Externe Publikationen

Fair play: the recent common agricultural policy and its limited effect on development

Rudloff, Bettina / Michael Brüntrup
Externe Publikationen (2018)

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP Comment 21/2018)


Once again, we have the same old story: The negotiations on a new financial frame-work for the European Union (EU) will also influence the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Critics of the CAP are increasingly using its development policy (side) effects in the debate: European subsidies would promote poverty and food insecu-rity in developing countries through cheap European exports and destroy prospects for those populations, especially for young people in rural areas. But is this accusa-tion justified, and what implication does it have for the future CAP?

Weitere Expert*innen zu diesem Thema

Donnelly, Aiveen


Gubbini, Emily


Kornher, Lukas


Mudimu, George Tonderai

Agrarpolitische Ökonomie 

Rukundo, Emmanuel Nshakira


Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu



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