Forschungsnetzwerk „Nachhaltige Globale Lieferketten“
Die globale Produktion und der globale Konsum werden zunehmend in Lieferketten organisiert. Wie diese organisiert sind, wirkt sich in vielfältiger Weise auf Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt aus. Das internationale Forschungsnetzwerk Sustainable Global Supply Chains will durch Forschung zur Nachhaltigkeit globaler Lieferketten beitragen. Es initiiert neue Forschungsarbeiten und macht wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse für politische Entscheidungsträger und andere Interessengruppen zugänglich.
Tilman Altenburg
Nora Aboushady
Axel Berger
Clara Brandi
Michael Brüntrup
Sven Grimm
Svea Koch
Gideon Ndubuisi
Solomon Owusu
Anna Pegels
Andreas Stamm
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
2020 - 2025
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel (IfW)
Ein großer Teil der globalen Wertschöpfung findet in Lieferketten statt. Diese sind gekennzeichnet durch die Spezialisierung von Firmen in mehreren Ländern in unterschiedlichen Produktionsstufen. Globale Lieferketten wirken sich in vielfältiger Weise auf Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt aus. Ob Arbeits-, Menschenrechts- und Umweltstandards einhalten und inwieweit Technologien und Gewinne geteilt werden, hängt von den multinationalen auftraggebenden Firmen ab, aber auch von der staatlichen Regulierung und der Einbeziehung anderer Interessengruppen.
Gemeinsam mit drei deutschen Partnerinstitutionen (GIGA, IfW, SWP) initiierte das DIE das neue internationale Forschungsnetzwerk Sustainable Global Supply Chains, dem 60-80 weltweit führende Forscher*innen angehören. Sein Ziel ist es, durch Forschung zur Nachhaltigkeit globaler Lieferketten beizutragen. Es initiiert neue Forschung und macht neue Erkenntnisse für politische Entscheidungsträger und andere Interessengruppen zugänglich. Das Projekt verfügt über eine eigene Website, einen Blog, eine Reihe von Podcasts, Policy Briefs und Veranstaltungen sowie (ab 2022) einen jährlichen elektronischen flagship report.
Chinese firms and adherence to global ESG standards in developing countries: is there potential to create common ground?
Morris, Mike (2023)
Discussion Paper 18/2023 -
Are global value chains for sale? On business-state relations in the MENA region
Aboushady, Nora / Chahir Zaki (2023)
Discussion Paper 17/2023 -
The EU-CEAP impacts on developing countries: an analysis of the plastic packaging, electric vehicles and batteries sectors
To, Jenny (2022)
Discussion Paper 12/2022 -
Wage effects of global value chains participation and position: An industry-level analysis
Ndubuisi, Gideon \ Solomon Owusu (2022)
in: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 31 (7), 1086-1107 -
The three great stimulants: an analysis of the cocoa, coffee, and tea value chains in Africa
Aboushady, Nora / Chahir Zaki / Devesh Roy (2022)
in: Bouët, Antoine / Sunday P. Odjo / Chahir Zaki (eds.), Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2022, Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) -
The opportunities and challenges of Industry 4.0 for industrial development: a case study of Morocco’s automotive and garment sectors
Vidican Auktor, Georgeta (2022)
Discussion Paper 2/2022 -
How important is global value chain participation for export upgrading
Ndubuisi, Gideon / Solomon Owusu (2021)
in: The World Economy 44 (10), 2887-2908 -
Global access to COVID-19 vaccines: challenges in production, affordability, distribution and utilisation
Stamm, Andreas / Christoph Strupat / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2021)
Discussion Paper 19/2021 -
Blockchain technology in supply chains – what are the opportunities for sustainable development?
Krings, Katharina / Jakob Schwab (2021)
Briefing Paper 2/2021 -
Priorities for a development-friendly EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Brandi, Clara (2021)
Briefing Paper 20/2021 -
Approaches for supporting smallholders in the Global South: contentious issues, experiences, syntheses
Rauch, Theo / Michael Brüntrup (2021)
Briefing Paper 1/2021 -
Does COVID-19 change the long-term prospects of latecomer industrialisation?
