Externe Publikationen
Policy Brief: Advocating for a G21
Chaturvedi, Sachin / Pamla Gopaul / Stephan Klingebiel / Klaus Leisinger / Michael Makanga / Thomas Pogge / Riatu Qibthiyyah / Jeffrey Sachs / Doris Schroeder / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Peter SingerExterne Publikationen (2023)
published on prepared-project.eu, 06.04.2023
This policy brief advocates for the inclusion of the African Union in the G20 for ethical reasons. The G20 or Group of Twenty is one of the most powerful multilateral platforms today. It plays an important role in shaping and strengthening global governance on all major international economic issues. Its key achievements include cooperation on tax transparency, increasing female participation in the workforce, enhancing food security, and reducing the debt burden on the world’s poorest countries. The G20 has one major limitation. Fortunately, this limitation – that it leaves out 96% of Africa’s population - can be easily remedied by including the African Union. There are many political, social, economic and governance reasons for adding the African Union to the G20. This values-driven policy brief argues that the African Union should be included in the G20 to promote the values of fairness, respect, care and honesty.
Cornelia Hornschild
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Alexandra Fante
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