Externe Publikationen

Reforming development finance

Berensmann, Kathrin / Yabibal M. Walle / Christoph Sommer / Sabine Laudage Teles
Externe Publikationen (2024)

in: Development & Cooperation, 16.02.2024

Volltext/Full text

The Covid-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and violent conflicts as well as climate and debt crises have changed the macroeconomic environment. In this new reality of soaring interest rates, high inflation and increasing debt levels, the availability of development finance is decreasing, while the financing needs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals are increasing. Policymakers and international financial institutions have launched a number of initiatives in a search of solutions. Building on those, this article outlines (further) measures and reforms to make development finance fit for this challenging environment shaped by multiple crises.

Deutsche Übersetzung

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