Nationale, transnationale, supranationale und multilaterale Akteure
Was sind die Ziele und Interessen verschiedener Akteure und/oder Organisationen wie der EU, der UN, der OECD sowie öffentlicher und nicht-öffentlicher Akteure? Inwieweit und unter welchen Bedingungen sind sie effektiv bei der Erreichung ihrer Ziele? Inwieweit tragen sie zu einer nachhaltigen Zukunft bei?
Baumann, Max-Otto
Bergmann, Julian
Burni, Aline
Erforth, Benedikt
Furness, Mark
Hackenesch, Christine
Janus, Heiner
Keijzer, Niels
Wehrmann, Dorothea
Weinlich, Silke
Aid and conflict at the sub-national level: evidence from World Bank and chinese development projects in Africa
Gehring, Kai / Lennart Kaplan / Melvin H.L. Wong (2019)
published on AidData Mar 8, 2019 (Working Paper 70)
The Treaty of Aachen: opportunities and challenges for Franco-German cooperation in development policy and beyond
Krüger, Laura-Theresa / Julie Vaillé (2019)
Discussion Paper 8/2019
Does private aid follow the flag? An empirical analysis of humanitarian assistance
Fuchs, Andreas / Hannes Öhler (2019)
published on AidData (AidData Working Paper 78)
Incentivising and regulating multi-actor partnerships and private-sector engagement in development cooperation
Wehrmann, Dorothea (2018)
Discussion Paper 21/2018
A mountain worth climbing: reforming the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Janus, Heiner / Silke Weinlich (2018)
Briefing Paper 20/2018
Evidence-oriented approaches in development cooperation: experiences, potential and key issues
Marschall, Paul (2018)
Discussion Paper 8/2018
Unfinished business: an appraisal of the latest UNDS reform resolution
Baumann, Max-Otto / Silke Weinlich (2018)
Briefing Paper 13/2018
Mission impossible? Country-level coordination in the UN development system
Baumann, Max-Otto (2018)
Discussion Paper 7/2018
A bridge over troubled water? The Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) and the security-development nexus in EU external policy
Bergmann, Julian (2018)
Discussion Paper 6/2018
United in diversity? Analysing behaviour expectations of the European Union as a non-state member of the OECD’s development assistance committee
Keijzer, Niels / Joren Verschaeve (2018)
published on Contemporary Politics 01 Feb 2018
When ‘unintended effects’ reveal hidden intentions: implications of ‘mutual benefit’ discourses for evaluating development cooperation
Keijzer, Niels / Erik Lundsgaarde (2017)
published on Evaluation and Program Planning 17 September 2017
Need, merit and politics in multilateral aid allocation: a district-level analysis of world bank projects in India
Nunnenkamp, Peter / Hannes Öhler / Maximiliano Sosa Andrés (2017)
in: Review of Development Economics 21 (1), 126-156
Europas Rolle in der Welt: Von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu Politik für globale nachhaltige Entwicklung?
EU-Politik für globale nachhaltige Entwicklung - ETTG
Das Entwicklungssystem der Vereinten Nationen und neue Herausforderungen
Deutsche und internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Allokationsmuster, Entscheidungsverfahren und künftige Herausforderungen für Reformen
Im Fokus
Need, merit and politics in multilateral aid allocation: a district-level analysis of world bank projects in India
Nunnenkamp, Peter / Hannes Öhler / Maximiliano Sosa Andrés (2017)
in: Review of Development Economics 21 (1), 126-156
Im Fokus
United in diversity? Analysing behaviour expectations of the European Union as a non-state member of the OECD’s development assistance committee
Keijzer, Niels / Joren Verschaeve (2018)
published on Contemporary Politics 01 Feb 2018