Externe Publikationen
River Basin Authorities (RBAs) and institutional interactions
Rodriguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Ines Dombrowsky / Ariunaa LkhagvadorjExterne Publikationen (2018)
in: Jürgen Hofmann / D. Battogtokh (eds.), Kharaa-Yeröö River Basin Atlas, 2nd ed., Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, 238-244
ISBN: 978-3-942461-56-6
This chapter explains the main interactions of the Mongolian River Basin Authorities (RBAs) in a brief and illustrative way.The description of interactions mentioned below is mainly based on the 2012 Water Law and interviews conducted with different water-related organizations in Mongolia. In practice, these interactions might occur with varying intensities.
Cornelia Hornschild
Koordinatorin Publikationen
E-Mail Cornelia.Hornschild@idos-research.de
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Alexandra Fante
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