Externe Publikationen

Financing health systems

Loewe, Markus
Externe Publikationen (2022)

in: D+C (4/2022), 23

Volltext/Full text

One third of the world population lacks social protection against health risks, as the International Labour Organization (ILO) reports in its World Social Protection Report 2020-22. In sub-Saharan Africa, the figure is even over 80 %. The implication is that many people cannot afford to see a doctor or go to hospital. In emergencies, they have to take on unsustainable debt. Masses do not get the vitally important treatment they need. Universal health protection coverage would change matters.

Über den Autor

Weitere Expert*innen zu diesem Thema

Balasubramanian, Pooja


Brüntrup, Michael


Burchi, Francesco


Faus Onbargi, Alexia

Energie- und Klimapolitik 

Malerba, Daniele


Mchowa, Chifundo


Mudimu, George Tonderai

Agrarpolitische Ökonomie 


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