EU Governance Support for Mozambique

Sven Grimm

2005 - 2006 / Abgeschlossen


The project is part of a global study on the EC’s policy and practice of support for governance and democracy, funded by the UK NGO One World Action. This country case study gives an overview of the EC activities in Mozambique related to support for governance structures since the key reforms of EC assistance, thus starting in 2000. Devolution of more decision-making to the EC’s in-country offices (“deconcentration”) was implemented in the case of Mozambique in 2003.

EC cooperation has been reformed since 2000. Since then, a number of new planning documents have been introduced, from country strategy papers, policy documents on specific sectors (often in the form of Commission communications, including one on “Governance and Development” of 2003) to an overarching EC development policy statement in November 2000, revised in December 2005. Also in 2000, the Lomé Convention was replaced by the Cotonou Partnership Agreement, which, after having been ratified in 2003, meant a change in the basic document for cooperation between the EU and ACP countries, including Mozambique.

What does the European Commission understand as support to governance? The study looks into the selection of aid focal sectors and aid modalities in the support to Mozambican governance. Research will be supported by in-country interviews with actors and stakeholders on the European Commission’s activities.