Exploiting synergies between export promotion, climate mitigation and development. The case of renewable energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
This project examined required measures enhancing economic growth and a pathway towards renewable energy system in the MENA region. These measures include: a reform of the energy subsidy, a deregulation of the energy sector and the support of competiveness in the private sector. In order to achieve these goals, the project examined Egypt and Morocco and assessed conditions for the success as well as opportunities for the improving the effectiveness of development cooperation.
Georgeta Auktor
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
2011 - 2014
The wide availability of renewable energy resources in the MENA countries is central to several large-scale initiatives to generate clean energy in countries of the southern Mediterranean region and import some of it to Europe. To achieve such a regional energy market integration, the renewable energy sector should become a channel for technology development, private sector competitiveness and a source of employment and capacity building for the MENA countries. This is critical given that in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the MENA region is facing enormous developmental challenges, especially in terms of unemployment and private sector development. In addition, most of the MENA countries have long relied on a social contract that maintained social stability through heavy state intervention and the distribution of rents – at the expense of social equality and private sector competitiveness. To address these problems, strategies for economic growth must include innovative social policies and job creation schemes. To support a developmental pathway where renewables play a significant role, a new incentive structure (defined by a new social contract) is needed. The new social contract requires measures such as reforming the energy subsidy scheme, deregulating the energy sector and supporting competitiveness in the private sector.
The project assesses the necessary conditions for achieving these development goals and opportunities for improving the effectiveness of development cooperation, with a particular focus on the North African countries. Two main country case studies are examined, Egypt and Morocco, which offer a varied perspective on the existing challenges and opportunities for the development of the renewable energy sector with respect to energy needs, industrial structure, knowledge development, institutional aspects and political conditions.
Carbon capture, utilization and storage scenarios for the Gulf cooperation council region: a dephi-based foresight study
Al-Saleh,Yasser et al. (2012)
in: Futures 44 (1), 105-115 -
The role of research universities in creating a clean-tech industry: theory, international experience and implications for the United Arab Emirates)
Al-Saleh, Yasser / Georgeta Vidican (2012)
Massachusetts: Inst.of Technology (MIT-IPC Working Paper 11-002) -
Sustainability-oriented innovation systems: managing the green transformation
Altenburg, Tilman / Anna Pegels (2012)
in: Innovation and Development 2 (1), (Special Issue: Sustainability-oriented innovation systems in China and India) -
Building domestic capabilities in renewable energy: a case study of Egypt
Vidican, Georgeta (2012)
Studies 66 -
An empirical examination of the development of a solar innovation system in the United Arab Emirates
Vidican, Georgeta / Diana Samulewicz / Lisa McElvaney / Yasser Al-Saleh (2012)
in: Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development 16 (2), 178-188 -
Innovation dynamics within emerging solar industries in oil-rich countries: a omparative case study between KSA and UAE
Vidican, Georgeta / Yasser Al-Saleh (2012)
in: Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development, 7 (2), 144-171 -
The innovation and learning dynamics of the carbon capture, utilization and storage sector in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Varkey, Vijo / Georgeta Vidican / Yasser Al-Saleh (2012)
in: International Journal of Innovation and Learning (in press) -
Energiewende diesseits und jenseits des Mittelmeers: ein mehrdimensionales Vorhaben
Vidican, Georgeta (2012)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 30.04.2012) -
Industrial policy in developing countries: overview and lessons from seven country cases
Altenburg, Tilman (2011)
Discussion Paper 4/2011 -
The DESERTEC initiative: powering the development perspectives of Southern Mediterranean countries?
Erdle, Steffen (2010)
Discussion Paper 12/2010 -
Cost and optimal feed-in tariff for small scale photovoltaic systems in China
Rigter, Jasper / Georgeta Vidican (2010)
in: Energy Policy 38 (11), 6989-7000 -
Sustainability-oriented innovation systems: towards decoupling economic growth from environmental pressures?
Stamm, Andreas / Eva Dantas / Doris Fischer / Sunayana Ganguly / Britta Rennkamp (2009)
Discussion Paper 20/2009 -
The role of universities in innovation and sustainable development
Vidican, Georgeta (2009)
in: Carlos A. Brebbia et al. (eds.), Sustainable development and planning IV (I), 131-140 -
Measuring innovation using bibliometric techniques: the case of solar photovoltaic industry
Vidican, Georgeta et al. (2009)
Composite Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), Sloan School of Management (Working Paper 5/2009) -
Achieving inclusive competitiveness in the emerging solar energy sector in Morocco
Vidican, Georgeta / Matthias Böhning / Gina Burger / Elisa de Siqueira Regueira / Sandra Müller / Susanne Wendt (2013)
Studies 79 -
The emergence of an innovation system for the solar energy sector in Morocco
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
in: Innovation and Development (forthcoming) -
Emerging innovation systems for renewable energy in MENA: a comparative perspective on Egypt and Morocco
Vidican, Georgeta (2012)
Paper presented at the UNU-WIDER Conference on “Climate Change and Development Policy”, Helsinki, 27-28 September 2012 -
Reforming fossil-fuel subsidy regimes in the Middle East and North African countries
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 148-178 -
Energie und Wasser für die MENA-Region: Chancen in der Krise
Vidican, Georgeta / Annabelle Houdret (2014)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne, 05.05.2014) -
Renewable energy development in Egypt: the need for a new social contract
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
in: Rabia Ferroukhi / Giacomo Luciani (eds), The political economy of energy reform: the clean energy – fossil fuel balance in the Gulf, Gerlach Pr. (forthcoming)
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