Externe Publikationen

The role of capital markets for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) finance

Sommer, Christoph
Externe Publikationen (2024)

in: Journal of Development Studies 60 (11), 1812-1831

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2024.2377299
Open access

SMEs play a crucial role for inclusive development, but their growth is often hampered by lacking access to finance. This paper explores whether capital markets can be harnessed to foster SME finance. Given the negligible use of market-based financing by SMEs, it is analysed to what extent capital market development indirectly alleviates SMEs’ financing constraints by improving their access to loans. Thus, the study builds on the theoretical model by Song and Thakor (Citation2010), which consolidated the view that markets and banks are complementary and co-evolve. Using a modification of the analysis framework by Rajan and Zingales (Citation1998) for 68,712 firm-level observations from 50 mostly low- and middle-income countries for 2006-2019, it empirically investigates the central prediction of Song and Thakor (Citation2010) that capital market development is associated with an increase in bank lending, in particular, towards smaller and riskier firms. I find a positive and significant effect; in support of Song and Thakor (Citation2010), the effect runs through increased capital market usage by financial institutions and expanded loan availability. The findings underline that markets and banks co-evolve and that the most important contribution of capital markets to SME finance is their indirect effect on bank lending and loan availability.

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