Altenburg, Tilman / Clara Brandi / Anna Pegels / Andreas Stamm / Kasper Vrolijk / Tina Zintl (2021)
Discussion Paper 32/2021 -
Exporters and global value chain participation: Firm-level evidence from South Africa
Torres Mazzi, Caio / Gideon Ndubuisi / Elvis Avenyo (2020)
Wider University Working Paper 144 -
Cling together, swing together: the contagious effects of COVID-19 on developing countries through global value chains
Pahl, Stefan / Clara Brandi / Jakob Schwab / Frederik Stender (2020)
Discussion Paper 21/2020 -
The changing landscape of sustainability standards in Indonesia: potentials and pitfalls of making global value chains more sustainable
Brandi, Clara (2020)
in: Negi, Archna / Jorge Antonio Pérez-Pineda / Johannes Blankenbach (Eds.), Sustainability Standards and Global Governance, Singapore: Springer, 133-144 -
The interaction of private and public governance: the case of sustainability standards for palm oil
Brandi, Clara (2020)
in: European Journal of Development Research 33, 1574–1595 -
Linking voluntary standards to Sustainable Development Goals
Bissinger, Katharina / Clara Brandi / Sandra Cabrera de Leicht / Matteo Fiorini / Philip Schleifer / Santiago Fernandez de Cordova / Niematallah Ahmed (2020)
Geneva: International Trade Centre -
Advancing EU-Africa cooperation in light of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi / Frederik Stender / Edward K. Brown / Philomena Apiko / Sean Woolfrey (2020)
Brussels: European Think Tank Group (September 2020) -
Ernährungssicherung in Krisenzeiten: arme Entwicklungsländer sind anders
Brüntrup, Michael (2020)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2020 -
Mit Anreizen und Regelungen zu Fairen Lieferketten
Müngersdorff, Maximilian / Tim Stoffel (2020)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 14.05.2020 -
Exporting out of China or out of Africa? Automation versus relocation in the global clothing industry
Altenburg, Tilman / Xiao Chen / Wilfried Lütkenhorst / Cornelia Staritz / Lindsay Whitfield (2020)
Discussion Paper 1/2020 -
Globale Wertschöpfung, globale Verantwortung? Nachhaltigkeit in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten
Berger, Axel (2019)
Berlin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. -
Soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen der globalen Textilwirtschaft: Lösungsbeiträge der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Stamm, Andreas / Tilman Altenburg / Maximilian Müngersdorff / Tim Stoffel / Kasper Vrolijk (2019)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) -
Sustainable public procurement as a tool to foster sustainable development in Costa Rica: challenges and recommendations for policy implementation
Stamm, Andreas / Luise Dietrich / Heike Harling / Laura Häußler / Florian Münch / Jana Preiß / Jan Siebert (2019)
Studies 100 -
Linking small-scale farmers to the durum wheat value chain in Ethiopia: assessing the effects on production and wellbeing
Biggeri, Mario / Francesco Burchi / Federico Ciani / Raoul Herrmann (2018)
in: Food Policy 79 (August), 77-91 -
South-South and triangular knowledge cooperation on sustainability standards
Fues, Thomas / Sven Grimm (2018)
in: Development Cooperation Review 1 (4), 5-9 -
Developing countries turn to sustainability standards
Grimm, Sven / Thomas Fues / Archna Negi / Christoph Sommer / Jorge Perez Pineda (2018)
in: Voluntary Sustainability Standards, Trade and Sustainable Development: 3rd Flagship Report of the United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS), 39-46 -
Food value chain linkages and household food security in Tanzania
Herrmann, Raoul / Ephraim Nkonya / Anja Faße (2018)
in: Food Security 10 (4), 827-839 -
Green industrial policy: accelerating structural change towards wealthy green economies
Altenburg, Tilman / Dani Rodrik (2017)
in: Tilman Altenburg / Claudia Assmann (eds.), Green industrial policy: concept, policies, country experiences, Geneva; Bonn: UN Environment; German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 1-20 -
Electric mobility and the quest for automobile industry upgrading in China
Altenburg, Tilman / Kaidong Feng / Qunhong Shen (2017)
in: Tilman Altenburg / Claudia Assmann (eds.), Green industrial policy: concept, policies, country experiences, Geneva; Bonn: UN Environment; German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 185-198 -
The retail revolution
Altenburg, Tilman (2017)
in: D+C: Development and Cooperation (Monthly e-paper), October 2017, 38-39 -
Vietnam’s preferential trade agreements: implications for GVC participation and upgrading
Berger, Axel / Dominique Bruhn (2017)
in: Claire H. Hollweg / Tanya Smith / Daria Taglioni (eds.), Vietnam at a crossroads: engaging in the next generation of global value chains, Washington, D.C.: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 81-98 -
Large-scale agricultural investments and smallholder welfare: a comparison of wage labor and outgrower channels in Tanzania
