Externe Publikationen

International Organizations under Pressure: Introduction

Dingwerth, Klaus / Antonia Witt / Ina Lehmann / Ellen Reichel / Tobias Weise.
Externe Publikationen (2019)

in: Klaus Dingwerth / Antonia Witt / Ina Lehmann / Ellen Reichel / Tobias Weise: International organizations under pressure: legitimating global governance in challenging times, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-28

ISBN: 978-0-19883-789-3

In a contribution for the Foreign Affairs magazine in 2012, outgoing World Bank president Robert Zoellick explained ‘Why we still need the World Bank’. Taking Zoellick’s contribution as our starting point, we introduce the central theme of our book: the idea that it can no longer be taken for granted that a core institution of the post-war international order is needed and that international organizations have thus come ‘under pressure’. After laying out the ways in which our study goes beyond the state of our current knowledge, further sections elaborate on major aspects of our research design, on our core findings, and on the implications these findings have for the theory and practice of international organizations. A final section previews the content of Chapters 2 to 8.

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