Externe Publikationen
When a machi arrives at the hospital: an experience of integration between indigenous and occidental medicine in Santiago de Chile
Schöfberger, IreneExterne Publikationen (2011)
published on Antrocom Online Journal of Anthropology 7/2011, Suppl. al 1, 63-67
This paper describes an experiment of integration between traditional Mapuche medicine and biomedicine in a public hospital in Santiago de Chile. It investigates how Mapuche identity claims influence the pursuit of intercultural health policies. It furthermore analyses the influence of basing health programmes on ethnicity on the social and economic situation of their recipients. The paper is based on fieldwork conducted in Santiago de Chile.Kontakt
Cornelia Hornschild
Koordinatorin Publikationen
E-Mail Cornelia.Hornschild@idos-research.de
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Alexandra Fante
Bibliothekarin/Open Access-Koordinatorin
E-Mail Alexandra.Fante@idos-research.de
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