mobilising domestic revenue in developing countries” forms part of the research programme “Future questions of development policy” and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
2011 - 2013
Enhancing domestic resource mobilisation and especially tax performance is an increasingly relevant topic on the international development agenda. Governments, donors and international organisations need to understand the role political, economic and institutional factors play in defining tax regimes and strengthening domestic revenue mobilisation. Against this background, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) research programme aimed at providing new insights into the issue of taxation and development. In particular, we wanted to know which factors and incentive structures influence the tax performance and tax structure of developing countries.
Research activities focused on four issues:
Patterns of interaction between elite fractions as a constraint for tax performance and tax reform in developing countries:
The fact that elites influence the reality of taxation is commonly acknowledged. So far, the main focus in the academic debate has been on conflicts between elites and non-elites, while the interaction between different elite fractions has received less attention. The project analysed these interaction patterns from a game theoretic perspective and explored how they shape the space for tax reform.
Political regime and taxation:
A growing body of literature in social science suggests that governance matters in determining tax performance. However, the impact of regime on taxation clearly deserves further scrutiny. The project investigated the impact of regime on tax ratio, using a panel dataset of 193 countries covering the period 1990-2008. Findings suggest a non-linear (U-shaped) relation between both variables.
Regional patterns of taxation:
This project aimed to explore whether taxation is influenced by regional patterns. We found initial evidence supporting this view, as the effect of welfare (proxied as GDP per capita) on tax ratio is weaker if we control for regions. Further, there appears to be a trend to lower tax collection in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
The effectiveness of semi-autonomous revenue agencies:
This project presented evidence that semi-autonomous revenue agencies (SARAs) outperform conventional tax administrations. Analysing local tax collection in Peru between 1998 and 2010, the project showed that municipalities with SARAs collect more revenues than those with conventional tax administrations. Also, SARAs generate more stable revenue, which is good for budget policy and planning.
Post-2015: the international battle against tax fraud and evasion
von Haldenwang, Christian / Uwe Kerkow (2013)
Briefing Paper 16/2013 -
Study on the vulnerability and resilience factors of tax revenues in developing countries
von Haldenwang, Christian / Oliver Morrissey / Maksym Ivanyna / Ingo Bordon / Armin von Schiller (2013)
The European Union - FED -
Post-2015: die internationale Bekämpfung von Steuerhinterziehung und -vermeidung
von Haldenwang, Christian / Uwe Kerkow (2013)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 7/2013 -
Municipal tax base in Mozambique: high potential – low degree of utilisation
Weimer, Bernhard (2012)
Discussion Paper 1/2012 -
Revenue structures and the question of who pays taxes: understanding the conditions under which elites pay taxes in developing countries
von Schiller, Armin (2012)
Discussion Paper 17/2012 -
Appropriate tax approaches to fossile resources and agricultural commodities
von Haldenwang, Christian (2012)
in: Development and Cooperation 39 (1), 24-26 -
A comparative view on the tax performance of developing countries: regional patterns, non-tax revenue and governance
Ivanyna, Maksym / Christian von Haldenwang (2012)
published on Economics: the Open-Access, January 26 (Discussion Paper 10/2012) -
Kluge Steuerpolitik für fossile und nachwachsende Ressourcen
von Haldenwang, Christian (2012)
in: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 53 (1), 24-26 -
Die Besteuerung nicht erneuerbarer Ressourcen in Entwicklungsländern
von Haldenwang, Christian (2011)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 8/2011 -
Assessing the tax performance of developing countries
von Haldenwang, Christian / Maksym Ivanyna (2010)
Discussion Paper 20/2010 -
Taxation, fiscal decentralisation and legitimacy: the role of semi-autonomous tax agencies in Peru
von Haldenwang, Christian (2010)
in: Development Policy Review 28 (6), 643-667 -
Let the good times roll? Raising tax revenues from the extractive sector in sub-Saharan Africa during the commodity price boom
Stürmer, Martin (2010)
Discussion Paper 7/2010 -
Integrierte Fiskaldezentralisierung: neue Formen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und ihre Anwendung auf der lokalen Ebene
Faust, Jörg / Christian von Haldenwang (2010)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2010 -
Integrated fiscal decentralisation: taking new aid modalities to the local level
Faust, Jörg / Christian von Haldenwang (2010)
Briefing Paper 12/2010 -
Should we engage in development cooperation with countries that have a notoriously low tax ratio?
von Haldenwang, Christian / Philipp Krause (2009)
Briefing Paper 12/2009 -
Sollen wir in der Entwicklungspolitik mit Ländern zusammenarbeiten, die eine notorisch niedrige Steuerquote aufweisen?
von Haldenwang, Christian / Philipp Krause (2009)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 12/2009 -
Administracion tributaria municipal en el contexto del proceso de descentralizacion en el Peru
von Haldenwang, Christian / Elke Büsing / Katharina Földi / Tabea Goldboom / Fer (2009)
Studies 44 -
Donor support for tax administration reform in Africa: experiences in Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
von Soest, Christian (2008)
Discussion Paper 2/2008 -
Kommunale Steuerverwaltung im Kontext des peruanischen Dezentralisierungsprozesses
von Haldenwang, Christian / Elke Büsing / Katharina Földi / Tabea Goldboom / Fe (2008)
Studies 42 -
Taxation, social cohesion and fiscal decentralization in Latin America
von Haldenwang, Christian (2008)
Discussion Paper 1/2008