Building bridges: mass exit from Nigeria and Nigerian’s diaspora

Ndubuisi, Gideon
Externe Publikationen (2019)

published on, 7.10.2019


Currently, most Nigerian youth wants to leave the country, and as most developed countries are now formulating friendly knowledge-migrant immigration policies, skilled labors become easy targets. An article in Tekedia notes that a company in Victoria Island, Lagos, shut down a department after all the department’s staff received the Canadian immigration visas. Although what continuously makes it to the media is the mass exodus of public health workers from the country, this phenomenon is pervasive across all knowledge intensive sectors of the economy. Prime drivers of skilled labor emigration include poor standard of living, low wage, poor infrastructure and working environment, job insecurity, and insecurity of lives and properties. Whereas these factors are over emphasized, the dearth of political will to address them has led to several negative consequences such as the exodus of skilled workers.

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