Herrmann, Raoul (2017)
in: World Development 90 (February), 294-310 -
Applying the water-energy-food nexus to the charcoal value chain
Hoffmann, Harry K. / Klas Sander / Michael Brüntrup / Stefan Sieber (2017)
published on Frontiers in Environmental Science 20 December 2017 -
Drivers and constraints for adopting sustainability standards in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Sommer, Christoph (2017)
Discussion Paper 21/2017 -
Making retail modernisation in developing countries inclusive: a development policy perspective
Altenburg, Tilman / Elmar Kulke / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa / Lisa Peterskovsky / Caroline Reeg (2016)
Discussion Paper 2/2016 -
Deep preferential trade agreements and upgrading in global value chains: the case of Vietnam
Berger, Axel / Dominique Bruhn / Andrea Bender / Julia Friesen / Katharina Kick / Felix Kullmann / Robert Roßner / Svenja Weyrauch (2016)
Studies 92 -
Female wages in the Egyptian textiles and clothing industry: low pay and discrimination
El-Haddad, Amirah (2011)
in: Economic Research Forum, Working Paper 633 -
Policies and institutions for assuring pro-poor rural development and food security through bioenergy production: case studies on bush-to-energy and Jatropha in Namibia
Brüntrup, Michael / Katharina Becker / Martina Gaebler / Raoul Herrmann / Silja Ostermann / Jan Prothmann (2016)
Studies 90 -
Industrial policy in developing countries: failing markets, weak states
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2015)
Cheltenham: Elgar -
Large-scale agro-industrial investments and rural poverty: evidence from sugarcane in Malawi
Herrmann, Raoul / Ulrike Grote (2015)
in: Journal of African Economies 24 (5), 645-676 -
Sustainability standards for palm oil: challenges for smallholder certification under the RSPO
Brandi, Clara (2015)
in: The Journal of Environment & Development 24 (3), 292-314 -
The entrepreneur makes a difference: Evidence on MSE upgrading factors from Egypt, India, and the Philippines.
Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée / Markus Loewe / Caroline Reeg (2015)
World Development 66(2), 118-130. -
Factors of success and failure of large agro-enterprises (production, processing and marketing): a pilot study; results of case studies in the fruit, maize, and palm oil sectors
Brüntrup, Michael / Tony Swetman / Mirja Michalscheck / Felix Asante (2014)
published on African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) 13 (5) -
Biokraftstoffe zwischen Sackgasse und Energiewende: sozial-ökologische und transnationale Perspektiven
Hirschl, Bernd / Kristina Dietz / Thomas Vogelpohl / Elisa Dunkelberg / Maria Backhouse / Raoul Herrmann / Michael Brüntrup (Hrsg.) (2014)
München: Oekom Verl. -
Interest groups, power relations, and the configuration of value chains: the case of biodiesel in India
Altenburg, Tilman (2011)
in: Food Policy 36 (6), 742-748 -
Bush-to-energy value chains in Namibia: institutional challenges for pro-poor rural development
Brüntrup, Michael / Raoul Herrmann (2012)
in: Meine Pieter van Dijk / Jackes Trienekens (eds.), Global value chains: linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Pr., 89-115 -
Faire Wertschöpfungsketten: sozialverträgliche Formen der Modernisierung in Sri Lankas Zimtsektor
Stephan, Christiane / Andreas Stamm (2010)
in: Karin Fischer / Christian Reiner / Cornelia Staritz (Hrsg.), Globale Güterketten: weltweite Arbeitsteilung und ungleiche Entwicklung, Wien: Promedia, 139-156 -
Donor approaches to supporting pro-poor value chains
Altenburg, Tilman (2007)
Report prepared for the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development Working Group on Linkages and Value Chains, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) -
Shaping value chains for development : symposium
Altenburg, Tilman (2006)
in: The European Journal of Development Research 18 (4), 493-621 -
Governance patterns in value chains and their development impact
Altenburg, Tilman (2006)
in: The European Journal of Development Research 18 (4), 498-521 -
Agribusiness and poverty reduction: what can be learned from the value chain approach?
Stamm, Andreas (2008)
in: Christina Stringer / Richard Le Heron (eds.), Agri-food commodity chains and globalising networks; the dynamics of economic space, Aldershot: Ashgate, 23-34 -
Strengthening value chains in Sri Lanka's agribusiness: a way to reconcile competitiveness with socially inclusive growth?
Stamm, Andreas / Christoph Jost / Constanze Kreiss / Katharina Meier / Mike Pfister / Philipp Schukat / Henning A. Speck (2006)
Studies 15
Global Shifts in a Changing World Economy
Sustainable Supply Chains in Times of Multiple Crises
Launch Event: Sustainable Global Supply Chains Report 2022
Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains
Research Frontiers on the Adoption, Impact and Effectiveness of VSS